His men stayed close and some of them followed the other car. He started walking towards his car when he grabbed his head and started screaming in pain. And I knew exactly what was happening in that moment.

I remember the panic that rushed through me. Ezra was a pure blood it would be hard to contain him if he lost his mind like the others.

My legs moved on their own and I was behind him in seconds, shoving him to the side.

His eyes were red with hunger and his men had backed away from him.

He looked at me and smirked and then charged right at me. He was strong and almost knocked me off my feet. But I managed to push him against the car. We threw punches and kicks and everything we could.

My brother was out of the building by that time. The next second he was standing behind Ezra and I saw his hand shoot through Ezra's chest and pull his heart out. Why didn't I think of that earlier?

"It'll grow back" Donovan said as he dropped the heart on the ground and walked towards the car.

"Bring him" I said to one of our men.

They picked up Ezra's body and put him into the car.

Ezra had been with us since then. We've been trying to figure out how that attack actually happened. In an establishment surrounded by vampires someone would have heard something at least.

I called in a witch to acess the bullet we pulled from Ezra. He was a pure blood, obviously he survived that . Regular vampires weren't that lucky.

The witch told me the bullet was hexed and it made a vampire hungrier and rabid and loose their train of thought and all that kind of crazy shit that I didn't want to hear.

Not long after Sicily other incidents started coming up. Huntley had to put down some vamps in the streets to prove their alliance and protection to the humans.

Gervase. My kingdom. We shut everything down. No one was allowed to enter or leave. We had five incidents up until then and I didn't want to have to put down anymore of my own people.

The latest incident came out of Kallihan this morning. Rumours of Ezra's sister Sage being attacked. That news itself shook us all.

I hadn't met her yet. Not even during the war. The fact that someone would go after a pure blood was a concern to all of us.

I didn't know if Ezra knew about this yet.

"Have you called your sister?" I said looking back at Ezra who was now leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed.

"No. Why?" I could hear the curiosity in his voice. He clearly didn't know.

"There are rumours of an incident in Kallihan this morning..." I said rounding the table and sitting down on my chair.

"Where?" His voice was firm but still held curiosity . He was the Ruler of the place after all. He should be...

"I don't know there are rumours..."

"Sage is there. She'll take care of it" he cut me off. He was so confident about his sister.

Then he leaned back in his chair. I had to tell him.

"There are rumours" i began in a loud tone, telling him to pay attention to me. His eyes shot back to me. "Sage was attacked" I spat out.

His expression went from pure shock to concern to raging anger in seconds.

"You're telling me this now." His voice was low and threatening. His fists clenched. "My sister was attacked and you tell me now!" He practical yelled.

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