Chapter 25

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Token POV:

Hey Vsauce, Token here. With not much time left of our vacation, we decided to end it off by spending some more time together as a group. I'm happy that we are doing this cause, like, that's basically the reason I invited them all here. It definitely wasn't just to assure my pals' happiness and set some of them up together. I wouldn't do that. Anyways, we are at the beach again for our last day before the end of our vacation. We are up to our usual shenanigans. Clyde and I are watching everyone from some beach chairs. Stan and Craig are bickering about something, while Kyle and Tweek are trying to break them up. Kenny and Butters are...where are they? Oh, there they are. Kenny is running away from some hungry seagulls at the moment, meanwhile Butters is giggling and taking photos of him. Everything is as it should be.

It's relaxing when there isn't anything out of the ordinary going on. I've always had trouble when dealing with dysfunction. Some people would call me a perfectionist but that really isn't all there is to it. Routine is very important to me because it builds structure around my life. It just keeps me sane. Maybe surrounding myself with a sloppy group of friends like this isn't the best thing for my fluctuating mental health, but I really love them all.

"Token, sweetie?"

I look to my right at Clyde, who is looking at me through a pair of sunglasses. "Yes?" I ask.

"Wanna go swim?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Really?"

Clyde pouts. "C'mon."

"Okay, okay, I'll go swimming with you," I laugh.

The two of us stand up and walk over to the ocean, where Stan, Craig, Kyle, and Tweek are. Stan smiles at us while rubbing his fist on Craig's head.

"Ah!" Craig yells. "Cut it out! Oh, hi guys. GIVE ME BACK MY HAT!"

"You can have it back after you admit it," Stan replies.

Craig groans. "ADMIT WHAT?!"

"You already know Craig my boy." Stan hands Craig's hat to Clyde.

Clyde nods because he already knows what to do. He then starts taking off into the water, bringing the hat with him.

"NO, NO, DON'T GET IT WET!" Craig runs after him.

I look at Tweek and Kyle. "He asked if I'd swim with him." I sigh.

Kyle laughs. "Don't worry, he'll be back."

Clyde zips past me, heading towards the sand. Craig chases him but he's kind of at a disadvantage. Clyde and Stan are both on the school football team. Craig's legs may be longer, but he cannot out run those two.

Clyde and Stan then begin throwing the hat back and fourth to each other, avoiding Craig. With each throw Craig gets more and more agitated. I'm not gonna lie, this is fun to watch. Kenny and Butters walk over to us and Stan gestures at Kenny to join in, which he happily does.

Craig whines. "Not you too, McCormick."

The rest of us laugh hysterically as we watch the hat fly back and fourth. Craig really does suck at sports. He looks helpless when surrounded by those three. They are basically just playing monkey in the middle now.

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