Chapter 4: Billionare

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"I can't believe they have Shawarma here." I groaned instantly as pulled up too the restaurant. This was a giant waste of my time. I had better things to do. Progress things to do. Important work, that I could do!!
I was not a fan of playing dress up or participating in an exaggerated schmooze fest.
"Who knew?" Happy chuckled nervously while looking out the window at the restaurant.
"I'm not talking to you traitor!" I immediately blew up at him.
"Traitor?" He tried to play innocent.
"Oh don't give me that bullsh!t Happy! I know very well what you and Rhodey were compiling together.
He still looked totally confused but I was sick of liars and sick of games.
"For getting in on that stupid bet with Rhodey!" I exploded. "My love life is a not game or a soap opera displayed for your amusement!"
"Hey we were just guessing to see as to who you might be interested in." He shrugged casually, trying to get me calm again but I was beyond furious now.
"I want nothing to do with anyone! You got that." I gritted my teeth hard as my expression turned instantly cold and sour.
"Alright. Alright. Calm down and swipe off the scowl huh. Your face will get stuck that."
"Yeah well when it does. It'll be you and Tony I have to thank for it. By that moment I couldn't rant anymore because we arrived I had to pretend that I didn't want to knock Tony or Happy in the head with a bat.
We all were seated at a table off from the balcony that over looked the gardens. It was truly a beautiful restaurant and I'd be more receptive of it's glory if I wasn't completely pissed off right now.
I was seated between Oliver and Bruce which was just exactly what I needed to end my evening. How joyous fantastic to be in the middle of their mindless quips and dry rich-boy talk. Tony didn't help either. He was always the instigator.
I was impressed by how calm Pepper was during I this. I loved that she cared for Tony and could handle him because, myself, couldn't bear the mental trauma. She definitely was his match.
All the men continued to chatter away after we ordered our food. I spent most of the evening, quite, and wishing I had taken Rhodey up on that Martini or, better yet, something even stronger. I can't believe that backstabber turned my life into a betting game. I don't care if it was meant in fun. It really pissed me off when people tried to invoke certain choices or situations in my life. I didn't do well being coerced into anything and in terms of actual orders; I took those from very few. Only one or two specific people in my life had the position to order me around but that's a different case.
After a while, I decided I was firmly done with my present company and needed a minuscule break or someone would die if, that is, if I didn't just axe myself off. So far I was loosing my part in this little bet. From what I noticed Oliver gave consistent glances lingering on me a few times tonight and to that I was not at all interested in acknowledging. Bruce made his subtle smiles and looks himself. I don't think I've ever felt exhausted by just looking at somebody but the two of them combined was mentally draining. I needed out. I excused myself to the ladies room but actually retreated out on to the balcony. I let out a long and breathy exhale as I let my finger tips rest on the cold iron bars. The wind slipped through my hair and around my neck in a playful way before ducking down and sweeping under the tiers in my satin dress. I really needed this for a second and sadly a second was all I had it for
"Enjoying the view?" an all too familiar voice perked up near me. I had the immediate desire to back flip of this iron railing; I could too if I was in the proper attire. I opened my eyes but didn't look at him. I turned back around and faced the city scape before me.
"I was." was all I managed to mutter
"I'll take that as a sign that your not talking to me." He added lightly and with a slight chuckle.
"You could take as a sign to leave." I turned back around swiftly and shot him an emotionless glance before re-examining the view.
"And I'll take that as a sign your that your mad at me. Question is why?"
I shook my head a few times before turning around. I crossing my arms over my chest defensively,
"Really. You don't remember?"
"Not a clue." He replied quickly, "Uh remind me again." He playfully added on but his denial only infuriated me.
"I'm not going to stand here and have this conversation." I rolled my eyes and marched towards the entry way.
"Alright wait." He quickly grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him, "You know I'm only joking around."
"And you really think it's a good idea to being screwing with me?"
I pulled my wrist out of his grasp and proceeded to walk back inside but he just had to keep talking.
"You're really still hung up on everything that happened back then?"
His words stopped me dead in my tracks and I could feel a playful smile forming on his lips.
"I am, Does that surprise you?" I turned with my hands planted on my hips.
"Well four years is a long time to hold a grudge, even for you."
"Is it a grudge or established caution? And that's kind of easy for you to imply isn't it, Playboy."
"Look, I didn't come out here to argue with you." I could see the frustration slowly beginning to build from inside him. Good thing, because I was tired of his passive behavior. He never took anything seriously especially back then.
I raised my eyebrows, "Well you failed. Congratulations, Mission unaccomplished leather boy."
"Oh What do you want from me Niki?! To apologize for the fifteenth?" He spoke harsher and got closer to my face.
"Right now, I want you to move out of way."
"Well that's not going to happen." He added on more firmly before giving a sly grin as took a few more steps closer to me. We were only inches apart but his manipulation didn't effect me the way it used too. I wasn't juvenile anymore.
"Don't try doing what you used to do me." I warned him.
"And what's that?" He inquired still plastering that stupid smirk. The one I used to fall for. The one dozens  of other girls continue to fall for. I learned my lesson a long time ago. Oliver Queen could not be trusted.

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