Chapter 4 - The Weekend - part 1

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As Julia storms away leaving Baz stunned in the driveway, she decides to skip another confrontation with Smurf she ducks out the side door onto the pool deck, where she finds Deran and his annoying friend Adrian, goofing off in the pool. She rolls her eyes at them as they try to splash her. Then Deran jumps out of the pool and heads her way. Throwing her arms up in surrender, "don't even think about it Deran, I just was with Renn and my pocket can't get wet, it's Craig's" he takes a step back, "that wasn't even my plan, I just wanted to know if you were coming tomorrow, if I win this one I should get a big sponsor and get to go surf North Shore in Hawaii" he looks sheepishly the only way a goofy 13 year old can, "but it's alright if you don't, "

Julia looks at him and feels a little sorry for him, "no promises, I'll see it's just so early. And Tracy is having a party since her parents are away,"

Julia is conscious of her moms presence in the kitchen doorway, "look Deran ask me in the morning, I can't deal with her right now, " nodding in the direction, she hurries off to the far end of the pool deck and the door to Craig's room. Deran jumps back in the pool and swims back to the corner where Adrain is waiting.

As Julia throws open Craig's door she finds him standing in front of his mirror completely naked, "EW, Jesus put some damn clothes on."

Hey covers himself reaching for the nearest pair of shorts, "well, fuck Julia, you could have knocked" pulling on his shorts, "I mean really, you just walked in, I could have been in here with a girl,"

Julia rolls her eyes at him as she sits down on the futon that serves as his bed. "Not likely since Renn just left and, well you are too scared of her anyway" pulling the bag from her pocket, and casually tossing it on his table, "she said to grow a pair and talk to her. All you boys are just so silly."

Craig sits down next to her and begins messing with the bag of coke, "Jules you want one now?" Cutting lines on a mirror that had been stashed under the table. "Sure but don't tell Baz, he's in one of his moods" they quickly inhale the lines, sitting back on the couch Craig picks up a controller for some video game.

Julia's phone dings and she fishes it out of her pocket, "Damn it's Baz we gotta go make an appearance at the dinner table, maybe Smurf's come to her senses and is gonna let me in on the job."

She gets up and head for the hallway, looking back at Craig, "you coming?" He waves his controller, "yeah in a minute."

Julia hurrys down the hall to find everyone gathered around the table on the pool deck, Deran and Adrain are shivering wrapped in some of the pool towels, Baz is helping Smurf carry out food, and there is her twin sitting down with Catherine. They are deep in conversation. Dinner goes about as well as it could, since the important business is being ignored due to the dinner guests, Julia isn't sure if it's coincidental that Pope brought Catherine over or not, but she knows she hates the way both Pope and Baz look at her, she's not that pretty.

As dinner comes to a close, Catherine looks embarrassed, "Mrs. Cody, I hate to ask but is it ok if I stay here tonight," she's almost in tears, Smurf looks up at her,

"why what's wrong, baby... they gone again? How long this time?"

Catherine replies "since Monday" smurf looks mad, "baby, I told you to come over here whenever those useless junkies take off, you are always welcome here, you can stay as long as you want, sleep on the couch ok?"

She and gets up carries their plates to the kitchen, and disappears inside.

Smurf looks down the table, "Deran and Adrian, don't you have something to do tomorrow, maybe it's time you get cleaned up and ready for bed."

Julia knows Smurf is about to turn all the attention on her, Baz goes to get up and with one look she commands "Baz sit down, you should be here, little miss priss here thinks that she is better than us, ain't that right Julia."

Julia tries her best to calm herself, before speaking but the coke has her brain going in circles.

"That's not it and you know it Smurf, you always treat the boys better than me, you always include them in everything, but not me, and I'm sick of it. I am useful, I can do anything you can do, you just won't give the the chance." Julia is almost in tears

"Oh, you think you could do everything I do, what a load of shit, you are the most ungrateful child in this house, all I hear is gimme gimme gimme, I need, I need , I need and I'm done with it Julia."

Julia is on her feet, "you know what smurf" she yells her eyes catching the look Baz is giving her, she takes a deep breath, kicks her chair back "Gggrrrrrrr!" And storms inside towards her room. Passing Craig, who looks puzzled, "I thought you said it was dinner?" Julia looks him in the eye, rolls her eyes and says "it's over" before she slams her door so hard she knocks one of her perfumes off her dresser. She flops down on her bed, screaming into her pillow.

She hears her door open, someone comes in and closes the door, then sits on the edge of her bed, she turns her head, but can't see in the darkness.

"Julia why, must you do that, you know it only makes Smurf worse." It's Baz, she rolls over reaching for the light, "what I am just supposed to let her treat me like that?" Anger rising in her voice.

"No, I know it's not great but don't make it worse" he says leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips. She kisses him back, then shoved him off her bed, "enough, we have to chill, with everyone in the house like this and Smurf just looking for a reason to pick another fight with me, it's too much right now." She pauses, looks at him as he sits up on her floor, crossing his legs and leaning back against her dresser,

"ok, you get me on this next job and I promise to give you the best reward. Now get out there are way too many people around tonight."

Baz smiles, jumps to his feet, "oh you'll be on that job, no worries" and opens her door slipping into the hallway and closes the door.

Julia rolls over reaching into her bag, pulls out her vial, dumps a little on the back of her hand and quickly sniffs it. She lies back so relaxed, and before she knows it she is asleep.

A pale light is shining through her window, Julia can hear voices coming from the other side of her bathroom, Deran and Craig are arguing about something, she can't quite make out, she pulls her blanket back over her, just as Craig comes into her room through the bathroom,

"Yo, Jules, you coming with? Deran said to ask you" She tried to act asleep, but Craig sees through it, and kicks her foot. "Damnit Craig, I don't feel like going I have some plans but I might be there, depends if I need to see Renn later or not, she's going." Julia pulls the covers over her head as she feels Craig sit down,

"she's coming, she didn't tell me that." He sounds nervous, "don't worry I told you she likes you just apologize to her, now get out and let me sleep." He leaves.

Not sure how much time elapses but the light streaming in through the window is bright, Julia gets up, showers and heads towards the kitchen, where she hears voices.

Baz, Catherine, and Pope are sitting at the island, while Smurf is at the stove making pancakes. Julia pulls up a chair, joining into the conversation.

"Mom can we talk after breakfast?" Julia asks Smurf, who nods at her, "sure, my baby." She pushes a glass of juice towards her. Breakfast goes on as if last night never happened, it was almost as if they were a normal family. Everyone was discussing their plans for the beautiful California day, seemed like Pope and Catherine were going to the beach then Baz says,

"Julia are we still going to watch Deran?" she kicks at his foot, "sure, I guess, I can deal with sitting on the beach for awhile, but I'm going to Tracy's later"

Smurf, looks at Julia, "I'll be in my room."

Baz takes Julia's hand, as she stands up, his eyes are pleading with her, "she's in a good mood, please rethink this. Don't make it worse." She smiles, "I know what I have to do, I have to do this." She squeezes his hand back and heads to Smurf's room.

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