Chapter 2 - School Sucks

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Julia is waiting in the SUV when Baz slides in behind the wheel, the phone in Julia's hand dings, "oh shit Craig is coming, wait for him." A few seconds later Craig comes running across the driveway, still trying to pull on his jeans his shirt in his hand. He glares at Julia sitting in the front seat and has barely gotten in when Baz begins backing out of the driveway.

Julia turns to look at Craig in the backseat, his neck covered in hickeys, "damn did you lose a fight with Smurf's vacuum? How gross, you better hope those are from Renn or she's going to chop your balls off."

Baz laughs, "that didn't look like Renn last night."

Craig shrugs and says "fuck you Baz, and for your information Julia, most of them are from Renn."

Julia shakes her head, "not my problem, kids these days" smiling at Baz, he reaches over and runs his hand up Julia's thigh.

They drive the few remaining  blocks to school in silence. Baz pulls into a parking spot and Craig darts out of the car running off to join a group of his friends. Julia and Baz look at each other and smile, he leans over and kisses her she breaks the kiss, "I'm gonna be late for class" she opens her door and heads off towards the school.

Baz sits back sighs and gets out of the car. He walks towards the school when he is grabbed from behind, its Catherine. "Morning Baz" she says falling into step with him, "how's Andrew today?" She asks,

"Not sure, I'm not his keeper, I don't think he slept last night, Smurf threw a party which I noticed you didn't come to. But you never know he might show" Catherine smiled at him, "Wow he told me you were having a private family thing last night, i just don't get him." Then have gotten inside the school, Baz puts that 'I don't want to be here look' on his face and Catherine waves as she runs off towards a group of girls who were all staring at Baz like they were starving and he was a pizza. Baz heads towards his first class, and manages to slide into his seat right at the bell.

Julia slides her desk a bit closer to his, "I wasn't sure you were gonna actually come in today."

Baz smirks at her, "well I wasn't going to stay home with Smurf and Angry Pope."

"Mr. Blackwell, while I am glad to see you here, it's not time for talking." The teacher says, Julia and Baz giggle before pulling out their notebooks and pens

This class drug on and when the bell finally rang Baz and Julia walked out into the hallway together. They turn the corner and find Deran and his best friend Adrian talking by the lockers on the left side of the hallway, Deran hurries over to Baz, "Man, you missed what might have been the best breaks this year." Baz shakes his head at the youngest Cody boy, punches him in the shoulder, "that's what you say everyday I don't come surfing with you, " Deran laughs, "I'm training I got a big contest this weekend, you gonna come to this one?" Julia answers him "I'm not, I have things to do, see you boys later" she heads off in the opposite direction.

Baz looks at Deran, "if they were that good maybe we should ditch this and get back out there." Before Deran can answer Craig comes running around the corner. He ducks between them, "hide me, Renn's on the warpath, I gotta get out of here." Baz and Deran laugh, Deran answers, "well I guess that's the answer." They push Craig down the hallway and right out the door. The boys race to the car and are gone, headed towards the beach.

Julia sits through her next class, bored, counting the minutes until lunch.

The bell for lunch rings and Julia heads to the lunchroom in search of her friends or family, she sits down at a table with some classmates, their conversations bore her, it seems today that everything today is just grating on her nerves. She is just so over school, she only has a few months left before she should be able to graduate, not that she cares. She had bigger plans for her life, she was going to get out of this life, being a Cody has its perks at times but she would never live up to Smurf's expectations of her, she was going to get out. She had only shared this with one other person and he hadn't taken her seriously, but she would show them all in just a few months. She is startled out of her thoughts when a girl sat down across from her, "Julia, do you know where that bitch of a brother is?" Julia without looking up, "you might need to narrow it down a bit." She glances up "oh shit hey Renn, what's up?"

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