Chapter 3: Buisness and Pleasure

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Business and pleasure. The two things I told Tony to never mix. And guess what? HE MIXED THEM!
Unbeknownst to me, or Pepper, Tony changed the meeting to be at the Gala, which means no actual work will get done, because Tony will be too involved with the party. How do I know this? Because it's Tony! I also could tell by the suit he wore. It was his white suit, with a lavender under shirt and a, striped, plum-ish colored tie. Anytime he wore this suit, or something equally quirky, it meant Party Time. I was so frustrated with Tony for going behind back, but it's not the first time he has changed things last minute. On top of changing the meeting location, he decided he didn't want to take the limo. He wanted to drive is Audi R8 instead, so he did and took Pepper with him. I, however, decided to remain behind in the limo. Happy was here me, obviously, as he is my bodyguard. Despite Tony's threats to demote him. The best thing about Happy was that, like Pepper, he was one of my closest friends and I could vent to him about anything. Specifically the frustrating things Tony did. I was in the middle of one of these rants when we pulled up to the Gala.
"He's just so....UGH!" I flung my head back and then flew it back forward, my nails gripping and pulling at my hair.
"Hey now." Happy scolded me playful, "Don't mess up your hair do. I know how long Max spent on that and don't want him chewing me out because you messed it up."
I chuckled, "So your the guardian of my hair now too?" "Yes. The hair, makeup, outfit, everything." I laughed again.
"Good old Max." I chuckled to myself recalling the obsessive personality of my personal stylist. Everything always had to be "pure perfection" as he would call it.
"Just relax," Happy reassured and laid a hand on my shoulder. "Everything will go smoothly. Tony will be Tony and there's no stopping him."
I scoffed, "That's for sure." And proceeded to roll my eyes and rub my temples gently. I seriously had a migraine and wanted nothing more than to leave.
"Sir, Madame. We have arrived." Our driver called to us. We thanked and prepared to get out of the car. Might as let Tony go first and get the show started. It was going to happen inevitably.
"You ready?" Happy asked before getting out. I gave a reluctant nod and changed my face of pain to that of joy. Big smiles must be portrayed for the paparazzi. Happy opened my door and helped me out. Camera's flashed but being a private venue and gala, there wasn't a bombarding amount of individuals. Pepper and Tony strode confidently towards the entrance.
"Madame." Happy bowed towards me and offered his arm. I smiled and took it, and proceeded towards the entrance.
The art exhibit was indescribable. I looked an awe at the various paintings and sculptures. My eyes were drawn up and around the building that surrounded us. The architecture was mesmerizing.
"I'm going to mingle." I heard Pepper whisper to Tony as she gave him a small peck on the cheek. I watched as she went over to mingle Mr. Rosidin's CFO and financial staff. I then saw Mr. Rosidin, himself, emerge from a near by crowd and make his way towards Tony and I.
"Here he comes." I whispered to Tony, who I could tell was more interested in the bar.
"Mr. Stark, Miss Beyer. So wonderful to see you here." He greeted us with a warm smile.
Tony gave a quick smile"Hey Ro-" I cut him off with a subtle jab in the side. He looked at me innocently before turning back,"Yes, Mr. Rosidin. Good to see you." I gave out a small sigh of relief. Why was it so hard for Tony to be respectful.
"Oh please, call me Levi." Mr. Rosidin replied with another smile, "I think we know each other well enough to drop formalities."
Tony smile a cheeky grin and turned to look at me as it to say, "Haha. See I told you I didn't have to call him that."
"You see that." Tony's cheeky grin grew wider, "Levy here knows formalities are over rated." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and gave a simple smile.
Mr. Rosidin.....I mean Levi, gave Tony a small smile, "When Mrs. Beyer called and said you were coming, I was most pleased. I'm a great admirer of your work Mr. Stark."
Tony gave a quick nod, "Oh you can call her Niki." He gestured towards me. "And Tony's fine." Levi gave a nod, "I'd love to discuss the possibilities of Rosidin Designs becoming a sponsor for Stark Industries.
"You know Lev. That sounds wonderful. How about we discuss over some drinks huh." He gave Levi a pat on the back and lead him over to the bar. I, however, was left in the middle of the room with a dumbfounded expression. This was a nightmare. Happy, who was probably observing from a distance, noticed my discomfort and came over to me immediately
"I'm going to kill him." I mumbled half to myself and half towards Happy. "I know a good place to stash a body." he suggested casually.
I scoffed slightly and attempted to laugh at his humor, but it ended up sounding more like a whine. My head fell back and my arms hung low as I felt the desire to slump onto the tile floor.
Happy nodded, "Junk food after this." I lifted a finger in agreement. He nodded again, "I'll tell Max." I gave him a weak smile before regaining my self control.
Once I was calm and contained again I approached the bar, apparently just as Levi was leaving it. Oh I pray Tony didn't just screw this up.
"Ah." Tony raised his glass of bourbon at me, "Well Rosidin Designs has agreed to be a sponsor of Stark industries." I crossed my arms over my chest and began tapping my finger nails on my bicep.
"How long is the contract for Tony." He mumbled the number, but I didn't here.
"How long?!" I asked a more loudly and impatient.
"You know the standard 5 years." "Fi-" The words wouldn't come out. I leaned over the bar and began rubbing my temples.
"What you said we needed more long term sponsors, so I got us one.' He took a sip of his drink and had the bartender fill the glass again.
"No Tony." I spoke short and sternly. "We needed....more, short-term, benefactors. Because the security risks are too high in lengthy deals and contracts." He looked at me puzzled.
"Nope not what I heard." he replied after moment.
"That's because you don't listen to me!" I huffed and plopped down on the stool next to him and asked the bartender for a ginger ale. My stomach felt as though it were in knots.
"Tony." I heard Pepper call from near by. We both looked and she was waving for him to come over.
"Welp gotta go mingle with the executives." He called out as he left the bar. I chugged my ginger ale and asked for another.
"What's a nice girl like you doing over a this place?" I heard a familiar voice call. I smiled to myself and then looked quickly to my right. It was Rhodey.
I gave a weak smile, "Like any other desperate person, I'm drinking my troubles away." I mumbled flatly.
He smirked "It might take you a while if all you plan on having is that."
"Hey I can try." I shrugged and took another drink.
He chuckled and came next to me, "Now what kinda problems could a girl like you have?"
I took a bigger drink this time, letting one of the ice cubes fall into my mouth. My mouth went ajar as the cold ice sat on my tongue as I tilted my head towards Tony and Pepper who had moved further across the room.
"Ah. Yeah your gonna need something a lot stronger to fix that problem." I nodded knowingly while chomping away at the ice in mouth.
"Two Martinis." He called to the bar tender. I shook my head immediately and raised my hand up.
"You sure." I nodded contently. I was nauseous enough and despite the temptation to block out my sorrows. Now wasn't a time to get waisted.
"Alright. Just one." He called out again.
"Yeah thanks but I'm sick enough already."
"How come?" He inquired genuinely and took a sip of his drink.
"Tony went behind my back and rescheduled one of his meetings. Instead of meeting afterwards, we're all going to discuss business here."
He nodded, "Yeah Pepper told me about that. You got history with these guys?" Rhodey inquired casually, at least he attempted too. The fact that he presented the question at all told me he knew way more than he was letting on.
I smirked, "I suppose Pepper told you that too."
"Uh no. Happy did actually." My attention was immediately caught.
"When!" I raised my voice a little loudly, but no one seemed noticed.
"Oh just as I was coming."
I shook my head back in forth in disbelief. "Is nothing sacred?"
"In Tony's house, no not really."
He wasn't wrong there.
"So what's your history with these guys?" he asked casually again.
I gave an annoyed smile, "You know your worse than Tony when it comes to nosiness."
He raised his hands in defense, but I could tell he was still curious.
"What Happy didn't give you all the dirt already?" I jabbed slyly and gave a prissy glare.
"Nah. Like I said it was just as I came in so I didn't get to hear any of the juice parts."
I laughed immediately and playfully swiped at his shoulder.
"Bruce I met a few years back when I was first working and training with Pepper." I began with that detail as it was the least complex.
"And Queen?" Rhodey inquired through a few sips of his Martini. I got good at not letting his name result in changes of expression anymore; at least ones that others could detect.
"I've known him a bit longer." was my reply as I shrugged casually and gave a small smile.
He nodded unbelieving, "Uh huh. Sure."
I gave him a puzzled look before he continued on.
"Oh don't think I don't know about your rebellious teenage years."
"Oh shut up!" I scoffed immediately. It was a mix of insult and surprise that escaped in my tone. Now Rhodey knew too much.
"I was not rebellious!" I quickly defended myself but he wasn't buying it.
"Huh. Please. I know all about you sneaking out to all those parties and sneaking of to Star City."
My mouth went agape as Rhodey continued on, "Oh yeah, Pepper and Happy told me all about it."
My mouth immediately began to vomit,
"Pepper's the one who let me go! Tony wouldn't let me do anything and Happy was with me like the whole time!"
I felt like a demanding and whining child as I poorly pleaded my side of the story. When I had ended my rambling Rhodey was grinning from ear to ear.
I glared at him intently, "I hate you."
He chuckled and I shook my head, "Your just like Tony, will do anything to get under my skin."
He nodded, "Got that right." I scoffed, "Well thanks a lot UNCLE Rhodey."He smirked while taking another drink.
"Wait a second." I thought back on my rant from moments ago as a few memories flashed through my mind, "You said Star City."
Rhodey nodded, "Oh yeah I know all about that."
My mouth went ajar before forming into a scowl, "Who blabbed?" I demanded
"Let's see," He thought for a moment, "Yeah that one was Happy."
"I'll kill him." I gritted my teeth and banged mu fist against the counter. I then took my last shot of ginger ale.
"This isn't helping." I mumbled and pushed the glass away. "I don't know why I'm so on edge."
"Well I'd be to if I was reuniting with my ex after 4 years." He tried to hide his smirk, but he failed miserably.
"You shut up!" I reached over to shove him, but he moved before I could.
"He's a scum bag and you know it!"
He scoffed, "Yeah I did, but you didn't." He chuckled as I glared at him.
"That's not fair, you know he had a thing for me. I was never interested." I tried defending myself.
He scoffed quickly, "Has, did, probably still does."
"Oh please." I scrunched up my face in disgust.
"You wanna bet on it?" He retorted and my ears perked up. "50$ bucks says he can't take his eyes off you tonight."
I rolled my eyes and smirked confidently, "60$ says he found some other hussy to lead on."
"Oooo." He replied back swiftly and shot me a confident smile. "You got yourself a firm deal on that."
We shook on the deal and began to people from beside the open bar.
"So what's Father Stank discussing over there anyway?"
I almost choked on my, second, drink and clapped my hands over my mouth to avoid spewing it everywhere.
"Your never gonna let that go are you?" I grinned at him widely.
"Oh hell no. I've waited my whole life to get leverage against that guy. I'm going to enjoy it."
I chuckled and nodded in agreement, "He's talking with the financial staff of various companies."
Rhodey nodded before swatting at my arm.
"Don't look now, but your first client just arrived." I glanced towards the entrance and saw the infamous Bruce Wayne walk in.
I groaned to myself as Bruce immediately spotted me and headed towards the bar.
"And that's my cue to go." Rhodey mumbled and got off his bar stool.
"Don't you dare leave me." I angrily whispered as I whipped around in my stool. He just pretended to not notice me. Before I could say anything else Bruce was already behind me.
"Niki." He called out to me with a warm smile.
"Bruce." I smiled back and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"You remember Rhodes?" I directed him immediately towards Rhodey before the sick little rat, could sneak away.
"Hi good to see again." Rhodey spoke quickly, while shaking Bruce's hand.
"Care to join us Mr. Rhodes?" Bruce asked politely as he ordered himself a cocktail from the bar. I pleaded to Rhodey with desperate eyes but he was having no part of it.
"Oh no. I think I'll let you two to chat and go see what Happy's up too." He gave a large grin before attempting to retreat into the crowd off people.
I glared at him subtly, "I think you and Happy have chatted a lot recently."
"Oh, what are you talking about Nik. He defended, "You know it's been ages since I've seen Happy."
He gave me a sly grin as started to slink off.
"I'll kill you!" I whispered angrily as he slunk by me.
"Mhmm oh I know." And with one last grin he was gone.
"So where's Stark?" Bruce began with casual conversation.
"He's here." I smiled and tilted my head towards where Tony was.

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