S: Will do, love you too mom see you when you get home.

*End of Conversation*

I start on my ever so lovely walk home. It is quite a walk. About 45 minutes to an hour just for walking. I don't have my wallet on my so its not like I can take the bus. I mean hey maybe ill get to know some nice places around town.

As I'm walking the warm Florida air beats into my hoodie causing me to sweat. I see a bus stop and decide to sit down for a few minutes and drink some of my water. As I sit I see a coffee shop across from me and sitting in one of the window seats is Mr. Hemmings. He looks out the window and we make eye contact. I just smile and wave, but he looks concerned and worried. I watch as he get up with his coffee and walks out the café, across the street and over to me. "Sarah, love what are you doing here love school ended 20 minutes ago." He says taking a seat next to me. I shrug. "My mom got held up at her job so I had to walk home. It started getting hot so I took a seat." I say truthfully. He sighs. "Honey its too hot for you to be walking alone. Do you want a ride home?" He asks. I stare at him. I don't trust people I just met especially not men. "I understand if its a weird and on the spot question but it is really hot and I wouldn't want something bad to happen to you." He says. I mean he seems like a trust worthy guy and I don't think he'd want to lose his job so maybe I can trust him? I sigh. "I would like a ride I guess." I say. He nods and we head over to his car and get in.

The whole car ride was filled with Mr. Hemmings telling me more about himself. He was telling me how he was born and raised in Australia but then him and his older brother moved to the states to pursue their dreams. Mr. Hemmings wanted to be a school teacher but got an added bonus as a guidance councilor and his older brother and his 'mates' came to the states to study medicine and become doctors.

We arrive at my house and I thank Mr. Hemmings for the ride. He smiles and tells me to don't be afraid to ask if I need anything even a ride. I smiles and go upstairs into my house as he drives away. I lock the front door and set my bag on the couch and take my phone out. I go on Snapchat and add Katie and John. They added me back and Katie made a group chat.

[ K- Katie J- John S- Sarah]

K- Sarah you remembered!! Took you so long I thought you forgot about us already!

S- Sorry had to walk home today. Luckily Mr. Hemmings ran into me and gave me a ride home.

K- OMG Mr. Hemmings gave you a ride home!!!! Lucky!!!!

S- You seem oddly excited about that. Why?

J- Its because ever since we started Highschool she's had a major crush on him.

S- Oh. well I have to go I have homework that needs to be done. Ill talk to you guys later.

K- Kay toodles!

J- See ya!

*End of Conversation*

I take my bag and head upstairs tp my room. I put my phone on the charger and sat at my desk getting my homework out. I started doing my work when I heard the front door open followed by the sounds of my mom. "Sarah are you home?" She calls. "Yah mom I'm in my room!" I yell back. I hear foot steps leading to my bedroom door followed by my mom opening my door. "Did they really give you work on your first day?" She asked as she was sitting on my bed next to me. "Yeah it's not a lot like my old school I only have three sheets to do then I'm done." I told her while putting my focus back to my work. I knew she wanted to talk about something or else she wouldn't be in here. "Sarah baby I'm sorry about this morning I was in a rush to get to work." She told me calmly. I wasn't mad I can never stay mad at my mom. "It's fine." I said and she nodded and rubbed my shoulder. "Ill start dinner now it should hopefully be done soon." I nodded my head while she closes my door. After I finished my homework I sat back in my chair sighing. I sat up and looked at the time on my computer. 5:43 p.m. the clock read. I have been doing homework for about an hour geez.

I went down stairs to my mother who was setting the table. "Mmm whatever your making smells delightful." I told her while taking a seat. "Thank you. And I'm making baked chicken and mashed potatoes." She said as she smiled to me knowing that was my favorite meal. Meaning something is up. She took the chicken out and started plating and gave me my food along with a glass of milk. I do love my milk. While we were eating I notice her sighing and I looked at her. "Ok mom what's up?" I asked completely confused at this point. "Well Sarah sweetie you know the reason we moved here right?" I nodded cause my mouth was to full to speak until I washed it down with some milk. "Yeah cause of your job change and cause of dad." I spoke seeing her nod. "Well that's not the only reasons. You see Sarah I thought after your father and I divorced over four years ago I thought it'll be nice for you to have a father figure in your life again. So I have been online dating for a year and a half now." Her word literally made me choke. A year and a half! I wasn't ready for a father figure in my life I didn't want one. I don't need one. "Why? Its not like I need one. Its not like WE need one." I asked looking at her. "Cause I need to get back out there you need that father figure to help you and support you." She told me. I was very pissed at this point but I thought about my mom and her happiness since she has been there for me so I guess I can be there and support her. "What's his name?" She looked at me and smiled. "His name is Chris. You'll love him he is super funny and kind." I just nodded and finished my food. As I was heading back upstairs before I reached the top step my mom stopped me. "And Sarah you are meeting him tomorrow. He will pick you up from school and take you out for an hour then bring you home." She spoke slowly but I was very pissed at what she said. "So I'm supposed to trust some random guy?" I asked clearly pissed. She sighed. "Sarah he wont hurt you I have an appointment tomorrow and I don't want you to walk home again so he offered and it was nice of him to offer so be grateful and respectful tomorrow please. And plus it'll be great bonding time. Please give it some time." I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "Fine only for you." I told her and went upstairs and got ready for bed and slept.

Dusk till DawnМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя