Part 14 :)

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Eventhough I said I would not be  writing for a while I am still going to upload today. I find that writing takes my mind off what has happened. So, THIS DOES NOT INVOLVE THE TEASER I GAVE YOU! That will probs be in the next chapter. hehe :) Anyway this sets the scene and lets you into Summers head for a bit. You also see the relationship between Coby and Summer at the beginning.

Summer changes towards the end of this chapter ...I hope you realise that! I'm gonna stop rambling now. Thanks to the 3 commenters on the last two chapters who encouraged me to write this. You 3 will not be forgotten. Possibly you may have a little character part in this story! That would be exciting!!!!

Dedicated to dragonfly1998 as she also comments a lot. Your sanity is saved dragonfly 1998!

The music is probably some random song by the way!

Oh and this ---> ***************************************

Means its skipped a bit :)

Anyway...Story time :)


The power of the water hit me, like when you walk in from outside and the warm temperature heats your cold, rosy cheeks. At first it was cold but the hot water started to come through. I let the water sooth away all my troubles, I'm in a mess, a big mess.

Let's just say it's a life/death situation. The bad guys want me, if they get me the world will be destroyed in fire. Though if I stay with Coby, they kill everyone anyway. It's a win / win situation for the bad guys. For us there are two options, option 1: death, option 2: death. Hmmm tough decision.

My thoughts were interrupted as Coby started kicking the door.

"Are you trying to escape again?! Jake is stood outside the window, if you are" Coby shouted, my body shivered when the cold air hit me as I exited the shower. I searched around for anything that looked vaguely like shampoo.

"Summer, are you there? If you don't reply I going to bang down this door!" There were all sorts of boys shampoos but unfortunately I'm a girl and don't want to smell like a boy.

 I searched through a pink, feathery cupboard, found some cherry shampoo and hopped back in the shower. That cupboard must belong to a girl ...unless Coby has a feminine side he is waiting to reveal.

"I'm fine... You could do with restocking your shower supplies now there is a girl in the house...unless you want me to smell like lynx!" I shouted at him through the wall. Coby sighed in relief...I could just imagine him putting down his shotgun and sitting down to drink a coffee.

Of course Coby doesn't have a shotgun...that is what I'm imagining. Coby knocking the door down and running in holding a long shotgun. Maybe he does have a shotgun...

I ran back to the cupboard, grabbed a conditioner and some shower gel, ran back to the shower and started running the conditioner through my hair. I missed the sun. I missed my mum and dad.

Since Coby 'took me on holiday' as he liked to call it. He didn't look at it as kidnapping; he thought it was good for me to get away from my brother, friends and school. He saw it as saving us all from death. Yes whatever.

The water started to change to cold; I jumped in surprise and let out a loud squeal as it hit my body.

"Summer?! You okay?!"  Coby yelled through the door. I sighed and replied.

 "I'm fine about paranoid!" I grabbed a towel, wrapped it round my body and ordered Coby to walk away from the door if he was outside. My dressing (actually a dressing gown Coby had bought) was hung on the door. I pulled it tightly round me and tied my hair in a loose bun. I would let it down afterwards and apply some mousse. The cold air hit me as I racked the door open to make sure Coby was gone. The coast was clear.

I scampered down the hallway and made my way towards my room. This house was huge and the bathroom was far away from my room. You probably all know water does not go well with tiles on the floor. I slipped and skidded down the rest of the hallway, screaming like an idiot.

 I could hear Coby's loud laughing from the other end of the corridor so turned around to give him a dirty look. Unfortunately that wasn't too good, I turned my head back and smacked into a door.

"Oww...stupid woman" I muttered as I got up, rubbing my head.

"You okay? That made a loud noise" A deep voice asked from behind me. I turned around and squinted to see his face with the eye that hadn't hit the door.  I was met with brown coloured hair, green eyes and a muscly body. He had tanned skin and was smiling down at me.

"I could be better" I smiled back at him.

"You are certainly making this house lively" He chuckled while pulling a jacket on.

"Yes...Summer" I introduced myself, he nodded his head.

"Quinn" He held out his hand for me to shake. I hesitated then shook his warm hand. He laughed once more then excused himself. I watched him walk down the corridor and give Coby a high five. This house is crawling with boys!


I opened the walk in wardrobe and looked around. I pulled out a white strappy top, some black skinny jeans, a black cardigan and some black shoes with a little heel. For some reason I felt like I wanted to be my normal self. I was returning to my normal self. I knew what laughter was again...I knew what it was like to find a boy attractive.

My curly hair flowed down my back; I applied some mousse and added some volume. Coby told me there was a draw full of makeup; I pulled it open and stood in shock. There was a different compartment for each thing. Eyeliner, lipstick, foundation, concealer etc. I started to apply the makeup. This was going to take a while.


I skipped down the hallway as music played through the house speakers. Boys stood in shock as I skipped past them dancing. I just laughed and walked towards the lift. There was a map of the house. I searched it for what I needed. Lounge, no. Bathroom, no. Kitchen, Yes! The lift descended towards the ground floor. Take a right at the second door, Walk towards the end then turn left. The kitchen should be there. It looks huge on the map. Summer remember that!

I counted the doors as stepped out of the lift. One...two. Turn left...walk towards the end. Turn left. Okay, this is a kitchen. Chefs were turning on ovens, pans and rushing round while waitresses looked busy. Coby stood talking to a waitress in the far corner.

He was no doubt flirting. I guess all these people were vampires. Coby didn't notice me walking towards them. I flicked my hair and gave the waitress an evil look.  She looked disgusted at the fact that I was a human. I stood at the side of Coby and the waitress glared at me.

"Who is this human?!" She sneered at Coby.

"Oh, this is...Summer?!" He looked shocked at my new look, his eyes widened.

"Yes, the old Summer's back!" I smiled while jumping up and down excited.


LOL! How do you like Summer now?

Oh and Quinn?

Team Coby or Team Quinn?

For now my dear fans ...

Butterfly224 <3

I died but I'm not dead (on hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora