Chapter 12 Monday Morning Blues

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Julia awakens, her room is dark. She is still dressed sleeping on her made bed, someone, most likely Smurf had covered her with a blanket. The house is quiet, she likes it when it's quiet. The hazy dawn lights are starting to filter through her window. The sound of the shower turning on and her brother Deran peeing wake her up even more.

"Hey Jackass can you at least close the door." Julia calls playfully to her brother, who responds by kicking the door shut.

"Sorry Jules, my bad, go back to sleep." Deran replies loudly to be heard through the closed door and running water.

She stands up tossing the blanket onto the floor. She really has to pee herself, so she heads up the hallway to the guest bathroom. After finishing in the bathroom she steps back into the hallway to find her twin standing in front of the doorway, blocking her exit.

"Did Baz know his dad was back?" He has that look in his eye, he has been sitting up all night, he does this a lot.

"I don't know, I don't think so, but you would have to ask him. Now can you move, I'm hungry." He remains where he is, Julia pushes him out of her way. "Damnit Pope don't worry so much, look Catherine is awake, move so she can get in the bathroom" she heads to the kitchen. She finds Smurf in the kitchen cooking breakfast, she sits down at the island.

"Good Morning, baby. Did you sleep well, you fell asleep on top of your covers again. I covered you up." Smurf says handing her a plate loaded with pancakes and sausage. Julia begins eating. Smurf leans back against the counter. Julia now notices that there is a handgun sitting on the counter within Smurf's reach.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Julia questions nodding towards the gun.

"Just being careful baby, better to be safe. Ray showing up was a surprise, I won't be caught off guard again. Especially with Cath's parents in the wind." Smurf says.

Deran arrives in the kitchen shirtless, his hair still wet from his shower. "Sweet, pancakes, my favorite, can I have a plate please, Smurf."

She passes him a plate, "sure baby, eat up. Do you know if Craig is awake yet?"

"No clue." Deran answers with his mouth full.

Smurf refills Julia's juice glass, "baby, you know I said we could work on that thing today, but it's gonna have to wait for awhile, I have a meeting this morning, can you meet me over at that rundown building on Whaley? Say around 1? That way you can get some school in today."

Julia nods "Sure Smurf no problem, I'll be there."

Smurf sighs, lights a cigarette after a few puffs, "I'm going to check on Baz, he was pretty freaked out last night." She leaves the kitchen, headed towards Baz's room.

Smurf approaches Baz's room, knocks lightly "Baz, baby, you up?"

The door opens and Baz is standing there, his eyes are puffy, Smurf isn't sure if it's from not sleeping or crying.

"Baby, you ok? You look like hell. Why don't you just lie back down and get some sleep, don't worry about school. I have a meeting this morning, to get to the bottom of why I didn't know your dad was back and hopefully figure out where the hell the fucking Ortiz's have been. I made pancakes, I'll make you a plate, you can come eat it when ever." She takes his hand. "Everything will be just fine, you just stop worrying, let me take care of things. Ok, baby." She turns and leaves him.

Baz turns around and sits back on his bed. Thinking to himself 'maybe she's right', as he leans back against his pillow. Then stretches out his legs and pulls the covers back over himself.

Julia finishes her breakfast returns to her room, showers and when she goes back into her room she finds Smurf sitting on her bed waiting for her.

"Baby, hurry up and get ready, Andrew is going to drop you all off at school today. Baz is staying home, he didn't get much sleep. Now hurry up he's waiting for you and Craig." She hurries and gets ready for school, walking to the garage with a half dressed Craig.

"Are you ever on time?" Julia asks him.

Craig just smiles his goofy smile, "Nope, why rush Baz will wait."

Julia giggles, "Yeah he would except that Pope is taking us.. so you better hand me your backpack and finish getting dressed, come on." She takes his backpack and pulls him out the garage door, where Pope is leaning up against the front of the truck, he looks at his watch, "about time you two, I promised Smurf you wouldn't be late, get in." They all ride to school in silence.

Once at school they head off in 4 different directions. Deran rushes off to meet up with Adrian and a few other friends, Craig sees Renn and heads over to her placing a kiss on her cheek. Catherine is swarmed by all her girlfriends who whisk her down the hall in a wave of giggles. Leaving Julia annoyed to walk to her first class alone, as she takes her seat, she finds someone sitting in it. She scowls.

"Excuse me but that's my seat." Thinking 'seriously its Monday, why must people test her this early'

The girl sitting in her seat looks up with a bored blank expression, "so, sit somewhere else, it didn't have your name on it." She rolls her eyes.

Julia drops her books onto the desk next to hers, "well for your information, Ms. Corwell is annoying we all have assigned seats, it's stupid since we are seniors and we really couldn't care less, but her class her rules. I can't afford to have her on my case."

The girl looks up at her, "are you serious, that's a load of shit, we never had assigned seats at my old school. I'm Amanda, and today is my first day here. Can this place get any lamer?"

Julia laughs, "probably not, sorry for the attitude, I'm Julia, nice to meet you."

Amanda attempts to get up, Julia motions for her to stay.

"Don't worry I can sit here, this is Baz's seat and he's not coming today."

Their conversation is interrupted by Ms. Corwell, "Ms. Cody, the bell has run, that means conversation time is over. Who is your new friend? And where is Mr. Blackwell today?"

Amanda takes a piece of paper from her pocket, "here they told me to give this to you in the office," she waves the paper in the air. Ms. Corwell crosses the room, takes the paper and reads it. "Oh, I heard about this." Her tone sounding negative.

"Julia you can help Amanda find all her classes today? Thanks"

Julia nods "Sure, and Baz is home... he's... he's... not coming today." She rolls her eyes.

"Well please tell him that I still expect his work turned in tomorrow, no excuses." The rest of her morning dragged on. Amanda was in all her classes, Julia wasn't quite sure what to think of the new girl, but whatever. When the bell for lunch rang, she showed her the lunchroom.

"Oh yeah, I guess you are on your own for the rest of the day, I got to go meet my mom, so see ya." Julia left her sitting alone at a lunch table and walked out of school.

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