Chapter 16

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Ella POV

I am in utter shock. Was my instinct correct. But how could this be? Alex was killed. Well, now that I think about it, I didn't see a body. They said that the faces were unrecognizable due to the massive explosion.

"Ella, it's me. Alex." Then he walked up to me and hugged me really tight. "I missed you so much Ella."

I pulled away. And took a step back. "W-what a-are you d-doing?" I wiped a stray tear from my cheek. "Y-you're n-not A-alex.." I took a deep breath in. "A-alex is d-dead." He stepped towards me and cupped my face.

"Ella, it's really me. Alex." He said. His eyes were filled with hope. Hope that I'd believe him hope that I would say something. I put my hand over his and brushed them off my face.

"But they told us you were killed." I looked down.

"No Ella, allow me to explain. Tonight. Please come over and I will tell you everything." I looked up to his face. I nodded. I then hugged him very tightly, "Alex I missed you too." I can't believe, my best friend, my Alex is....alive. How was that even possible. I pulled away from the hug. I turned to face the rest of the men in the room.

"I am terribly sorry for this inconvenience, however please excuse me." With that I walked out of the room. I rushed to get into my office and shut the door. I sat on my chair and took the tips of my fingers and started to rub my temples and closed my eyes. I realized that I was crying as well when the papers in front of me had little wet drops.

I can't take all this in. I had so many emotions; all attacking me at the same time. I'm angry that he wasn't here when I needed him but I'm very happy that he's back in general.

You may be thinking that I was the happiest person in the world right now, well you're wrong. I am happy but the happiest would be Tanya.

Oh my god! Tanya will be so happy to hear this. Obviously she won't believe me but she will once she sees him. Truthfully if anyone was grieving more than I was about Alex's so-called death, it was Tanya. Tanya and Alex always had a thing. Everyone of us, Michael, Blair, Blake and I, we all knew. But I guess they never knew that they both liked each other. They would always openly flirt and talk as if they were dating but their relationship didn't have an actual title. When we found out about his death I couldn't take it in and Tanya was very depressed. And the others were feeling the same way. Oh my god, I can't wait to bring Tanya and the others to dinner tonight.

Oh lord, I could feel a headache coming on. This was bad. For those of you that don't know this, when I have a headache, things are really mad. Think of it this way, a headache is the equivalent of a girl PMSing at that time of the month.

All of a sudden I felt a man's hands go over mine and started to massage my temples. This felt so good. I could feel my headache stop aching. That's a first. Suddenly the hands stopped and I opened my eyes. Why did he stop?! I turned around to yell at the person, but I stopped myself when I saw those beautiful eyes. The eyes that were filled with hurt, anger, and sympathy. All because of me. Matthew.

He kneeled down on the floor in front of my chair and took my hands in his and gently held and while his thumb was caressing my knuckles. Please don't let go. I knew he was mad at me.

He looked at me and softly said, "Dolcezza, are you okay?" What the fuck is dolcezza? Then I thought back to what my dad called me before he passed. Dolcezza, sweetheart. Wait he just called me sweetheart. He likes me!! Oh my god, now I feel horrible for the way I treated him. Now I have to make it up to him somehow.

I nodded. He brought his free hand up and wiped my tears. He was about to say something but I cut him off.

"Look, I know we're not on the best terms right now but I want you to come with me to Alex's house tonight." I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Who said I wasn't coming?" He said while smirking. Oh god I just added on to his country-sized ego. Great. He stood up and stood me up as well. Then he interlocked out hand together and guided me out of my office and back to the conference room.

This is why I like Matthew, he doesn't have to say anything. Even though he says a lot but like I said before, the little things he does for me make me go red as a tomato. He is genuinely caring and so kind. But too bad only I, apart from his family and people who knew him, knew that side of him. The world just saw him as a very powerful business man who gets anything and everything. Well guess what world, that's not how it works.


Hey guys!! I'm so sorry for the very late update, I promise a Matthew POV tomorrow!

Yeah I have school and it's hard but I'm coping.

Please guys I encourage you to comment.
-correct me on my grammer
-correct me on my spelling
-tell me what you like
-tell me what you don't like
-give me ideas

you guys :)

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