Chapter 5: City Abroad

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"Your what!" I nearly snapped when the unthinkable words radiated through my ears drums and invaded my mind. We'd come home from Moscow about a week ago and I was enjoying the serenity of being back home but now the unthinkable was happening
"I'm sending you on a buisness trip to Star City." Tony reaffirmed his latest idea. Apparently when Pepper and I had departed from the meeting, Tony and Oliver had a progressive conversation in terms of business and financial endeavors. The one time Tony has to take work seriously results in dragging me into a whirlpool of living hell. Terrific.
"Tony! I don't have time for this!" I resisted the urge to explode at him but my voice wasn't exactly getting any lower.
"To busy for work?" He questioned while raising a brow knowing very well I had no firm social life and my time was occupied by consistent work and chores.
"It's work that I have to do." I countered and placed a hand on my hip.
"This isn't work it's is flattery!" He seemed totally confused as to what I was getting at. I rolled my eyes with the next statement,  "Schmoozing with executives is your part of the job. I handle the finances and proposals."
""Exactly." Tony countered matter-of-factly. "You will be handling our financial investments in Star City."
"I'm not going." I reconfirmed with a serious expression but Tony didn't even flinch.
"I refuse! I'm not going to take part in some flirtaeous sham or become your poster child!" Tony let out an amused scoff at my last statment.
"Why can't Pepper go?" I propsed rationally, attempting to calm myself down. She was far more equipped than me.
"Because she is coming with me." He stated simply.
"Seriously Tony I'm not. Who's idea was it to send ME to Star City anyway!?
"Flip of the coin kid."
"Liar." I spat while glaring.
"Not this time actually." He pointed out and I rolled my eyes.
"Well, I'm sorry the last place you are going to find me in is Star City."
"Welcome to Star City." The artifical voice rang over my head as the jet pulled into the airport.
"Yeah yeah yeah." I grumbled as I, reluctantly, grabbed my breif case. I hated the fact that I was here. I had more important work to do and better places I could be. I was, currently, waiting on an important call as I stepped of the jet and waited for my car to arrive. Oliver was, thankfully, occupied at a meeting so he wouldn't be there to pick me up. Within a few moments of me stepping off the plane, my phone range; it was always like clockwork when Nick Fury called in. I wasn't, technically, to be expectant of his call this time though but Fury had tracking on me. I knew indefinitely that as soon as my marking radar popped up in Star City, that I'd be receiving an ear full.
"Hello." I dryly answered already preparing myself for his ranting.
"You mind telling me where, exactly, the hell you are?!" His voice boomed through the speaker of my phone. My face didn't change.
"You've got GPS tracking on all your Agents Nick, where the hell does it say I am." I knew he wouldn't appreciate my tone and sarcasm accentuated sarcasm but I didn't care.
"Excuse me?" He stated coldly and waited for a proper response.
"I am currently and unwillingly stepping of a plane in Star City Sir, how is morning going?" My tone still remained sarcastic as I tried to express some form of positivity in order to get Fury off my spine. I didn't need his haggling right now. Normally, I never acted this way around him. He was one of the few people who had my full trust and respect in life; and one of even fewer I let give me orders and commands.
"The real question is, Agent Beyer, why are you there? As I recall, you were given a direct order to remain local until you received your assignment out to Dubai next month. And Last time I checked on Starks operation he wasn't making any ventures outside of New York."

"Hey Fury, next time save us all the meandering and just get to question, huh. I'm well aware of what my orders are but Stark decided to ship me on a last minute trip to Suckville, believe me, it wasn't by choice so get off my case. I tried staying local if you want to bitch about it, call him."

"I'd watch the smart-ass remarks if I were you Agent Beyer. Unless you want to be out of a job?"

I didn't need this crap right now and just like every movie, things got worse. A limo came rolling up and inside of it was Mr. Green Leather himself. Perfect. There went my ten minutes of solitude.
Over the phone, I could hear Fury conversing with someone else. "Miss Stark, has proceeded to treat herself to a vacation." I heard Fury's monotone grumble echoing through the line.  He was probably talking to Coulson or Hill, either way it had me immediately pissed.
"Listen," I demanded in the quiestest way possible to avoid any unwanted attention.
"This wasn't my plan or idea. So if you want to chew someone then call Tony. Maybe you can convince him to bring me home, otherwise, do us both a favor and get off my back!" I spat out each word with the utmost amount of, well, fury. Oliver made his way over to me and I knew my time was up.
"I have too go." I added quickly before he could utter anything else. I knew he was hot after the spewing I just gave and he had plenty to recite back but I didn't have time to hear it.
"Don't you da-" was the last words I heard before the call was ended.
I exhaled slowly as I heard footsteps approaching me from behind. I placed my phone in my bag before turning to face him.
"Ready to go?" Oliver questioned as he approached me, his fancy suite and sly smile."
"As I'll ever be." I mumbled to myself as I maneuvered towards the car door. Oliver let out a soft and amused snort.
With Oliver a few paces behind me, I could feel him smirking with each lunge that I took. I reached the limo and eagerly went for handle. I jerked at the door quickly, not caring if it's metal frame embedded itself directly into Oliver side.
I was almost aiming it at him but, sadly enough, he caught it. "A little eager are we?" He questioned with another pretty boy smile as his hand effortlessly caught the top of the door. I gave no reply but made sure my expressions served as a reasonable substitute. I wasn't going to survive here. Not with smirks, cocky smiles or irritable remarks. All little quips woman across the world dared to find amusing and admirable. Traits that my once, blind, self saw as attractive. What some saw to be amorous was just a foolish hope. He was nothing but flirt and he did it well but it never meant anything. It was all just meander, some sham used to lure charismatic blondes and presumptuous red hairs. He occasionally sucked in a few brunettes, like myself, into his game. All the lines and dazzling smiles; nothing more than a frauds clear teasing. Any gentleman-like behavior was an act too, all strictly facetious. He couldn't take a majority of his life and business seriously, what made anyone feel relationships would be different?

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