Chapter 7 - The Party

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After winning the surf contest, Deran invites his friend back to the house to celebrate, Craig drives them home, knowing he can't stay around too long because he still has to go and meet Marco who occasionally brings up a package from his house in Mexico, it's easy money, and he likes to keep this little job from everyone else. It's nice to have a little something of his own. Unfortunately things are changing now since Marco's 15 year old sister has gotten eyes for Baz. But all is good, he's just stuck babysitting these boys for a little longer when just when he thought he was going to be stuck at home all night, his brother steps onto the pool deck Craig shout

"hey Pope, you got these kids, I gotta run out real quick." He can see his brother trying to think up an excuse, so he jumps up heading for the garage, "thanks, bro I owe ya." And he climbs in his truck and is gone.

Just as he pulls onto the road his phone dings, it's a text from Marco "at a house party on the Strand, meet here?" Craig turns down the street headed towards The Strand. He parks, and this is one hell of a party, he walks out onto the beach first since the house seemed to be filled with seniors, not that it mattered he was a Cody, so he would be welcome at any party. He sees Marco sitting on the beach, he joins him.

Marco begins, "not quite what I was expecting to bring you, but next time it will be the full key, hope you can make your with this, same price as last time." He motions to a backpack sitting next to him. Craig replies, "no problem Marco, Baz didn't know you brought this right?"

"No bro, he thinks we just came up to support Deran, and he's been liplocked with Lucy for hours now." He motions further out on the beach where there indeed were Baz and Lucy, making out. Craig laughs, "so we know whose party it is?" Craig asks

"Some chick, I think Baz said it's one of Julia's friends, but I haven't seen her since we were on the beach earlier."

Craig leans back on his elbows, thinking to himself, "great, Baz brought a girlfriend to Julia's friends party, that's never gonna cause any problems." Then fishing a joint out of his pocket, lights it and asks Marco if he wants a hit.

Marco replies "no, Lucy and I gotta get back tonight, but thanks, call me when you need me." They both stand, shake hands, Craig grabs the backpack and head back towards the house. Immediately he sees Julia's friend Tracy who is completely trashed yelling at someone in her hot tub. Craig is about to turn and just go home when 2 thin arms wrap around his waist. He turns to find they are Renn's arms.

He is stoned so he smiles and says "hey beautiful wanna hit this." Handing her the joint, she willingly takes it and after taking a hit, says "you know I was just thinking about you, and we need to talk." She pulls him over to an empty chair, they sit, she kisses him a few times and is about to start talking when suddenly Julia appears, asking how he managed to get out of babysitting Deran, just as he answers, he tries to avoid any more conversations with his sister by nuzzling his face deep into Renn's neck. Unfortunately she was talking to another partygoer, downside of dating the schools biggest drug dealer.

But he notices where Julia's gaze has gone. He is sure she's staring at Baz, when suddenly if by magic Renn is pulled off his lap and dragged inside. Renn returns a minute later, "your sister needs to chill out, I hate even dealing with her but she is your sister."

"What's that supposed to mean" Craig says catching a little attitude. Then what sounds like a fight catches their ears, they stand up looking into the house craning their necks to see what the commotion is. What they see is Julia chugging what looks like a full bottle of tequila. Renn looks at Craig, "that's probably not going to mix well with the oxy I just gave her." Craig is watching this unfold in what seems like slow motion.

Julia finishes the bottle, smashes it onto the porch, her vacant gaze scanning, looking for something, her eyes lock on her target. She steps off the porch, before Craig realizes what her target is. He starts to move towards her when she's begins running, full speed towards the beach. Craig darts after her, Renn trailing behind. Craig almost catches her but trips in the soft sand.

Julia is on Lucy before Craig's warning "Baz, look out!"reaches their ears, Julia is completely blacked out swinging, clawing and tearing at Lucy, fortunately for Lucy she is so messed up she isn't landing many punches before Craig and Baz manage to pull her off Lucy.

Marco manages to grab Lucy around the waist before she could start her own assault. Marco carries Lucy off towards the street, while Baz and Craig deal with what has now become a hysterically crying Julia, who is being a lot more cooperative once Baz made eye contact. Craig tells Renn to go back to the party and he won't leave without saying goodbye.

Julia is sitting on the beach being held tightly by Baz, who is reassuring her he is there and he has her. He is smoothing her hair, she calmed down, he was stroking her face when she finally just dropped. Passed out on the beach. Baz looks up at Craig, "thanks for the warning bro."

Craig stands his ground, "I tried dude, I tripped, I had no clue what was going on until it was too late, but seriously Baz, you did bring your little Mexican love to her best friends party, you knew she was here, so some of that blame is on you buddy."

"Ok, so it wasn't my finest hour, but Marco wanted to chill for a bit. Have a few drinks on the beach, so yeah, not my finest hour, but what the hell is she on." Baz replys shrugging

'"Not sure, but I watched her champ chug a whole bottle of tequila and Renn said she sold her some oxy, but I'm sure she's out for the night. I guess you better get her home, I'll help you get her in your car." Craig says picking Julia up as if she weighed nothing. He carries her to the mustang drops her into the passenger seat.

Baz climbs behind the wheel as Craig leans into the window, "I'll be home in awhile I'll grab her stuff from Tracy, Just be warned I left Deran and his friends home with Pope, see ya" Craig stands as Baz pulls the car onto the road headed home.

Craig heads back to find Renn, when he does, he wraps his arms around her picking her up, carrying her inside. He puts her down once they get into the bathroom. He looks her in the eye for the first time he smiles and says, "Julia says I'm supposed to grow a pair and tell you I like you, so l.. like... you... and when you find out what's in my backpack you are going to love me" he smiles his goofy smile.

Renn's eyebrows raise, "really, because even if it's a bag full of money I told you I have no more coke till next week, my guy is out." Craig smiles even bigger, then says "well you are in luck, Christmas came early." Opening the bag to reveal a tightly wrapped package.

Renn's eyebrows raise again, "you trying to step on my toes Cody?" She is serious, he hands it to her, "you know we don't deal, Smurf would kill me, but I got a friend down South that on occasion will say happen upon things like this and well he has the opportunity to offer a substantial discount which I can offer to you, it's yours for 8K"

Renn quickly responds, "seven and you get enough to keep you happy all week." Craig puts his head down, "I can't take any less than seven five, I gotta make something." Renn smiles, "well Cody, you got yourself a deal"

Craig sighs thinking to himself how he just made 3 grand he smiles, "shall we try it" as he hands her the package. She tucks it into her bag, "let's grab, your sisters shit and move this party to your place for a bit more privacy"

Craig smiles, "fuck yeah, let's go."

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