Part 15 :)

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I want to get everything vital in this story out. So, cause is so cool I uploaded again! 2 uploads in one day! you are. Dedicated to BDS. I cant spell your name sorry its tooooooooooo long!


The hallways were quiet as my heels clicked on the tile floor. Coby had rushed off after being told there was some sort of 'emergency'. I munched on an apple as I walked towards the lounge. I wonder why it was so quiet...Coby seemed to approve of my new look. He sort of stuttered a few words then ran off. I had that effect on guys last year; I will have that effect on guys again. I have this new courage inside of me. Strange.

The lounge had a few guys sat around chatting and playing on the Xbox. I slammed the door as I walked in. That got their attention. All of them turned to look at me and seemed shocked. I noticed Quinn sat among them; He was smiling at me as I walked towards him. He motioned for me to sit next to him on the black couch. This lounge consisted mainly of the colours: black, gold and white.

"How has your day been?" Quinn asked as I made myself comfortable.

"Okay, Coby ditched me!" I moaned while he laughed. That!

"Coby is a busy ...teenager. He sorts out most of the 'business'. You look different. You look nice" He commented. I blushed and turned away so he couldn't see me. Summer is strong, look at him! I turned back to him and smiled.

"Thanks" Then it turned awkward. Quinn talked to the other guys; guys walked in and tried to flirt with me. I started to wonder who Coby was among all these guys. He seemed pretty powerful, and well known. Nobody got in his way.

"Do you know where Coby is?" I asked everyone. They all looked at me as though I was stupid then got back to talking.

"In his office. It's on the 4th floor...On the lift map it's called 'Washing room'" I laughed when Quinn told me that.

"W...h...y?!" I asked between giggles.

"Certain things you don't need to know" Quinn mumbled then left to get a drink. I watched him leave then got up to leave myself.

Off to the 'Washing room' I go!

Everything was quiet as I left the lift. My foot clicking on the ground was the only noise. It echoed softly down the corridor.

I noticed a young boy being dragged into a room. He was covered in blood and screaming. Vampire?

I masked my fear and carried on walking. Numerous rooms I walked past had screams coming from them. People/vampires walked past me, giving me warning looks. My eyes looked everywhere and I tried to block out the ear piercing screams.

I finally arrived at the 'Washing room' and saw two guards stood outside. They watched me walk towards the door and stopped me.

"Little girl you should leave this corridor. You shouldn't be here" They both said to me while trying to push me back towards the lift.

"I'm here to see Coby!" I screamed and kicked them off me. They both stopped and looked at me.

"Coby didn't say he had a girlfriend" The taller on said while he checked a notebook.

"Did he forget to mention the kidnapping part? Let me through" I shouted, running back towards his office.

I pushed the door open to see Coby sat a desk writing at an extremely fast pace. I moved closer to his desk and sat on a chair opposite him. He carried on writing, ignoring my presence.

"What's going on?!" I demanded. He glanced at me then went back to writing.

"I wouldn't want to scare you now" Coby muttered, pulling something out of a draw.

"Believe me nothing can scare me. I was kidnapped by you and nearly died. Therefore I laugh in the face of ...scareiness!"  I smiled while he laughed to himself.

"Scareiness? I think you will find that isn't even a word" He muttered.

"Coby, I came here for a reason. What is happening? What is happening to me?!" I looked him straight in the eyes. He looked away and carried on scribbling down words.

"Drink?" He asked while walking towards a fridge. He picked out a can of coke and grabbed a bottle of something red and thick. I'm presuming its blood. The can hit the table; I pulled it open and took a sip. Coby sat down, drank the blood then went back to writing.

"If you would like to start with where I am" I started, fiddling with my can.

"Los Angeles" Coby smirked. Los Angeles! OMG!

"Why did no one hear me screaming then?" I asked Coby. He laughed at my answer.

"We are on a vampire estate. Believe it or not vampires or don't care. When we hear screaming we carry on with whatever we were doing. Its everyday life" Coby comments while still writing.

"We are going to England though" Coby added. I look at him as though he has 5 heads. England?

"Why? To lead me to my death?" I ask scared what his answer will be.

"Actually To take you to the elders. Before you ask they are the oldest vampires in the world. They asked me to bring you to them" He answers still not looking up from what he is writing.

"Why me though?"

"You are the key to ending this war. If the other side got you they could kill everyone. People were killed to get you. You are the most wanted human in vampire history"

"Why me? I'm just a human" Coby stopped writing and looks me in the eyes.

"Your parents were different. Your mum was a witch and your dad was a lycon- werewolf. When you combine those two you get a powerful witch. You can fight well and create power nobody else can create. Well, that's what the legend says. When you were born the whole vampire kingdom was watching you . We have been for the last 17 years. People were killed to try to get you. People close to you" Coby stopped immediately and went back to writing.

"My parents, they didn't die in a car crash?" I whispered, unable to make my voice louder.

"No, black dawn murdered them. Those are the lengths they go to to get what they want. Whichever side you choose, they will win the war"




Fan? :) xx

Butterfly224 <3

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