Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Julia waits impatiently in a parked van, a cigarette between her lips as she continues to check the mirrors of the van she is sitting in. The car is running, it's a hot California day and the air conditioning in the van is blowing luke warm air that is only making her hair blow in the wind. Alarm bells sound and 4 young men in masks come sprinting towards her, they jump into the van and Julia pulls off, driving down the near deserted street. She makes several turns before hitting a highway passing 3 police cars flying, lights and sirens in the opposite direction. The 4 young men have removed their masks and are all breathing heavily and laughing.

"Did you see that clerks face when Baz pulled that hand cannon out of his pocket" Craig says enthusiastically

"No but I watched the manger shit himself as he was opening the safe, he couldn't believe we were in there robbing them, it was great." Deran added

Julia pipes up "so how much?"

"Enough" says Pope stoically

"More than enough, Jules, Smurf is gonna shit, she said it was gonna be at least 10 grand and it was at least 50 grand, just get us home." Says Baz.

A few more turns and they were turning into a junkyard, where they quickly ditched the van and collected the bags the boys had brought with them and got in 2 cars, Craig and Deran in one and Baz, Pope and Julia in another, Julia pulled Baz into a quick kiss, before getting into the backseat of the car. Both groups pulled out of the junkyard and returned to Oceanside. Pulling into their driveway, the gate swinging open as the approached, Craig and Baz parked and they exited the vehicles walking through the carport into a lush backyard, complete with pool. They headed into the kitchen where Smurf was waiting with a freshly baked pie.

"So it went well?" Smurf asked as she sliced the pie handing plates with slices to everyone. As she hands Baz his slice,

"We are more than good, it was at least 50 grand in the safe."he states before grabbing his plate and walking outside to a table on the pool deck. He is soon joined by Julia who sits down across from him, "today went great why do you look so sulky, Baz, I mean damn lighten up some, let's have some fun, Smurf is throwing a party tonight to celebrate. I mean come on it went perfect, nothing to worry about." He smiles at her shrugs and digs into his pie.

Deran rushes past them shirtless and cannonballs into the pool, "Let's Party Bitches!" Craig has wander outside "be right there bro, gotta call Renn." He walk back inside headed for his room.

Julia walks inside goes to her bedroom where she strips off her clothes and pulls a bikini out of an open drawer her room is a mess, the stereotypical 17 year olds room, rock posters on the walls, she turns around and finds her twin brother Andrew (Pope) sitting in her chair. "Damnit Pope, we talked about this, we need boundaries, you just can't sneak up on people like that, how long have you been in here." She yells at him and throws a stuffed bear at him.

"Jules, I just needed to be near you, you know how much the little things bother me. Yet you continue." Pope says with lack of emotion.

"Andrew, I can't help how I feel, I don't do it to hurt you, I promise." Julia replies sitting on the edge of her bed nearest to him. "Now get up and come on out to the pool, we are having a party, Smurf expects you to come and have fun, Deran's in the pool already, so get your ass out there," she gets up crosses to the bathroom and locks the door. Inside the bathroom she makes some needed touch ups to her makeup and once done reaches into the back of the closet and extracts a small makeup bag, removes a small vial. She dumps a small amount of powder out onto her counter and sniffs it all up. She unlocks the door, Pope is gone and Smurf is picking up all her clothes off the floor, "my sweet girl, you did good today, but so much laundry." Smurf says as a backhanded compliment, the only kind she ever got from Smurf, she knew in her heart she would never get the respect that she gave her brothers, but the drugs were kicking in so she didn't really care, as she floated out to the patio, finding a party beginning to start, she finds herself a chair by the pool and sits down. She lets the drugs take her outside of herself as the outside melts into colors and sounds.

She is startled out of her trance when she is ripped from her chair, she squeals as strong arms pick her up then they are gone. She is flying... splash she hits the water with a start, she wipes the water from her face and sees the smiling faces of her brothers all standing on the pool deck.. "Fuck you all." She screams as Baz, Deran and Craig all jump into the pool with her, Baz grabs her around the waist and body slams her back under the water... they are all laughing, and carrying on, having a great time.

The party lasts all night long, people coming and going.

Julia awakens to find herself in her bed, a leg draped across her body, which she looks up and finds is attached to Baz. She thinks to herself how mad Smurf is going to be if she finds them right now a naked tangled mess in her bed, but before she can get up she can feel someone looking at her. It is Pope, he's sitting rod straight in the chair again, it's almost creepy. "Good morning brother, you know it's not nice to watch, why must you do it? She pulls herself and the sheet off the bed, headed to the bathroom.

While in the bathroom she hears the inevitable, it's Baz's voice "Damnit Pope, just get the hell out, how many times has Julia told you not to come in her room." He yells,

"But you can come in whenever you want is that how that works. It's such bullshit." Pope replies "I like it in here, she's my sister, I just needed to be close to her."

Baz is on his feet, "whatever, I'm gone, but I bet she comes looking for me before she talks to you." And he pulls on his shorts and walks out of the room.

There is a soft knock on Deran's bathroom door, Julia cracks the door open peeking inside, to find the room empty, the sun is up so her brother has probably gone surfing, she stretches out on his bed and waits, after about 20 minutes she hears Pope finally leave her room. Julia springs up and goes back to her room through the shared bathroom. She quickly dresses and makes her way to the kitchen. Smurf is cooking up breakfast, Julia pours herself a glass of juice and sits at a barstool at the island. Baz is eating a plate loaded with bacon, eggs and toast, he smiles at her. Julia finishes her juice, "Smurf can I get..." before she can finish Smurf interrupts her "you can wait until later like the rest of them, maybe you should just try to go to school today." Julia rolls her eyes at Baz, "I'm gonna make the appearance today, I'll drive you," Baz replies.

"Ok can we go?" Julia says getting up placing her glass in the sink,

Baz looks from Julia to his plate, then gets up, wiping his mouth With his hand and said, "let's go"

*** june 5, 2020 —so after reading and rereading I decided to add this note, this chapter was a first, my first attempt a writing in this fandom, and my first attempt at writing multiple POV, bear with me as I get more comfortable with writing these characters. At this time I have published 10 chapters and have written I think 13 so far I know where I want the story to go it's fun getting it there. Hope you enjoy, please vote, leave me a comment or a like - K

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