Chapter 13

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Matthew POV

The next two weeks had gone by so fast. Mother and father had limited interactions between Ella and I as it might be bad luck to our marriage, according to their superstitions.

My parents' wedding had gone by smoothly, it was fun. Ella and I had shared a dance at their reception. We were sort of getting times. We were still little kids at times and annoyed each other.

After their wedding, it was a chaotic week. Everyone was preparing for our wedding. The time finally came and we said our I dos and we sealed the deal with a kiss. I could tell that Ella was very nervous about this wedding. But even if she thought that she made the wrong choice, I knew I didn't, I was marrying the lady that I was falling for. I knew love was a long shot for her but I was going to make her at least like me.

Right now we were on Ella's private jet back to New York. My family and Ella's friends were on my jet. Ella wanted to take her jet back as she had many things to catch up on at work. I had done most of my catch up before we left. I had been a lot more affectionate with her. As I would always be by her side, ask her if she wanted anything and just take care of her. I guess you could say we were at the boyfriend girlfriend stage.

"Ella, stop overworking yourself. You must sleep let's go." I said standing up and grabbing her hand and pulling her to the bedroom part of the jet.

"Buuut Matthewww!! Its just one more thing." She said pouting.

"Ella, you need to sleep." I said helping her lay on the bed. I got into the bed too.

"I'm not leaving until you fall asleep." I said covering her with he blanket. She turned over so her face was facing mine.

"Fine but you better wake me up in 1 hour before we land." I nodded and pulled her close to me. Her face was on my chest and my arms were around her waist. She struggled at first but then when I didn't budge she gave in and cuddled into my body.

"I swear to god Hazner, if you don't wake me up I will murder you." She mumbled into my chest.

"No you won't." I chuckled and kissed the top of her head. We soon fell asleep.

Ella POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. Ughh Tanya has to go back to sleep. I am trying to sleep here.

"Tanyaaaa go to sleep!"

"Tanya? Ella wake up!" I pulled the blanket over my head.

"Tanya! Go back to sleep!" There was a moment of silence. Then I felt myself be lifted off the bed.

"Ahhhhh! Tan, don't tell me you've been lifting weights and didn't even tell me." I then realized that we were on my jet. Wait then who was carrying me?

"Your husband is carrying you Ella." Shoot! I said that out loud.

Oh yeah Matthew was with me. I feel like an idiot now.

He carried me over to the seats and put me down. He sat beside me and put my belt on.

"We're landing?" I looked over at him. He was on his laptop doing something for work.

"Yes." He said bluntly. I snapped at him.

"I thought I told you to wake me up one hour before we land not one minute!" Gosh, I needed to work on the Anderson deal. My plan was to get it done on the plane, so that when we touchdown in New York I would be able to tell Ashlee to get it finalized. Now because of this asshole my whole plan is ruined.

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