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Hello my favourite fuckers! Now as you may know, I explained that there was a bunch of Christmas shit going on so some of you guys may have skipped that part. Here is all of the important info that happened. Mia got adopted and now lives in Manhattan. Both of her mothers' names are Nina and Oonagh. Nina is a professional photographer. Evelynn spent about a week with Mia and her family after Christmas. That's really it to be honest. So enjoy this part!:)

Evelynn's POV January 21st, 2020 8:35AM LA, California

I walked to english with Sammy. Calem was out sick.

"Did you finish the essay? It's due today." Sammy asked me. I stopped dead in my tracks. I haven't even started it.

"I thought it was due next week!"

"Davis changed it. A lot of people were getting it done super quickly." I groaned.

"I haven't even started it yet!"

"You're fucked." I slapped her arm. I can tell today is going to be a bad day. We both walked into the classroom. I saw Mr. Davis collecting all of the essays from the students. My stomach dropped. I sat down at my desk and tried not to make myself too noticed. I got the perfect idea. I got out my phone and texted Calem.

Bold= Calem Regular= Evelynn

Me: Hey Cal, today we have to turn in our essays and I totally haven't started it. Can I say I left it at your house because we were working on it and our parents won't let me stop by to get it so I don't spread the germs? Please?

Cal: Yeah sure. I haven't even started it lol. I will be more than willing to cover. See soon bitch.

Me: Thank you so much. See you soon whore

*End Of Text Conversation*

I looked up and felt a little better. I can tell today is going to be a shitty day. Mr. Davis came over to me.

"Evelynn may I have your essay please?"

"About that. I got it done. As you know, Calem and I had the same subject. I went by his house to work on it and finish it up yesterday. As you see, he is not here. He is out sick. Our parents didn't want me to stop by and get it so I don't spread germs here and what is on my paper. If you give me tonight I can rewrite the entire thing." I quickly came up with a lie. Mr. Davis nodded his head.

"Ok. Thank you for at least getting it done. If I was in your parents shoes, I would have done the same thing. In by tomorrow?" I nodded my head. He smiled and left. (How to convince your teacher 101. I did the same thing before Corona struck in my area. I got full credit with two bonus points.)

"How the hell did you do that?" Sam asked, astonished.

"I don't know to be honest. We stan that though." We laughed.

*Time Skip To Gym*

I think I'm a psychic. Today has been a shitty day. We had a sub in history and she was just an old bitchy bat. In math, I got called on while thinking about something else, and in choir, I sang the wrong verse in one of our songs and everyone wouldn't stop staring and laughing. I had enough of it already. Just five more classes and I can go home. I changed and went out onto the track. Everyone was stretching to warm up. Soon enough Ms. Kennedy came out.

"Ok so today will be a free day. One lap around the track and the rest of the period is yours. You have to be doing something athletic." We all ran our lap and went off to do our own thing. Lucas and Leo went to go play soccer (football). I didn't really fancy it so I just did some tumbling on the softest part of the turf where nobody was playing. I needed to get better at it. In a hip hop dance we are doing, we have quite a bit of tumbling. We aren't going to compete with that one but it was still important.

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