Chapter 9: Fish Out of Water

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I found myself contemplating the image I discovered in Olivers room last night. Though I wasn't sure why it mattered but my curiosity was aroused. Why was it there? Why did he have it? Questions started running through my mind but I tried blocking them out. I didn't need this now.
Oliver came home that afternoon, only too invite Barry and I out on the yacht. Though he wouldn't be joining us, he had business to attend too. I suppose I could endure sometime on the water. It would allow me to get together some more proposals, not that business mattered anymore, either way, I was stuck here.
With a few vibrant "Yahoos" out of Barry when left mansion and went too the dock to meet our driver. The boat was wide, relaxing, and enjoyable. Although a sudden fog began settling in from the air, I didn't mind it. I enjoyed the cool mist, it was a pleasing change too the recent heat wave that we recently endured. I sat on the front decking, leaning, steadily, over the iron railing. Breathing in the salty air, I closed my eyes and took in the sound of undulate waves that, gracefully, encompassed the ship; and just like that the tranquility was broken. The sound of crashes waves and an uprising of white water shook me from daydream. I whirled around only too meet a pair of dark amber eyes and all too familiar smirk.
"Permission too come aboard?" The tattoo figure inquired with a cocky grin.
"Permission denied!" Barry shouted quickly as he zipped up from the deck below. He puffed out his chest and, uprightly, held the mop he had in his right hand. The metal bucket upon on his head, didn't help the ferocity he was poorly portraying. If I hadn't been taken aback by Arthurs arrival, I'd be dying from hysteria.
"I wasn't asking you squirt." Arthur remarked as he shoved Barry to the side; his gaze held on me.
"Arthur Curry...." I began with a mischievous smile. "It's so good too see you!" I immediately ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He chuckled and lifted me off the ground. "What are you doing here?!" I marveled as he sat me back down.
"Well I think it be obvious." He replied with a sly smile. "Since my girl came back in town."
"Told you he'd show up." Barry added with a slight glare towards Arthur as he gathered himself from the hard shove that he just received. At least the jolt forced that stupid bucket off of his head.
"And your still here because?" Arthur asked with clear annoyance in his voice.
"I'm running this ship!" Barry insisted and pointed his mop at Arthur.
"AHuh." Was all Arthur said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Now boys. Play nice." I warned while looking between the two of them.
"Yeah Barry." Arthur agreed, "Let's go play hide and seek. You jump in the water and I'll start counting." I gave Arthur a firm slap in the arm.
"That sounds like a threat." Barry stated suspiciously.
"Now your getting the picture." Arthur rebutted with a sarcastic smile before turning to me. "Seriously though why do you keep this nut job around.
"He makes me laugh." I said with a shrug.
"You better watch yourself Nemo. I'm on to your games." Barry warned his eyes glaring at Arthur and his mop set in attack position. I couldn't help but chuckle at their bickering. Arthurs face was expressionless, he turned to me once more.
"Well if it's that all, I can do that and so much more." He gave a sheepish grin, "Why don't you come with me?"
I gave a quick scoff. "You'd like that wouldn't you. Why didn't you come visit me in New York?"
"Too much concrete and I wouldn't reject the offer."
"Good thing I'm not presenting anything."
"Oooo burn!" Barry announced with an amused expression but Arthur ignored him.
"You know what, you can be really cold hearted sometimes. Its a good quality though. Great for those in ruling positions."
"No Arthur." I stated dryly
"No what."
"No, I will not run away to rule Atlantis with you."
"Reeeejected!" Barry butted in once more. This time the instigation was too much for Arthur to deny.
"No Barry." He spat slowly, gritting his teeth. "The proper term is eeee-jected. Now you got 4 seconds to dash out of here before I run your red and yellow carcassup that pole!" And just like that Barry was gone. I slapped Arthurs arm once more.
"You expect that to hurt?" He smirked while gazing me up and down.
"No but one of these might." I sassed as three knives emerged between my finger tips.
"Where do you even keep those things?!"
"Any place I can. You shouldn't be so hard on Barry." I scolded.
"Yeah, well you shouldn't encourage him. Your the one created that monster."
"I did not!" I scoffed instantly and was about to prepare a rebuttal when Barrys voice rang from the front of the ship.
"Land hoooo!" He hollered out like the deranged imp that he was. Look like the boat ride was over.
"Well this my stop." I confirmed with a small smile. "You plan on sticking around?"
"Hey, I'll go anywhere your are gorgeous."
"Oh cut the sweet talk Arthur your giving me cavities."
He smiled widely before responding, "Yourself?"
"Kind of stuck here. Not my choice."
I shook my head, "Higher orders."
"Understandable. What does he have you looking at?"
"I don't know specifics yet but basically a bunch of stiffs in suits. Some form of money scandals; they could be out for Oliver."
"Yeah well if you need backup you know who to call in and speaking of Queenie-." Arthur gave a nod towards the front of the boat. Barry was chambering away to Oliver, who knows what about.
I smiled softly at Arthur before glancing behind, "Thanks. I guess I better go."
"Hey, you wanna know what would drive Oliver crazy?" I shot him a both curious and warning look. I was tired of people assuming Oliver liked me; though I wasn't oblivious to the fact that it was, most likely, true.
"Hey man if he's gonna act all defensive, you may as well have fun with it."
I saw his gaze shift back to Oliver and I casually glanced that way as well. I saw Oliver eyeing the two of us. A hint of jealous streaked across his eyes and I really wished I hadn't seen it. It made me nauseous and pissed all at the same time.
"Well what did you have in mind?" I barely had time to finish the question before he pulled me closer towards him and kissed me. My first inclination would be to smack him firmly across the face and I rose up my hand to do so but something seemed to stop me. I could feel Olivers gaze burning behind me, for a few seconds, the thought of teasing him like this was just too tempting. I never participated in acts this juvenile, but my pettiness had taken control of me. After all, he started this weeks ago in Moscow when he tried to weasel his way back on to my good side.
Instead of slamming Arthur, I placed both my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss; his handing sliding down from my waist and onto my hips. He got a bit more eager when I began kissing him back to which I quickly ended it there before he could become to fresh.
"Seems we attracted an audience." Arthur smirked as I pulled away from him.
"Oh I'm sure." I added with a slight warning look to which he ignored.
"Yeah you'll have some explaining to do to Barry later." I snorted immediately and bit my bottom lip. It was the only way I could resist laughing. I'm sure his face was priceless right now.
"Well, I'll see ya around gorgeous." He shot me before stepping on to the side of the ship.
"We should do this again sometime?"
"In your dreams fish-boy." I called out after him as dove off the side, not loudly enough for the others to here though and just had Arthur said we had drew an audience. Barrys mouth was nearly dragging across the cement and I tried hard to maintain my composure. Oliver, definitely, was not pleased but I could tell he was trying to suppress it. Needless to say he was quite the whole drive home.
I gave a disappointed sigh as we pulled up to the mansion
"Home too soon?" Olivers obnoxious voice entered my ears as I waltzed up the front steps of the mansion. He was definitely pissed.
"Perhaps so." I quipped irritatedly before continuing up the steps.
"Pardon my intrusion." I heard him mumble from beneath his breath.
I huffed and immediately turned back to face him. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I snipped instantly. I had about three or four days of compacted anger and I could feel it getting ready to bubble over.
"Nothing." He shut down quickly before coming up the steps himself.
"But jealous." I sassed when he reached the step before mine, with I immediately whipped back around began to march up the stairs. Right now I just wanted to retreat to my room and see if Fury had sent me any new details about this case I was working on.
However, Oliver had other plans with a quick reach and jolt he locked hold of my wrist and jerked me back down the steps to face him.
"Let go of me." I grunted and attempted to turn away again but he just jerked me around once more, this time I collided straight into his chest.
"What do you want me from Niki?" He demanded impatiently with a tight hold on my wrist. I eyed him coldly, but inside I could feel heat swelling up.
"What am I supposed to do?" He demanded again. "Jump of a balcony!"
"I wouldn't reject the idea." I muttered bitterly, my voice breaking up, slightly, as I spoke.
I saw a splinter of pain shoot through his eyes in that moment but I didn't care, I was done.
"But if you won't I just might." Was that next bitter thing that came tumbling out of my mouth and I could tell by squinting of his eyes that, that really set him off.
"As long as Arthur theres to catch you." He spat back and gave an evil smirk.
"Maybe so." I rebutted softly but cold. Displaying a, slight, tone of instigation. I knew he, very well, wouldn't do anything to me or Arthur.
I turned away once more, pleading in my mind that this would be the end of it but my hopes were misplaced. His grasp grew instantaneously tighter, I could've winced if I hadn't grown accustomed to certain pains. SHIELD trained me well in resistance and tolerance. He jerked me hard and fast. I swung around to face him. His one hand still gripped my wrist, while the other pressed, firmly, into the small of my back.
"I'm not finished with you." He muttered bitterly as my eyes came in, almost, direct alignment with his. I see they were full heat and I could sense the anger radiating from his body and onto mine.
"What am I supposed to say?" He asked firmly but slowly released his grip as he, most likely, noticed the flash of surprise that sprung through my gaze. As he continued to look at me his expression turned softer as his face filled with signs of plea and concern. I used to love warmness of his eyes and how they changed from hues of brown and hazel. Sometimes they even held streaks of amber. I can recall getting lost in them. Feeling so much warmth and security from them; that feeling, however, had left me long ago.
"How do I make it disappear?" His words broke the daze that I wandered into. He reached his hand up in attempt to touch my cheek but I immediately forced it away.
"You can't."
With that I ascended the stairs. Not another word was spoken between for the rest of the day or night. A majority of my afternoon was spent explaining the whole, 'kiss thing' to Barry so he'd stop pouting like a five year old. That evening I heard no words of sounds affirming Olivers presence in the house, just a single light that radiated through his office doorway. I didn't need to peak in to know what he was doing, alone, at 10:30pm. Oliver had such a bachelor's lifestyle which included a horrid drinking habit. It wasn't surprising to discover it still existed nor was it shocking to hear the sound of breaking glass within an hour or two later. I knew I had hurt him today and, as any Playboy does, he finds the cure to his pain at the bottom of bottle.

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