Chapter 17 - Evening Time

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Once home they walk out of the garage onto the pool deck where they find Smurf, Pope and Catherine sitting on the side of the pool, Catherine and Smurf both dangling their bare feet into the cool water. The pool lights casting odd shadows across the glittering water. The fairy lights around the pool deck are flickering. It's like their own personal garden oasis. Catherine is smiling.

"My mom called me, said they had run down towards Mexico and the people they had ridden with left them stuck down there with no phone and no money, they should be home tomorrow. I'm so glad they are ok. And I freaked out over nothing." Catherine says excitedly. Baz taking in the glances between Smurf and Pope is sure that is not the whole story, but now was not the time. It was however the time to shine a spotlight that Smurf would not be pleased with, he smiles slyly to himself.

"So we got our car. Julia's fucking amazing!" Baz says sitting down next to Smurf on the pool deck.

"Baz language, what's so amazing about her, this time." Smurf says casually.

"Well we were driving around looking for the car, when she spots this valet parking the perfect car, she jumps out, tells me to go pull up and walk in the place like I was going to dinner. I did and while he was parking my car, she boosted the keys and suddenly I realized I had my dates confused and overtipped the pimply kid working the valet and ran around the corner and got my own car. It was genius. Take a bow, Jules." Baz says smiling up at her. Julia smiles bashfully. Does a childish curtsy and turns to leave.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, I just thought about what you said today Smurf. We got to do things to protect ourselves. Well all that excitement I'm exhausted, I'm going to bed. I have a test tomorrow and I still have a paper to write for Ms. Corwell. Baz you gonna do yours?" Julia picks her backpack back up and heads to her room.

After she leaves, Baz looks at Catherine who is happily swinging her legs in the water.

"Well I'm glad they are coming home, Cath. And now that Julia mentions it I probably should go do that paper if I even want a chance at passing. Night Smurf, Night Pope." Baz says standing and heading off towards his room.

As he passes the kitchen he can hear the music coming from Julia's room, he considers heading in that direction, then reconsiders and heads to his own room. Once in his room he finds his bookbag, digs out a notebook and begins work on his homework.

The loud sounds of Korn's Freak on a Leash are coming through the closed door to his sister's room. Craig stands outside her door for a moment, lightly knocking.

"Julia?" No response, he turns the knob and slowly opens the door to find his sister facing away from the door, dancing around wildly, wearing only a crop top and her panties. In her hand she has a large wad of cash. Craig, steps into the room, closing the door quietly behind him as she catches him.

"Craig, what the fuck? What are you doing?" Julia says louder than normal but not so loud to attract attention. She quickly shoved the cash in her bookbag, that is sitting on the dresser in front of her.

He smiles flopping onto her bed grabbing a fluffy bear under his arm. Julia reaches for her remote and turns her music down to a level where they are able to talk without screaming.

"Well I just destroyed Deran on Super Soldier 7. And since I heard you were up I decided to stop in and see if you wanted to celebrate my victory a little?" Craig gives her that sly Craig smile.

"Wow looks who is offering to share with me, you feeling alright there bro?" Julia says, putting her hand on his forehead as she steps around the bed and pulls on a pair of pajama pants.

"Well I also figured if anyone knew what the hell was going on around here it would be you. Shits been like weird today, I don't know if it's just today. Or this job? Or having that girl hanging around, but it's just weird. So tell me Jules what's up." Craig sits up, tossing the bear onto the floor, pulling a baggie out of his pocket.

"Pass me that mirror, i don't have much but I'll share if you tell me what you know. Everyone else thinks Deran and I are just kids and we work just as hard as the rest of you. It's not right." Craig says seriously taking the mirror that Julia hands him.

"They usually tell you more, you know how Smurf feels about me. Oh my god that's not worth sharing." She starts digging in her bag.

"But I do know a few things, but you gotta keep this one a secret, for real. Baz will kill me, but since you saw the cash. So we went out tonight and got the car for the job, and for real Craig. You can't tell anyone even Deran." She pauses, he nods. She pulls her hands out of her bookbag, revealing their bounty.

"Ten grand and all this blow, I promised Baz I wouldn't let you at it until after the job, but just cut us both a decent one and I'm putting it away. And remember you know nothing about it, or the money. And we aren't telling Smurf, I'll talk to Baz about at least cutting you and Deran in on a few extra bucks, but Smurf can't know at all." She sits down next to him, handing him the bag. He fixes them a decent line, handing her the bag back. She hands him a hundred dollar bill as she stashes the bag away. Craig has expertly rolled the bill and offers it to her. She quickly sniffs her line hands Craig the mirror. Then pulls a book out of her bag, she smiles at Craig as he sets the mirror on her desk. As he goes to hand her the bill back, she waves him off.

"Keep it, take Deran out for burgers or some shit tomorrow, you've been being a dick about that fucking game, but don't fucking tell him where the money came from. And as far as other shit going on, I don't know Smurf's up to something and this whole Cath thing. Something is weird there too, now go I got homework. And thanks, for being you Craig, don't ever let anyone change you." Julia says, Craig sees a glimmer of honesty in her eyes that he has never seen in his sister before. But just as fast as he sees it he forgets he saw it. Craig lies back on the bed.

"Jules, I'm just going to chill here for a few, I'll be quiet, I'm just gonna chill. Ok?" Craig says dreamily. Julia picks the bear up tosses it at him.

"Ok, but scoot over I gotta get this done, don't you have homework to do yourself?" Julia says climbing onto her bed and settling in with a notebook and several other books. She opens her notebook and is quickly putting the final touches on her paper. When she looks at the clock, it's been over an hour. Craig is making soft snoring noises and cuddling her stuffed animal. He looks so sweet sleeping. She puts away her homework, pulls a blanket over Craig before grabbing her backpack and phone and walking down the hall to Craig's room. Glancing out at the pool as she passes one of the many sliding doors that line the house all leading to the pool she sees Pope and Smurf sitting in chairs at a small table in the darkness deep in conversation. They don't notice her and she continues into her brothers bedroom. The rest of the house echos in silence.

Once inside Craig's room, it's an even bigger mess than her own, but she quickly shoves all the assorted stuff piled on his bed onto the floor, grabs a blanket and finally after digging around some finds a pillow and falls asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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