Chapter 20: The Crime

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Nobody can ever predict pain; whether it be the intensity or the source. "Let the punishment fit the crime." Was the order that the world lives by, though I didn't understand the crime I committed and why it resulted in this.
Punishment wasn't something I feared and after seeing the sliver of empathy and pain rake of Ward's eyes, I surely wasn't afraid of it from me. I will give him this though, the punishment wasn't something I ever expected.
I awoke that morning, alone. Ward wasn't in the room and the motel was, overall, eerily quiet and abandoned. So it felt. I made it through the night without my "punishment."

"I'm not scared of you." Was all I gritted to Ward after his snide comment.
"Good." His rebuttal was tagged with a deep smile. "You misunderstand me, if you think I want you to fear me."
He attempted to caress my cheek in that moment but I snapped my face away from him.
"Then what do you want Ward? Why the hell am I here?! All these years and nothing from you. Why? Why come after me now?"
My questions had been genuine as I was thoroughly confused why he chose to come after me.
"You'll see soon enough, my plans for you." I didn't like the way his eyes looked when the word "plans" came out of his mouth. It seemed devilish, lustful. I immediately felt my body begin to tense up.
"And in the morning you'll get the discipline that you deserve."
I about had enough of his taunting. I jumped up from the bed, "What is this discipline? Am I child too you?"
He chuckled deviously, "Far from it but you do lack obedience."
"You might be happy being somebody's lap dog but I'll have no part in it." My teeth ground together as I resisted the urger to spit all over him. I shoved my way past him, though I didn't have any logical place to retreat too. He immediately took ahold of my arm and ripped me backwards onto the bed. I made a slight huff as my body tumbled back onto the bed. Wards expression grew serious but concerned.
"Listen to me. You're going to stay here, if you know what's good for you." His face was inches from mine and his hands were around my wrists, holding me to my seat. My pulsed quickened as I felt his black eyes starring directly through me.
"I can guarantee you that far worse consequences lie beyond the other side of that door."
I glanced back at the doorway as he spoke. He was right, Garrett ideas would be far worse than Wards. I could either fool with devil or makes ties with one of his demons. Though in my eyes Ward was Satan himself, I had to be rational and logic said that in some part of Wards sick and twisted mind, he still cared for me. Just a tiny bit. I needed to play my cards right and survive long enough until I could, properly, escape or backup arrived.
"Besides, nights with me haven't been all bed. I remember a few times they were very pleasurable."
I rolled my eyes immediately and turned over in the bed. A small chuckle was the only other thing Ward uttered that night before lying down next to me. Thankfully, he kept his distance but I had a feeling that wouldn't last long.
I took a minute to gaze about the room and quickly noticed a change of clothes on the end of the bed. Simple items black t-shirt, jeans, and combat boots as well. I arose slowly and waited for any signs of life or sounds of voices before stripping down and changing. Once I was dressed, I was surprised to discover something else underneath the pile; two switchblades. I picked them up immediately but a wave of hesitation and suspicion fell over me. Why would he let me be armed? Why let me carry blades? Though I suppose it didn't matter much, with this device in my neck; maybe he feels they still contain the advantage. Why take the risk though? I didn't analyze the thought two much before placing the blades in my jeans and scurrying to the bedroom door.
Maybe just maybe I could get out.
"Good morning gorgeous." My mouth went slightly agape as I was met face to face with Ward. He was fully clothed in tactical gear and held a heartless expression on his face.
"Grab her." Was his next words as two men, decked in full black gear, grabbed ahold of my arms and shoulders. They confined my arms behind my back and forced me too my knees.
Just then Garrett walked in.
"Going somewhere?" He inquired with a bellowing chuckle. I scowled him at as Ward knelt down in front of me.
"No, she won't be going anywhere for quite sometime." With that line I immediately felt searing and burning volts shoot up through my legs and thighs. My body wanted to heave over but the guards for me to remain in my kneeling stance.
I cried out in agony as tears streamed down my cheeks and my legs beginning to shake and crumble. It was Ward, however, that was pressing the bottom this time. It was Garrett. I knew by his menacing laugh and smile.
"Grant, what did he do too you?" I gasped out to Ward after regaining my breathe but as soon as I could exhale the pain fired again. More intently the the last.
"Aggh!" I groaned loudly, this time the guards let go of me and I fell onto my left side.
"He taught me about life." Was Wards reply when I stopped moaning.
"He taught you how to be a murderer!" I weakly barked and winced at the dull pain, still, slicing through my muscles.
"Shhh." He gently stroked his hand over my cheek. "It'll be over soon enough. I'd think wiser the next time you try and escape from me."
While speaking I saw him pull out this small, round, metal device. It had some sort of pointed end to it. The device seemed very advanced and foreign, and amongst my pain, I can't decipher much details. Ward hovered the device over my ear for a moment before jamming it straight into my ear drum.
I clenched my teeth together as I let out a deep and muffled groan. I could feel the device penetrate and move inside my inner ear and suddenly I couldn't hear anything. My own muffled groans were now drowned out by a high-pitched ringing. What was this?!
After a few moments Wards voice broke the shrilling sound.
"As I said before gorgeous, cooperation is everything here. You have to listen."
"Yeah we'll see how resistant she is now when the only voices she can here are ours." Garrett added on with a sneer before calling back the other men. I didn't hear him say that but I'm pretty good at reading lips and judging from Grants next statement, I figured that's what he said.
"My voice." He corrected while gazing at me attentively. I suppose my face could reveal what I was feeling. Dizziness consumed me, as though I was drugged. Though I knew I was lying on the floor, my head and stomach felt as if they were rapidly spinning.
"She can either one sound or many." Ward added on to another line that Garrett uttered. He seemed disturbed with the idea of me only being under Wards authority probably because he felt Ward was soft.
"She won't break to you. She's too hard. She needs force to get her broken and cracked."
"You worry too much Garrett ," Ward continued on while smiling at me. "She'll behave herself now."
"You better be right kid. This is your last chance. If you don't take care of her properly, I will."
Nausea began to corrode away the lower part of my stomach as my body flinched and ached from the previous voltage. I felt liquid draining from ear and down my cheek. I could only assume it was blood. The longer I looked at Ward and Garrett the more lightheaded and lethargic I felt. They were waiting for me to go unconscious. I saw Grant mutter something before my eyes fell completely shut. Something along the lines of,
"How long is this going to take?"
"Soon. She'll be out soon enough and then we can move to the next location."
"Yeah well it better happen quickly because the team suspects we're being followed."
"You should be celebrating then Garrett. Coulson will be arriving before you know it."
Coulson, Ward going to go after Coulson.....SHIELD. My eyes were getting heavier and I felt my consciousness slipping away.
"It isn't Coulson coming after her."
"Who's coming then?"
"Some other juveniles it seems. Ones we saw at the warehouse. I knew we should have ended them while we were there."
"They won't be a threat to us."
"That's for damn sure."
"We have what we came for and if Coulson wasn't paying attention before, he will surely be watching now."

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