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Jack's POV 4:45PM                                                                                                                 Brooklyn, New York

"Ok guys let's get our stuff and head out. Our flight leaves in one hour so let's go and maybe we can stop to get a drink and snack." Jonah said.

"Yes mom!" Corbyn saluted at Jonah. Jonah just rolled his eyes and laughed. We all got out of the car and stretched out our legs before we grabbed our stuff. Zach was wide awake while Evelynn was still groggy and tired. Jonah seemed to notice that.

Evelynn's POV

I was still so tired even after that nap. My sleep schedule is catching up on me and it's not pretty. Jonah came over to me.

"Hey sugar, you ok? You don't look like you're too awake right now." Jonah chuckled. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm just tired that's all." I smiled up at him. He nodded his head and motioned Corbyn to come over. Next thing I knew my bags were taken out of my hands and I was Jonah's hip.

"You know I can take my own stuff and walk right?" I chuckled. Jonah nodded.

"You aren't fooling me sugar, you're super tired. Now, when did you go to sleep last night?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me. There was no way I could lie to him.

"About 7:45 this morning." I mumbled hoping he didn't hear me. Just my luck, he did.

"That's not healthy Evelynn." Jonah said sternly. I never knew I could be so scared of a firm voice before. I just nodded.

"I know but my thoughts get the best of me. So does music. I was just choreographing dances while listening to the music. And before you call me crazy and think I have insomnia, I don't. I've already been tested for that." I mumbled the last sentence under my breath. Jonah laughed and shook his head. He began walking into the airport. I yawned and rested my head on his shoulder. He looked down at me and chuckled.

"I'm just a little tired. Not a big deal." Jonah mocked. I stuck my tongue out at him. Jonah just rolled his eyes at me. When we walked inside, we went over to a Starbucks.

"What do you want Ev?" Jack asked me.

"Can I have an iced latte please?" I asked. Jonah shook his head.

"Nope. You are not having coffee. We are going to try to repair that effed up sleep schedule of yours. Not to make it worse but nice try." Jonah said while smirking at me. I groaned.

"Can I have a mango dragon fruit thing please?" I asked. Jonah nodded his head.

"Do you want anything to eat hun?" Corbyn asked. I shook my head no.

"What have you eaten today?" Jonah asked.

"I had yogurt and 2 oranges today." I lied. I haven't eaten anything but I think I'm in enough trouble with this whole sleep thing so I think I will pass on getting in trouble with the eating thing. Jonah nodded his head.

"Ok but when we get home just try to eat something ok?" I nodded my head. It's not like I starve myself. Believe me, I eat A LOT. Sometimes I think I eat more than Niall Horan at Nando's. And that's saying something. I just wasn't feeling that hungry. I think it was just from the excitement from today. Or just the fact that I am so tired it's not even funny. I think it's both honestly.

When they called our drinks we went and grabbed them and headed to the security thingy. Jonah let me down and I grabbed my bags and went through it. When we were done we went and sat down to wait for our plane to be called. I sat next to Corbyn and Jack

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