Chapter 5 - Smurf's Room

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Julia walks into Smurf's room, to find her cleaning her bathroom, she leans against the doorframe, "I'm sorry for the way I acted last night, just a lot of things been going on and I may have taken some anger out on you."

Smurf stops scrubbing, turns and sits on the edge of the tub. "I know sweetie, it's not easy raising all of you. You know we don't always agree, I know being a teen isn't easy, but you are smart, so much smarter than your brothers. You don't have to be out taking all the risks your brothers do, it never affects the split."

Julia slides down the doorframe, so she's sitting on the floor, her knees at her chest. "I just hate when you freeze me out, I only want to know what's going on. And I want you to have my back, to be there when I ask."

Smurf shakes her head, "if you are talking about Andrew, I have talked to him, but you know he doesn't always hear,"

Julia looks at Smurf, "that's true, "

Smurf walks over to her offers her a hand to help her off the floor, and says "I think I might have something for you, I need some help with something my friend Jake and I have been talking about for a long time, just I never had the time to get this done"

They share a hug, step apart Julia reaches and picks up something off the bed, "this top is so great, can I wear it today, it's perfect"

Smurf looks at the shirt in Julia's hand, "sure baby, it will look great on you."

Julia goes to leave the room, she turns back "so are you going to let me into this new job? It sounds like you might just need me?"

Smurf looks up "which one told you?"

Julia smiles big, "nope, I won't tell you, I'm not a snitch."

Before she walks away, Smurf quickly says "don't make any plans for Monday, I need you so we can get started on this other thing, we will be busy."

Julia heads to her room, she is content, with the way the conversation went. But now her focus was on getting her stuff together and heading out, she gets to her bedroom door and finds it wide open, she steps inside to find her twin sitting on her bed. She steps inside and pushes some books off her desk and sits on the desktop.

"What's up brother? I figured you would still be glued to Catherine," at this he stiffens a bit and looks up at her, "she's my friend Julia," he then looks at a spot on the floor straight in front of him. "Are you going to the beach now?" Julia shrugs, "I guess, I gotta call Tracy to see when I'm going over there, why you scared to take her to the beach, especially since Baz is going?"

He stands up, "never mind I don't know why I am asking you."

She laughs, "because you love me, that's why, you know bro you really need to chill out and relax a bit." She jumps off the desk, "now get out I gotta get ready" she pushes him out of her room.

As Pope leaves her room, she closes her door, changes into her bikini, pulls a pair of jean shorts and a halter top on over it. Grabs her backpack, and packs the shirt she took from Smurf, and a pair of jeans then she sits down on her bed, picking up her phone. She sends a text to her friend Tracy, who says she can come over whenever she wants, then asks her if she's bringing Baz. She rolls her eyes at the phone, it's so annoying but she just replied that she would tell her later. She takes a bump out of her vial, before tucking it into her backpack, and heads out onto the patio searching for Baz. She finally finds him in the garage, digging around in a toolbox on the counter. she stands there watching him for a few minutes until he notices her standing there, he raises his brows "well looks like you were right, Smurf just left, smiling and singing saying for us not to wait up, I don't know what you said but whatever it was you might need to do it more often." It's Julia's time to raise her brows so she's not her? She glances around the driveway, "and Pope and Catherine left already too? We're alone?"

Taking a few steps closer, Baz, smiles, "yup, just us here." Before Baz can realize what's happened, Julia pushes him back against the workbench kissing him passionately, Baz returns her kisses they are pulling at each other's clothes.placing kisses over each other's bodies. They are both quickly naked, Baz picks her up and they make love, leaning up against the workbench. Once they are finished they dress quickly. Baz reaches towards her and helps her tie the top of her bikini, all the while smiling. Julia playfully smacks Baz, "don't say I never gave you anything, so we going to the beach or what" she heads across the driveway and opens the door of the mustang, "come on let's go" Baz walks across the driveway, pulling on his shirt, and sliding behind the wheel, before pulling out of the driveway turning towards the beach.

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