Chapter 9

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Ella POV

I can't believe she just said that I had to marry him, that made zero sense. Why would I marry an arrogant bastard like him. I'd rather die alone.

"Excuse me but I think you're mistaken, I will not marry someone I cannot stand." I turned around. "I'm leaving." Cheryl stopped me.

"Ella dear come with us. We have to show you something, then you can make your decision. But please just come with us right now." She referred to us as her and Henry.

She came to me and and grabbed my wrist and guided me into a room. She went a desk and opened one of the drawers. She grabbed something out of it. It seemed to be a letter. She walked towards me and handed me the letter.

"Ella, this is a letter that was delivered to us after your father died. It was on his will and his lawyer sent it to us." Henry came up to me and gave me a warm hug and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Ella, your father and I were the best of friends, it's distance got to us and we slowly began talking once in a while. I trust you to make the right decision. Now read this alone and come meet us outside to tell us your decision." I nod and open the letter.

Dear Henry and Cheryl,

By the time you read this letter it would have meant that I am dead or in danger. I hope you haven't forgotten our promise to each other.

I leave my Ella in your hands, please take good care of her. I just have one small request. In my years of business I have gotten to know your son, Matthew. He is a very charming young man. My request is that you convince Ella in some way to marry Matthew. If I know Ella she will explode but just show her this letter and make her read all of it.

*Ella, baby girl I love you so much, please for my sake get married to Matthew this way I'll know you'll be in safe hands when I'm gone.*

I hope you can fulfill my request. Thank you for everything.

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