Part 3

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New chapppie enjoy :)


I pulled up at school after spending hours explaining to Joe (my brother) why I had broken my alarm clock. He decided that I needed anger management classes and should see someone about my anger problems. Whatever. I grabbed my hoodie and walked towards the school. I was wearing my man pants ( sweatpants), black strappy top and my black converse. Pulling on my sunglasses I realised that the bratz were nowhere to be seen. (Bratz= plastics) I mean I used to be part of the bratz but not anymore. I vaguely remember what happened last year which turned me in to a freak.


A year before

"So, coming over tonight?" Chase stared into my eyes. God, he was gorgeous. He also had a very manly smell which I adored.

"Sure. See you at 6" I shouted as I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked to mey car. I controlled everyone here. I was the queen of this school. Guys whistled at me as I walked past. I was hot. I wasn't afraid to admit it.

As I pulled up in my car at home I saw Joe wave through the window. God, he was embarassing. I grabbed my bag and ran inside. Joe was sat on the couch with his girlfriend. I ran upstairs fast as I didn't want to see anything that was over a PG rating. Tonight was going to be great. Just me and Chase spending time together. God knows what could happen.


Sorry so short but I am very tired :)



Fan :)

I died but I'm not dead (on hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant