Part 2

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Ok... here goes :) Tell me what you think. comment, vote, whatever :)


"Hey Summer. You're looking hot today" I walked down the corridor and was met by the second most importan thing in my life. Chase.

"Why thanks. You look ugly" I laughed.

"I know. I try hard to look good!" He glanced at me with puppy eyes. Okay, the ugly part was a lie. Chase is hot. I mean like ambercrombie and fitch model hot! He has black hair and dark brown eyes. I know hot. I watched guys walk past and wink at me. Chase glared at every single one of them. I mean it was funny. He's my man though, just trying to protect me.

"I didn't see you last night. Where were you?" Chase smiled at me.

"I was at home" I'm not lieing, I was at home. I really didn't want to go to this party. Eventhough I am the most popular girl in the school.

"Too bad. It was a great party" Then his lips parted and he smiled at me. Chase made the first move by putting his hand round my waist and pulling me close to him.

"Wanna go somewhere?" He whispered in my ear.

"No, lets stay right here" Okay, we were in the middle of a corridor but who care's. Not me! I bent his face and slowly lifted my lips to his...................



Urghhhh, I hate mornings.


I wanted to turn my alarm clocK off but couldn't be bothered. You know where alarms clock beep they're actually saying "GET THE HELL OUT OF BED YOU LAZY GIRL" That dream had seemed so real. Of course I hadn't spoken to Chase for over a year. I used to be popular and have every guy chasing after me. Not now though. After what happened to me I became the freak of the school. The one who hides in baggy clothes and doesn't interact with anyone. I mean I loved being popular but things changed and I broke up with Chase. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. No, I will not cry over the Ambercrombie and Fitch model! I rolled of my bed and fell on the floor. OW that hurt.

"Summer, what the frick was that? It sounded like an elephant fell through the roof!" My brother shouted.

"No, just me" I murmured back. I crawled to my bedside table and pulled myself up off the floor. Grabbing my hoodie I began to walk to the door.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! GOD! I ran back to the alarm clock and threw it across the room.

"SHUT UP" I shouted.


"There thats better"

Ok... what do you think? :)

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