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Hello my dearest fuckers! So I am going to apologize about this huge ass time skip. This dumb bitch has ran out of ideas and I can't stall cause I have a schedule to follow. Even though I suck at following them. But that's besides the point. Hope you guys enjoy it!:) I also mention Shane Dawson in this. I did it before he was cancelled and I didn't realize I had kept it in there until now. I'm sorry and I will try and fix that soon.

Evelynn's POV June 1st, 2020 8:35AM LA, California

"This testing day is going to be the death of me!" Kaylynn exclaimed while pulling at her hair. We all agreed. The teachers thought it would be amazing to put all of our testing on the same day. We all walked to our classrooms where we will be starting our testing day.

*Time Skip To The End Of The Day*

I slumped into the car, my brain fried. Why did my teachers like to tourture kids? The boys didn't say anything knowing I probably wouldn't answer. I flopped onto the couch in the lounge and tried to take a nap. I felt someone lift me up and they laid me on their chest. I cuddled up on them and fell asleep.

*Daniel's POV*

She fell asleep not even acknowledging me. We were going to let her sleep because the school was giving the students the day off tomorrow because of the testing. I turned on the TV while the boys went to go do whatever they were doing before we picked up Ev. I switched on Disney channel. They were playing The Parent Trap. I sat and watched it with Evelynn sleeping on me. Soon enough I fell asleep.

*Evelynn's POV*

I woke up to the sound of awwing and cameras. I looked up and saw the boys taking pictures of Dani and I. I whined and turned around the best I could without waking Dani up.

"Oh no you don't. We are eating dinner. Come on." Corbyn said while shaking both of us.

"It's supper you idiotic uncultured swine." I mumbled into Dani. I heard and felt Dani laugh.

"I love how that is the first thing I hear." We got up anyway and ate supper. We had leftover pizza from the night before. After, I went up to take a shower. I got back in bed and went back to sleep.

*Time Skip Back To School*

I walked to lunch with Lucas and Leo. Everyone else was already outside eating. I grabbed some water and sat down. I never eat lunch because I always feel shitty after. I eat like a pig when I get home though. That makes it better right? Yeah. I think so.

"Ok so tell me if I'm wrong but are Madison and Nicole sewn together or something? I have never seen them apart." Gage commented. We all laughed. Olivia and Nicole have easily become one of the most hated people at school after Nicole almost said the f slur. It was also proved they have said the n slur also. I don't know how people say that stuff if it doesn't apply to you. We continued chatting until lunch was over.

*Time Skip To Saturday*

I ran around the house making sure I had everything before I had to go to the studio to get on the bus. I had my first competition in almost a year and I was nervous as hell. I had a solo today and I was so not ready. I finally got everything and Jonah helped me put my stuff into the car. We drove off and he dropped me off. They were going to be at the competition later. We had to be there extra early for the minis. I stood by some of my teammates. We talked about what we need to focus most in the group. We were doing Seize The Day from the Newsies. I know I know basic song choice. Who the fuck cares? We have more boys than girls on our team. Let's not forget to mention that they are utterly amazing at lifts. The dance consisted of a lot of those.

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