I died but... Part 10!

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Sorry its so short but I wanted to give you fans something to read :)

Hope all is making sense now...maybe?

Anyway enjoy!

Summers P.O.V

Hands were pulling me, pulling me towards the ground.

I didn't want to go! I screamed loudly and tried too free myself from the hands pulling me down.

"You're not wanted here" A voice echoed through my mind. It was a girl's voice.

"You belong in the ground; you should have been in it years ago"

I screamed one more time before darkness took over....

Coby P.O.V

Being brought back to life is hard...when you're not even alive in the first place.

A sharp stinging pain was in my stomach, I brought my hand up to hold it.

I forced my eyes open, Summer was gone.

I was sat in a metal heap; Sam was standing above me holding cloths to my head.

"Oh, good morning" Sam smiled, I tried to smile back but the pain was too strong.

"W...here's Summer?" I managed to choke out.

Sam pointed to a girl that was thrashing in Jakes hands. He was trying to restrain her. It looked as though someone was doing it to her.

I tried to get out of the car and run to her but fell to my knees clutching my stomach.

"Coby, you're not well. We need to get you to a doctor, there are ambulances here. We're going to take you and Summer to the hospital" Sam was struggling to pull me up when I felt a strong arm go under my shoulder.

I turned to see him.

"Hello brother" Lloyd was pulling me up.

A stretcher was at the side of him.

Sam and Lloyd managed to pull me on the stretcher.

I pulled the blankets tighter around me while they got me into the ambulance.

"It's going to be okay" Lloyd said taking my hand.

I smiled at him but let go of his hand, it wasn't manly holding hands.

The ambulance sped off.

Leaving Summers ear piercing screams behind...

What you think?




Will try to post soon!

I died but I'm not dead (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now