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Hey Fuckers! This has a lot of mentions of Christmas so if you are someone who doesn't celebrate it and would not like to hear about it because talking about different religions holidays is not something you like, go right ahead and skip the part for today. I will write another author's note at the beginning of the next part filling ya in on the important stuff. I don't want you to be confused because you skipped a part. It's not a big deal if you skip this part. Whatever you guys are comfortable with. I know that one of my friends who happen to Muslim doesn't like to talk a lot about Christmas. I want to respect the fact that there are people who don't follow the same religion as I do. I really don't want to shove it down other people's throats. If that ever feels that way please tell me and I will edit it out and fix it.:)

Evelynn's POV December 20th, 2019 7:15AM LA, California

"Evelynn! Wake up! This is the fourth time!" Corbyn yelled while ripping my blankets off.

"I don't need to go to school. It's a half day." I mumbled into my pillow.

"You don't have the half day. The choir has the concert tonight since it got cancelled last week. You have the dress rehearsal. You have to wear your concert attire there." Corbyn grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my bed. I gave him a glare before grabbing my stuff and went into my bathroom.

I didn't bother with makeup except some concealer so I don't look like a ghost

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I didn't bother with makeup except some concealer so I don't look like a ghost. I packed my backpack and dance bag. Today was the last of classes for both places until January 8th. (That is how long my break was so I am just going from there)

*Time Skip*

"Ok so today the way this whole day is going to be broken up is that each class is twenty minutes. I don't know what other classes are doing but you guys can just go on your phones until class is over." Mr. Davis announced while walking to his desk. Everyone cheered. We all went on our phones and talked to each other.

"What is everyone doing for Christmas and during break?" Calem asked us.

"Well I am going down to Georgia tomorrow to go see the family. I get back on the 27th and then I am just chilling pretty much. I may go skateboarding." Sam said.

"Well everyone's family is going out to dinner on the 24th and spending Christmas at the house. After that, the boys except Jack are going with their families to their hometown. I am either staying with Mia and her new family down in Brooklyn, or with Kiera or Jack and his family. We are not completely sure about it yet." We asked Calem what he was doing.

"Going back to the Netherlands to see the rest of the family and I won't be back until the 14th. I am not sure what I am going to do but this year my favourite cousins, Lotte and Levi are going to be there."

"Ok I'm sorry but I find it so funny that you have a Scottish name yet I don't remember you having a single ounce of Scottish in you." Sammy said while chuckling.

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