Chapter 16 - Car Caper

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The sun is setting, Deran and Craig are playing video games loudly in the living room. Smurf has gone out for the night, and Pope, well who knows what Pope is doing. He is probably sitting in his room staring off at the floor, he is most likely still upset with Baz. Since he tore into him for trying to sneak into Baz's room to see Catherine after Baz told him not to. Baz has been pacing outside, trying to cool off. He gives up and enters the house by the back door. The back hallway is dark, but he can see that the door to Julia's room is closed. He approaches it, standing just inches from it, listening, all he can hear is the sound of her stereo from inside. He puts his hand on the knob and quickly slides inside closing the door behind himself.

Julia is asleep on her bed, her favorite blanket draped lightly across her. She looks so sweet and innocent when she sleeps, he hits on her chair and watches her sleep some more. He finally understands just a little bit more about Pope, just watching her sleep, it makes him feel safe. It's such an overwhelming feeling that overtakes him, in that moment he knows he loves her. He loves Julia like he has loved no other, not even Smurf did he love like this. The feelings were to much he kneels beside the bed, snatches the blanket off of her and smacks her hard on the ass. He ducks down hopefully out of sight as Julia shoots up out of bed.

"Who da fuck?" She jumps out of bed right onto the pile of Baz on the floor, so now she's falling on top of him. He swiftly moves so she lands perfectly on top of him, he is already hard. He wraps his arms around her waist, his hands roaming down to grasp her perfectly formed ass.

"Well so it seems you are falling for me tonight beautiful." Baz says flashing his biggest smile. She smacks him.

"What are you doing in here? I thought we said nothing at the house. Hell Smurf could walk in here to put away my laundry at any moment. Damnit Baz." She tries to get up but he's holding her tight.

"Well, first off Smurf isn't here. So that isn't going to happen, it's been a crazy afternoon, so nobody is going to bother us right now. Deran and Craig are in the living room during it out in some lame video game. Pope is in his room, being mad at me because Catherine is asleep in my bedroom. So let's just take advantage of this time." Baz starts to pull Julia's shirt off.

"Wait stop, just a second, why is Catherine in your bed?" Julia asks, Baz looses his grip and allows Julia to sit up. He sits up leaning his back against her bed. She's still straddling him, he takes the chance, pushes a strand of hair out of her face before kissing her.

"It's a long story, short version. She got tailed, freaked out and Smurf's handling it. So can we get naked or what?" He pushes his crotch upwards against her. She smiles, gets that dazzling look in her eyes, pulls her shirt off. Then reaches down pulling his shirt off as well. She stands up, pulling off her jeans, he follows suit. They fall naked into her bed. Baz taking control and pushing himself deep inside her. As she moans softly. He sets a slow deep tempo, that has her clawing at his back. The pace increases until they both collapse in a sweaty, naked, sated pile on her bed. He again pushes her hair from her face, kissing her softly.

"Julia, I really love you." She smiles at him, playfully bites his lip.

"No, you don't, but it's ok, I get it." Shock and hurt fill his blue eyes.

"I'm serious, before I woke you I was in here watching you sleep and I know without a doubt that I love you. And if you think different you are just plain crazy. But we can argue about it later we have to go get a car tonight. So get dressed, I'm gonna shower. See you in the garage in like 20?" Baz kisses her deeply, then stands, pulls on his jeans and leaves the room.

Julia is alone in her room, still laying on her bed. The post orgasm fog is still all around her, but her thoughts are racing. 'He loves me, Baz, who my mom wants to be my fucking brother, he loves me'. She is torn she could really love Baz, but if she let that happen Smurf would probably kill her. But then again she does enjoy sticking it to Smurf, so fuck it. She smiles big and jumps up. She looks at the clock, realizes she better hurry up so she doesn't keep Baz waiting. She's happy that he is letting her help him tonight. She throws on jeans and a tank top, grabbing a black hoodie before running out of her room headed to the garage.

She walks across the pool deck into the garage where she finds Baz, freshly showered, smelling terrific even from way across the garage. He is digging in a toolbox looking for something. She walks over to the counter, opens the top drawer and pulls out a slim Jim and a screwdriver.

"I'm set, how about you?" She says holding up the tools. Baz pulls something out of the toolbox, turning to her.

"Got the plates, so we good, let's go." Baz says with a laugh. They get into the truck parked in driveway and off they went.

An hour later they are still driving around looking for the perfect car, when they finally see it, a large SUV, being parked by a valet around the corner from an upscale restaurant. Baz pulls up to the curb across the street and turns of the headlights.

"You think you can do it?" He asks. Julia smiles, she gets out, before she closes the door she turns back.

"I got a crazy idea, pull around to the valet, get him to park your car, walk in wait 5 minutes then leave. I'll see you at the warehouse. And I'll have the keys too." She slams the door and crosses the street, walking down the sidewalk towards the restaurant. Baz shakes his head, but does as he's told. He pulls into the valet spot, gets out of his truck. The valet approaches,.

"Good evening, Sir. You dining with us tonight?" Baz quickly improvises

"yeah, I meeting a friend." Baz walks around his car handing his keys to the valet. He starts to head into the restaurant when he notices Julia lurking just a few feet from the valets podium. As the valet pulls away she walks up to the podium opens the unlocked door, selects the keys she desires, and continues walking around the block. Once inside the restaurant Baz heads to the men's room, waits a few minutes, before heading back outside to find the valet just returning from parking his truck.

"Is there a problem sir?" The valet asks. Baz smiles shaking his head.

"Yeah, I got my dates mixed up, it's not until next week, just tell me where it's at I'll save you the trouble." Handing him a twenty dollar bill. The valet motions him around the corner, Baz walks back to his truck. Noticing that the SUV is gone, he smiles to himself. He gets in and drives to the warehouse where he finds a very happy Julia sitting on the hood of the truck.

"What are you all smiles about?" Baz asks. Julia pulls something from behind her back.

"How about ten grand and a bag of blow in the glove box?" She smiles.

"I saw we keep this between us? No need to give a Smurf a cut, we found it fair and square." Julia jumps down and climbs into the truck with Baz. They embrace. Baz breaks away, gets out, walks around the SUV carefully inspecting it.

"Can't be too careful, especially with all that inside. Smurf would be pretty pissed if our jacked truck got jacked." He gets back into the truck, takes Julia's face in his hands, caressing her softly.

"It's our secret, but do me a favor, leave the blow alone until the job is done then you and Craig can go crazy."

"Sure, whatever Baz, you're the boss." She stashes the cash and blow in her backpack and they ride home in silence

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