Chapter 10: The Pairing

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"Hello?" Was the first phrase I uttered that next morning as I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing away. I my head, drearily, before removing from the side table and holding it to my ear.
"Call in."A deep and grumbled voice rang from the other line.
"Pardon?" I questioned still a little sluggish and glanced over at my alarm clock; it was 6:30.
"I've been trying to get ahold of you for a day and a half."
"Oh that's bullshit!" I immediately jumped up from my bed. I received no calls or messages from him these past few days so I refused to take any hostility for it.
"Excuse me?" Fury warned but I wasn't in the mood to apologize as the memories from yesterday's spatting began to reenter my mind.
"I said that's bullcrap! I've been waiting to hear from you all week!"
"You'd have heard from me sooner if you answered your phone."
"This is the first time you've called me Fury so cut the BS, Do you have the assignment or not? Time's ticking fast and I want out of this hell hole!"
"You sound a bit on edge,"
I held my tongue from saying something that would surely get me canned.
"No I'm just peachy."
"You might to check the attitude. Cause your time in Star City is only beginning Agent Beyer."
"Like I needed the reminder, now what details do you have for me."
Fury caught me up on as much as he could but emphasized the he need to finish explaining things in person. This would just mean some sort of video-call because few ever got to meet Fury 'in person.' The bureaucrats, apparently, had arrived last night were staying at one of the finest hotels in Star City. The work would soon begin and I was preparing my mind for the task at hand. I made my way to the library, the most quite room in the house.
So far, I hadn't seen Oliver this morning and I assumed he had gone to the city for work. I found a quite table in the corner of the library. I quickly set up my laptop and I was instantly face-to-face with the infamous Nick Fury.
"Agent Beyer." He addressed sternly.
"Director Fury." I acknowledged respectfully totally avoiding the fact that I've completely chewed him out during our past few conversations.
"I'm wiring you the details to your assignment as we speak. Agent Hill will be your outside source for any additional files you need."
I nodded and noticed an email pop up my screen and save it for later viewing.
"Anything else?" I added after a while of taking down notes.
"Yes. I'd like to introduce you to your new partner on the case." My head rose in surprise and I gazed at the screen with a puzzled expression. Before I could serve a phrase of disapproval, Oliver walked into the room. My gaze shot to the door and I could see his face was full of apprehension.
"I believe you and Mr. Queen are already acquainted." Fury began bluntly. My heart began to beat a mile a minute and I could feel my blood boiling. No! I refused to do this!
"I refuse t-"
"Sit down Agent Beyer."
I sat down but my gaze held on Oliver as he came and took the chair next too me. I let out an exhale as my face formed an uncomfortable scowl.
Fury continued on with his information. He filled us in on the rest of the details. We were to leave for the hotel in two days and gain intel on the intentions of the guests.
I also was too pose as Olivers fiancé. Which I didn't find relevant whatsoever. It was beyond degrading and I was beyond mad. I wanted to scream but I had shouted so much in the past week, I was becoming tired of it. However, I apparently had one more in me, as soon as we left the office, my fiery spirit returned.

"You knew about this didn't you!"! I shouted as Oliver shut the door. "You knew about this all along. You set this up!" I huffed loudly and could feel my pulse racing fast as heat began radiating off my face. I didn't really mean the last part. I knew he hadn't done that, at least, most likely but I was really tired of getting screwed over.
"Oh don't you ever get tired of acusing me of things Niki." He sounded tired and rubbed his temples as he spoke. "I had no clue it was you!"
"Like hell you did! Fury obviously contacted you!"
"So I got call from Fury! He told him he wanted me to partner with one of his Agents here in Star City. I didn't know it was you until he told me. How the hell am I supposed to know your a government Agent Niki. You never talk to me!"
"And with good reason." I muttered sharply as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Don't you ever get tired of this?" he asked, almost curiously.
"Tired of what?" I dryly responded though I knew what he was hinting at.
"Of this all this fighting!" He voice grew even louder, enough to actually turn my gaze towards him.
"Don't you ever get exhausted with arguing all of the time."
"Yes, I get tired!" Of you and this stupid house! Why I was trying to get by until I could go home, but that won't be happening anytime soon. He placed a hand on my shoulder but I brushed it off.
"Don't touch me."
"Can't you let what happened in the past go Niki?"
"Why should I, after you stabbed me in the back?"
"Because I'm not the same guy that I was back then!" He was voice was loud at first but when soft at the end. He took a few steps forward to wear he was in front of me and gently took hold of my chin. He lifted it up towards him lightly, my eyes met his and I felt the same time of warmth that I used to but upon that warmness came another feeling; vulnerability. Something I wouldn't stand for.
"You are too me." Was what I harshly spent and immediately marched away from him.
I had no idea where I was going, most likely to pack; it didn't matter at the moment in time, as long as I was away from him.

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