Chapter 11: Shot Glasses and Chardonay

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"Good Afternoon Mr. Queen." The doorman greeted as we entered a luxurious hotel called the Nebula. Chandeliers and gold trim coated the ever rising ceilings. Glorious architecture and statues aligned the whole lobby and front entrance.
We made our way to check in and our luggage was immediately engulfed and taken up to our room. "It's a pleasure to have you staying with us Mr. Queen."
"Anytime." Oliver acknowledged with his businessman smile.
"And a most enchanting company you have brought along with you." The man added on meekly while giving me a warm smile. I returned the expression graciously.
"Yes, she is rather eye catching isn't she." Oliver smirked while looking me up and down. I gave him a firm glance of warning while the older gentleman chuckled.
"Sorry darling." Oliver added cooly, "This is Anastasia." I tried to force a genuine smile towards the man as Oliver introduced me. Traces of enchantment slipped through his voice as he said my full name. The look of admiration in his eyes made me uncomfortable but I tried not to show it. Even after the feuding we'd been through, some part of him still appeared to favor me.
"Stacey please." I interjected quickly. "Stacey Reign." Gosh how I hated going by Stacy, or Anastasia. I dropped that long go after I went solo at SHIELD. I hated the formality of it and I hated the girl it used to represent. Oliver would sometimes call me that as will; another reason to not be so fond it.
"A pleasure to meet you Miss Reign and soon, perhaps, Mrs. Queen." He replied curiously.
"Miss Reign will do for now." I corrected and could see Oliver smirking through my peripheral vision.
"Though she'll be a Queen soon enough." He quickly chimed in over my shoulder while moving an arm around my waist. I wanted to back hand him so hard. My spine, instinctively, arched away from his touch as he pulled me closer in to his chest. I tried to relaxing into his movement and not let my tension expose itself but I really hated him having to touch me.
"I have you both reserved in out penthouse suite. Please enjoy." He handed and keys and with an exchange of nods we made our way to the elevator. I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my foot impatiently.
Olivers demeanor reflected the polar opposite. He was calm, cool, collected. It irked me. As we entered the room we were immediately taken off guard by a large basket. It overflowed with baked goods and decadent sweets. A large bouquet or red roses set beside it and attached to the arrangement was a small card. It simply read Congratulations.
"I think they're happy for us?" Oliver chuckled in amusement while gazing about at the gifts. I rolled my eyes and immediately went to start unpacking.
"Your not smiling my dear." His voice, humorously rose from behind me as he attempted to lay a sly kiss on my shoulder. In one swift motion I immediately removed one of the daggers from underneath my dress and spun around to face. The tip of the blade aimed sternly at the base on his neck. He raised his hands up quickly in defense.
"Don't mess with me." I quipped. 
"Take it easy Nik-."
"How about, you don't tell me what to do." My gaze hardened as I held the tip of the blade skate by, just centimeters, away from his esophagus.
"Oh would you put those damn things away." I shot him one more look of warning and with quick flick of the wrist, the blade was back in its holster.
"Your going to get us caught with one of those things."
"I'm here to do a job!" I shouted boldly, "Not screw around. Don't think that this cover gives you and advantage against me. I have no problem fracturing your larynx and completing this mission by myself."
"Believe me I'm aware of that."
"Then start acting like it."
"How am I supposed to maintain my cover if I can't go near you?!"
I rolled my eyes immediately, "You know exactly when and what to do to maintain our cover. So stop making it seem like I'm the one making things difficult for you."
Amongst our arguing, we both received a message from Fury. Our targets landed and were making their way to the hotel. It was time to catch their attention.
"Having fun?" Oliver inquired sarcastically as we each sipped on a glass of bourbon. I glared at him quickly before directing my gaze back towards the ballroom. It had been two hours since Fury messaged us and their was no trace of the illusive men that we were after. Ollie was bored and I was still pissed from his game earlier. Every time I believe he's got the message something else arises and he starts acting like a player all over again.
"Would you accept it if I apologized?" he asked dryly after a moment.
"Probably not." Was my emotionless response. My focus was on our job now. Not Olivers babbling.
"Didn't think so." He mumbled too himself as he took another sip.
"Eyes up." I stated casually as familiar group of mob bosses strode into the ballroom. He looked up immediately and made eye contact with one of men.
"Show time." I stated simply as I rose up from my seat.
"Just don't get to ahead of yourself." Oliver reminded as the men began to approach us.
"I know what my job Mr. Leotard. So let me do it, alright. I'll focus on my task and you worry about yours."

"Mr. Queen, Miss Reign."
The gentlemen in black greeted us politely and I forced a sweet smile as the head man kissed my finger tips.
"You really should be careful Oliver. Wouldn't want a prize like this to get stolen one day."
The man smirked slightly as his gaze met Olivers.
"Ah, are you making a threat?" Oliver humorously questioned.
"Not a threat but I may be making you a proposition one day." He smiled slyly and kissed my hand once more.
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr. Cavanaugh but I'm going to have to keep her." Oliver smiled firmly as he slid an arm around my torso.
"Now boys." I quickly felt the need to interject. "Were here to make an exchange; no need tension." I smiled and exchanged calm looks between the two of them.
"She's right Oliver we're here for business but there's no sense we can't blend in a little pleasure amongst our successes."
He hinted in a charming manner which caused Oliver to tense up slightly, or so I felt."
"I couldn't agree with you more Russo." Oliver affirmed calmly.
Russo Cavanaugh was one of the biggest weapons experts and crime lords in the business. He has a high reputation in production, distribution, and assassinations.
SHIELD has spent nearly a decade trying to snag this guy and burn his operation to the ground, now, it was finally happening. I realized instantly why Fury needed me on this case and was each to complete it.
Our first meeting was successful, though I hoped to get more discussion on the deal but like billionaires do; we spent much of the night with drinks and gambling.
Tomorrow we'd be set to meet at the pool house with more of Russos associates and then, if everything fell through smoothly, we'd conduct the transaction that night. I couldn't believe after all this time we'd finally be catching him.

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