13 End

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By the time they were finished, both of the wizards were more than a little relaxed, thanks to the hot showers, food, and sake. Even Happy, who had been stressed and worried throughout the day, was so tired he fell asleep at the table, his face buried in the polished wood as he snored softly. As they finished eating, Natsu grew quiet, watching his best friend sleep. He loved Happy, but he didn't want him near tonight, as awful as that realization made him feel. He needed… something. What was happening upstairs before they were interrupted? What had he intended to do, exactly, after Lucy kissed his forehead? As much as he needed answers to these questions, he knew he couldn't and wouldn't get them with Happy hovering so near. No, he'd have to arrange something else…

When Lucy wavered beside him, Natsu steadied her with a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he started, waiting until her bleary eyes met his. "I'm going to put Happy to bed."

Lucy's brow furrowed at his words, her thoughts running along the same path as Natsu's without her realizing it, or the implications behind such thoughts. "Where?" she whispered, her eyes lidded with fatigue.

Not with us, he thought, but instead shrugged, rising to his feet and carefully plucking his snoozing friend up from the table. Happy was so out his body was limp, his head lolling back until Natsu carefully supported it. His feet dangling limply in the air, Natsu brought him close to his chest in a gentle hug before moving him to the couch near the fireplace. Lucy saw his destination and beat him there, carefully setting up a small bed on a pile of blankets before Natsu gingerly set him down. A small coo of happiness left Happy then, as he curled into a ball, nuzzling his head against his front paws just like an ordinary cat would do. As Natsu watched, making sure he wouldn't wake up, Lucy stepped to his side, her fingers brushing his.

"You think he'll be mad?" he whispered, afraid any loud noise would wake him up.

Lucy shrugged, reaching down to gently run her fingers through Happy's fur on the top of his head and the nape of his neck. "I don't," she answered, and not just because she was hoping it to be true. Happy knew them and loved them just as much as they loved him. He'd know they kept him downstairs for a reason – even if they didn't know what that reason was themselves.

When she was finally brave enough to meet Natsu's gaze, she was only partly surprised to see Natsu watching her, his eyes dark and wavering in the dim light of the room, even if the rest of his expression was unreadable. "Come on, Luce, let's go to bed."

Without a word, she stepped forward, purposely allowing her shoulder to bump into his arm, and together they made their way towards the stairs, Lucy's heart flipping just as anxiously as her stomach even as she swayed on her feet. The repeated contact of her skin against his sent a bolt of nervousness through Natsu each time, sending his own heart into a wild race, until finally they'd reached the stairs. When Lucy groaned quietly beside him, he knew exactly what the problem was, even as they began their clumsy ascent.

Lucy's eyelids felt nearly as heavy as the rest of her. Although the sake certainly helped to relax her, she worried it may have relaxed her too much, as she found herself leaning heavily on Natsu to make it back up the stairs – her feet nowhere near as coordinated as they should have been.

Looping his arm beneath her shoulders to help her, Natsu smirked. This certainly wasn't a new experience for either of them. "Geez, Luce, since when are you such a lightweight?" he teased, squeezing her softly.

Grumbling, Lucy playfully glowered at him, her heart leaping into her throat at the light dancing in his emerald eyes, at the way he smiled at her, and at the feel of his solid muscles against her, holding her up. The smell of sake faintly mixed with the smoky scent of his magic, making her lean closer to him without realizing it. "I'm not," she lamely argued, swinging her hand at him as though she would smack him. She looked at it in mild surprise when she realized she was still holding the sparkling lavender jar of cream Shina had given her. What was it even for, anyway?

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