LIX: Four Thousand Pieces

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"That's fuckin' adorable. You? A baddie?"

I place my hand on my hip. "I can be a pretty bad baddie."

"You're 'bout as intimidatin' as a flower."

For another minute or so, John begins searching through the empty box for a missing Lego piece.

"It's not in there," I comment. "We would have seen it."

"We could've missed it."

"It's big and red. How would we miss it?"

"There are four thousand pieces in this box, (Y/N). We could've skimmed over it."

"That's like skimming over an elephant.

While he's doing that, I play with two Lego people, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Luke quickly became one of my favorite characters since his name is so similar to "Luka".

I make Luke and Vader smack their tiny lightsabers against one another while creating tiny sound effects.

"Shwum. Shwum. Ha! You'll never get me!"

Vader had never done such awesome flips before.

"Backflip!" I make Vader say.

"Wait!" Luke dramatically cries out. "That was a front flip-"

"I don't care!" Vader snaps back.

And all of it is me.

John stops his searching to watch me with a stupidly-cute smile on his face.

"And you think you're intimidain'," he chortles.

"Hey, I am! I have a red lightsaber, so I must be a bad guy." It feels right to say that out loud.

"Maybe your friend needs to hand you a green lightsaber instead."

I laugh and pull out my phone. "I'm going to find a personality quiz that gives me the color of my lightsaber, and you're going to feel very silly when it says I have a red lightsaber."

"Ah, yes," John scoots closer to me. "The most reputable source of any and all answers: online personality quizzes."

I give him a playful push. "Oh, hush. They're accurate as hell." I find a quiz on Google, and tap it. The quiz pops up, and I read the first question out loud. "Choose your favorite pizza topping."

"Oh, wow, I can tell this is a professional quiz."

I read through the options. "Jalapeno, mushroom, pepperoni, or pineapple."

"Choose pineapple and you'll defini'ely get red."

"I am not choosing that," I chuckle. "I'll take mushroom."

"Alrigh', I can respect that choice."

"Next question: what's your favorite holiday. The options are Thanksgiving, Christmas, Haloween, and Star Wars Day. Huh, I didn't know Star Wars had a day. When is it."

"May fourth. It's, uh, a pun. 'May the fourth be with you'."

I laugh heartily. "Okay, that's perfect."

We go through the rest of the questions, John making his comments as we go. Lo and behold, when we get to the end, the result gives me the answer I want.

"Ha! Red."

"That test is bullshit."

"Feels pretty legit," I wink. "Guess you have to admit I'm pretty intimidating."

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