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Evelynn's POV October 17th, 2019

6:30AM LA, California

I turned my alarm off and went to go take a shower. 

I went downstairs and grabbed an apple and orange

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I went downstairs and grabbed an apple and orange. I filled my water bottle up and packed my lunch. I wrote on a postit note to remind the boys they have to pick me up after school and that my bags were already in the trunk of the SUV. I went outside and waited for Ali like I do every morning. Ali drives Leo, Sammy, Kiera, and I to school every morning and drops us off home almost everyday.

"Morning Ali." I said as I got into the car.

"Morning Ev." We all talked on the way to school. We followed Ali to his room and hung out and waited for everyone else and for school to start.

*Time Skip to the end of the day*

I walked out of the school doors looking for the SUV. I quickly found it considering it was the only car with five singing guys. I walked over to the car and we drove to the airport.

At the airport we stopped at Starbucks to grab a snack and drink before we got onto the plane.

After we waited about forty five minutes, our plane got called. I sat next to Bean and Jj on the plane. Bean and I talked to Christina and watched movies while Jack was doing his own thing. I think he was talking to Syd and Ava.

When we finally got off the plane, we went to the hotel the company that is holding the event was providing for us. They gave us three rooms so we were all splitting up. I was sharing with Corbyn and Jo and Dani were sharing and then it was Jack and Zach in the last room. Who decided to put those two in a room together? Who the hell knows. We all went to our rooms to unpack. We went to a local diner to get a quick supper because it was already 3:00 am there. We were traveling like all day. We went to bed right after that to make sure we could get used to time zones.

*Time Skip to morning*

"Come on Ev, we gotta go to rehearsal. Remember that Mia is meeting you there. You guys are going out and hanging out in the city. Also, don't forget that your curfew is 10:00 tonight." Corbyn said, shaking me awake. I got up and took a shower while Corbyn went to go wake up the other boys. 


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