Chapter 6

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Ella POV

I got home after Matthew dropped me off. Oh man, why did I just do. I was planning on getting away from him and now I think my actions brought him closer.

I went to my penthouse and opened the door. I walked in and the phone rang.


"Ella darling! How are you doing?" It was a lady and I didn't even know her. But the sympathy in her voice tells me that she is reffering to daddy.

"Hi, I'm terribly sorry but may I ask whom I am speaking with?"

"Oh yes my apologies, I'm Cheryl. We know you father Charles Westworth. We actually used to be very close when you were a child Ella. That was when we lived close. Now that you're in New York and we're in Indiana, it's very hard to maintain the same relationship."

"Ah yes. I do not remember how you look but I do remember my dad talking about you guys all the time."

"Yes dear, we heard about your father. We're very sorry. But now good news for you is that your always welcome to come to us or call us if you ever need anything. Don't be reluctant, just think of us as family." My eyes were tearing up, how can someone be so genuinely nice, it's hard to believe that she even called me in the first place.

"Thank you so much. I appreciate this."

"I'm not done just yet haha. My husband and I are celebrating our 50th anniversary in 6 months."

"Oh my, congratulations!!" I find that so cute. The fact that theyve been together, and in love for the past 50 years is so determining.

"Oh thank you hun. My children are planning a vow renewal ceremony in Greece. I wanted to ask you if you could join us in Greece in August?" I didn't know what to say, wouldnt it be kind of awkward. Legit I met this woman 5 minutes ago and not to mention the fact that I didn't even meet her. And why was she inviting me 6 months early? Oh maybe she thought I could clear my schedule ahead of time so there would be no reason to make a work excuse of not going.

"Oh I don't think-"

"Oh come on hun, do it for you father, I'm sure he would've loved for you to attend." Ughh please don't tell me she just played the guilt card on me.

"I guess I could-"

"GOOD! I will email your assistant the details. I can't wait to see you!" Okay, so I've been invited to the anniversary of a woman that I've only seen when I was young. I don't even remember how she looked.

I got showered and dressed. It was Sunday today so I didn't have to go to work. I just wore a big T-shirt and was basically lounging all day while doing work. I decided to wear my glasses, because contacts we so annoying. Oh yeah by the way guys I'm a geek, I wear glasses. Haha, I wear them but only at home. Time now was 10:00 a.m.

The time now was 12:00 p.m. I went into the kitchen and decided to make a sandwich for lunch. Okay moment of truth people, I do not know how to cook. It's one of the many flaws I have. I walked over to the fridge to get some veggies when I heard knock on the door. I got the veggies out and put them on the kitchen counter.

I walked over to the door and opened it. There he was, dressed differently than usual. He was wearing a black v-neck shirt, blue jeans, with a plaid flannel that was red. And he topped it off with some boots. He looked something.

Try amazing beautiful, gorgeous, hot, sexy- okay! I get it. I hate my conscience. But no I don't like him that way no, ew, not possible. Wait on another note.... Why was he here?

Matthew POV

This morning when I woke up, I started thinking, how amazing would it be if she was her with me, in my arms, sleeping. I would get to see her in the morning when she's not trying to look good. Naturally.

Wait what, no. We're only business-ly related. Nothing more nothing less. But that does remind me. I need to get all the sexual tension out. I need to go find me a girl. Take her out to dinner and then take her to a hotel. Maybe releasing my tension will make me forget her.

I got dressed and headed downstairs where my car was waiting.

"Thanks Henry."

I got in and then I saw a pair of shoes. Ella. She must've forgotten them here this morning. Oh god. What do I do now?

Here's an idea dumbass. Why don't you go over to her house and give them to her. Mind blown yet?

I roll my eyes. Then I start my car and drive over. I was now waiting in front of her door. I knocked, now I'm just waiting for her to open the door. As if on cue, she opened it and can we just take a little moment of silence. She looked absolutely adorable with that baggy T-shirt and with her long hair in a ponytail and no way. She wore glasses. I find that so hot. Wait no I don't.

"What are you doing here?" She asks while straightening up her posture. I held up the shoes.

"You forgot this, this morning." She looked at the shoes then looked back at me with a pleased smile.

"Oh, I was wondering where my shoes went. But you don't have to do the trouble, and bring them here." She smiled.

"It's alright, I don't mind, um now that I'm here I wanted to ask if you'd like to go out with me. Like on a date, right now?"

She looked at me and then looked inside.

"Gimme 20 minutes." She shut the door and went back inside. I don't know if I should be mad about her not inviting me inside or be happy that she agreed to go out with me. I grinned, I guess I can cancel tonights plans.

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