Chapter 2

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Craig POV:

"Craig, wake up!"

I open my eyes to see a worried Butters tugging  at my sleeve. I rub my eyes and suddenly my vision clears.

"Ladies and gentlemen...sleeping beauties, the plane has landed," Tolkein exclaims, sincerely thinking he's a comedy king.

I yawn, unbuckle my seatbelt, and stand up. I pick up my backpack and groggily follow the pack through the aisle, off the plane.

- - - - - - -  TIME SKIP  - - - - - - -

The airport looks like a normal airport. There isn't really anything too special about it. The giant windows, revealing a pitch black sky, combined with the blinding, white lighting hurts my eyes. I look around and see a generous amount of people taking naps while others are chattering, waiting for their flights to be announced. What time is it? I take my phone out of my pocket to check.


Holy crap, how long were we on that plane?! I look at Tolkein, who is on the phone. I then look at Clyde, who is just standing hovering around Tolkein like a dog waiting for his owner to feed him.

"What's he doing?" I ask Clyde.

"Getting us an Uber," he replies.

Kenny smirks. "An Uber? How fancy!" he says.

That was a self deprecating poor joke.

Stan and Kyle roll their eyes and go back to chatting about whatever uninteresting thing they think has importance at this very moment. Butters is staring a hole into his camera. Kenny is just...drawing unspeakable things on a brochure. I take a look at the only other unoccupied person...Tweek. Because I'm bored and crave attention like Clyde, I decide to walk over to him.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey," he replies.

An awkward silence that I am all too familiar with lasts for about ten seconds before he says anything else.

"Did you enjoy your little nap?" he smiles at me.


"I...Um...Y-yeah I did."

That was a dumb response.

He is smiling, yet his eyes are ice cold. The tips of his lips are pointing up but his eyes are doing the opposite. They are staring into the depths of my soul, warning me to back off.

Oh god, his eye bags are worse than Stan's.

"Let me get one thing straight," he says with a seemingly innocent yet evil expression on his face. "Don't try to act like we are best friends just because we are roommates now. I get the left side of the bed and don't try anything funny."

I throw my arms up in defense. "Wouldn't dream of it, Twitchy."

"Good," he snarks back. "And don't call me that."

"Okay, asshole." I flip him off.

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE?" He raises a fist at me.

Two Idiots One BedWhere stories live. Discover now