Chapter 8 - The Weekend Part 2

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Julia hears voices coming from the kitchen so she walks down the hallway into the kitchen, where she finds the rest of her brothers and Smurf standing around the kitchen deep in conversation. She smiles and walks in "Good morning all, its a beautiful morning."

Pope looks at her and growls "it's afternoon, Julia"

She can't stand him when he gets like this, so she quickly decides to leave it alone. She notices a pile of envelopes sitting on the counter, "So Smurf is one of those mine?"

"Yes, baby," Smurf replies, sliding the one with a capital letter J on it towards her. Julia picks it up, opens it flipping through the cash inside, "thanks, so what's up?"

Craig and Baz exchange a quick look, before Craig starts, "we were just saying we were gonna go surf today, you wanna come?"

Baz raises his eyebrows at her, she smiles "sure it's been a long time since I've been out in the water, we waking Deran for this?"

Craig smiles and heads towards Deran's room, "I got this"

Julia, looks to her twin, "you coming too?" Pope looks to Smurf, who gives an almost unperceivable nod. "Yeah what the hell, I will come" he answers glaring at Baz.

Which everyone but Julia missed, she had her back to the sliding doors leading to the pool deck, so she missed, Craig carrying a fighting Deran who he drops ceremoniously into the pool.

Deran emerged from the water yelling, "dude, what the fuck?"

Craig is laughing, "Get up shithead, we going surfing"

By now everyone is laughing, even the still sleepy eyed Adrian who had followed the action onto the pool deck.

Deran jumps out of the pool, "ok I'm down, but you didn't have to throw me in the pool." He turns and heads back towards his room.

The boys quickly start loading surfboards and stuff into the truck, while Julia heads to her room to change.

Once in her room she grabs her phone and texts Tracy "what happened last night?" She finds her bookbag sitting on her chair, she just wished she could remember what happened last night.

The phone dings "you don't remember?" Is the text back from Tracy, she rolls her eyes not believing her friend. If she remembered what happened why would she ask. God she can't wait to get out of this town.

Craig knocks on her open door, "Jules, leaving in 5."

She looks at him, "Craig what happened last night?"

He steps into her room, "Holy shit Julia, you don't remember anything?" He breathes deeply and sits down on the end of her bed, "you were wrecked, Baz and I brought you home, after you tried to tear Lucy's face off"

Julia's drops onto the bed next to him, "it was bad, huh? I really can't remember, I remember being on the beach after Deran's thing, and watching Pope swoon over Cath, but that's about it, shit, I'm sorry." She throws her arms around him "thank you, I owe ya, ok?" Craig laughs, "trust me you owe me more than one, now let's go, to boys are waiting."

When she arrives in the garage, she notices that Baz and Pope have already left in Baz's Mustang. She sighs and gets into the front seat of the truck, next to Craig, "I know Smurf let's you drive without a license and all but you should let me drive." He laughs,

"I want to go surfing not to the hospital, your driving sucks, I want to live." She playfully punches him and he feigns pain.

"I'm guessing Baz is pretty pissed at me?" She asks

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