I died but I'm not dead (Part 6)

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Okay... Part 6! YAY! It took me ages to write this :) Hope you like it. Tried to keep the gruesome bits small. There not in that much detail. Must warn you though there is death involved in this chapter! Enjoy :)


Summers P.O.V

I sat crying in the toilet for at least an hour. People would walk in and then walk back out again. Not even caring about me. Crying teenage girls was a daily thing that happened in high school. Some days would be very hormonal in the school and it was like a mad jungle. (Not as mad as the scene in mean girls though)

I stood up and splashed cold water on my face trying to reduce the redness on my eyes. My curly hair was messed up and my mascara was streaked down my face. I looked gorgeous!

I hated Coby. Who the hell was he? Talking about my parents in that way. Talk about being sensitive (understand the sarcasm in my voice?)He was just another player. A clone of CHASE! Chase is the biggest player in the school. Every girl falls over when they see him. I mean this literally. Obviously me being the head cheerleader and him the captain of the football team it was a tradition for us to go out. Of course that was year ago. The time before it... happened. I can't even remember what happened to make me a freak. I do remember what happened at Chase's house though.


I pulled up at Chase's house. I was dressed in my off the shoulder red top, black skinny jeans and killer red high heels. I had straightened my hair, applied smoky eye shadow and other makeup. I checked myself one more time in the rear-view mirror (pouting more like) and slipped out of my car. I walked (shaking my bum) to Chase's door. He opened it and he looked like a Greek god! OMG! He had left his hair untouched and was wearing a black v neck top with ripped black jeans.

"Hey sexy" He smirked while grabbing my waist and pulling me into his house. He started to kiss me passionately. I wrapped my arms round his neck and pulled him closer to me. I felt his arm entwine in my hair. We pulled away gasping for air.

"Hi" I smiled back. I realised the house was quiet and looked at him.

"Your parents are out?" I asked.

"Yes. Just me ... and you" I let him pull me towards the lounge and choose a film for us to watch. We ended up watching Alice in Wonderland. Chase knew it was my favourite film at the moment. It also included Johnny Depp! I quoted nearly every single line out of the film and I could hear Chase chuckling while he wound my hair round his finger. Near the end when Alice was just about to fight the jabberwocky my phone buzzed. Chase picked up and handed it to me. He paused the film so I could see who it was. OMG It was Tyler!

Tyler > Hey, Wanna come to mine? Watch Alice in Wonderland? Do something else? Haha xx

Why was Tyler texting me? I could feel Chase reading over my shoulder. His body suddenly stiffened next to me.

"Tyler?!" He angrily asked me.

"What? I'm not going out with him. You're my boyfriend. He's just a friend Chase" I looked at him with pleading eyes wanting him to believe me. Chase was majorly overprotective about his girlfriends and he was having an OTT moment. He stared at me then stormed upstairs.

"Chase! Please believe me!" I cried and ran after him.

"Don't follow me. I don't know what I'll do if you follow me!" His eyes were blazing with anger.

"Nothing is going on between us! I'm your girlfriend! Believe me!" I screamed at him. He turned and stared at me.

"You know what? I don't know what to believe anymore. I've seen the way guys look at you at school. I've seen the way you look back at them. You know I'm not just a one off. I love you!" He glared at me then turned back around and walked up the stairs. I sunk against the banister and cried. Cried for Chase. He must feel horrible now. Nothing was going on between me and Ty we were just mates. He texted me every single night. That's how good a friend he was.

How could I be so thick?! Of course he liked me and Chase had realised that.

After being sat downstairs for an hour I heard movement upstairs. Hopefully Chase had calmed down. I stood up and realised I had a numb bum. I didn't bother reapplying my make-Up and made my way upstairs. I knocked on his door and walked into his room. He was lay on his bead with his top off. OHHH six pack! He glanced at me and then patted the space next to him. I lay next to him.

"Sorry about before. I...." Chase interrupted me while I was speaking.

"No I'm sorry. I'm too overprotective. You and Tyler are just friends, right?" I nodded my head deciding now was not a good time to bring up the fact Tyler liked me. I lay my head on his chest while he stroked my hair. This was a great moment. This is what a relationship should be about. Until my phone interrupted it.

Tyler > Where are you babe? Still waiting for you. Alice in Wonderland is in the DVD player. Popcorns made! I have to tell you something as well. Privately xx

I sighed and felt Chase push himself off the bed leaving me falling to the floor. What a great boyfriend! I stood up and glared at him.

"Tyler's just a friend. I though we discussed this" I smiled at him. Unfortunately he didn't return the smile just glared and walked out. I ran after him and pushed him against the wall. I ran my hand through his hair and brought his lips to mine. I kissed him but he just pulled away and looked at me.

"Tyler is more than a friend. I suggest you go seems as though he has something to tell you. Probably to admit his undying love for you" I felt tears run down my cheeks and turned to walk away. Unfortunately I forgot the stairs were right behind me...


Chases P.O.V

I watched her in slow motion fall down the stairs. Watched her body roll down the stairs. Heard bones crack in her body as she hit the wall while falling. I couldn't catch her in time. I watched blood roll off her head and stain the wood. Her body went limp as she hit the floor. She landed in an awkward position and her neck sickeningly cracked. I ran to her limp, white body and held her. I grabbed my phone and rung them. I had no choice. I had to do this. For Summer. For Joe. For me.

They answered on the first ring.

"What's up man? Its bin a while huh?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. This was not funny. This was the total opposite to funny.

"I need your help. My girlfriends dead"


OMG! Even I want to read on. Haha :) Will upload soon. I hope. Hope you liked :) When Chase and Summer are arguing I suggest you listen to Talk you down by the script. I was listening to it and I was like blubbering while writing that part. Vote, comment and Fan. Please :D

I died but I'm not dead (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now