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Audrey POV
After what seems like a million breathing techniques, I finally am able to come back to reality and walk to the gym with Charlie. I was never planning on telling Charlie what is on my mind but after so much panic I just came out. So now I have one person who really knows what I'm feeling, one friend who actually knows what I'm going through. That's one more friend than I've had in a few months. Not even Brooke knows about my Ethan feelings, I have a sense that we are going to be good friends but I can't just let people in that quickly. It's an Audrey thing. People crowed the gym and circled around a foam gymnastics mat. Girls all heights stood in a line by the judges panel, looking nervous, excited, I think I even saw a girl turning blue. Probably from the blood circulation lost after Elise pressure choked her into trying out.
"So, do we have seats or what? I didn't come here to watch from the back row, we better have them or else" he interrupts
"Of course we do, don't worry. I got his covered Malibu girl! Elise! Come here!" He waves to her from the back, her eyes wavered around the back finally setting on us. I right away caught her attention, a familiar glance returned over her face making any girl scared to step one more foot forward. But I don't have to move a step forward, she came to me.
"I didn't think this is what you meant by front row seats, I you told me you had to go through her I would've gladly sat in the back. Gladly. Did you hear that? That means joyfully, happily, most likely wanted to."
"So, I got seats. Maybe not the way you'd like me to. But they're seats." He let out a childish giggle
"You know where I'd rather be sitting right now"
"On my bed, with popcorn, watching Friends'friends'"
"We'd all want to be doing that, but where are we now? The gym, that's right, the gym where you and I will be watching the tryouts."
Elise then joins into the conversation mauling herself through the crowd and finally joining us.
"Um... Charlie I didn't think this is the extra person you had in mind." I could hear the insincerity in her voice. Knocking me down like a baseball bat. All the confidence, insecurity, just bubbles up inside me making the world seem so much scarier then it is.
"Yeah well this is who I brought, so if you're ok with me not checking in with you like a child" he pauses and looks at me with genuine and friendly deep brown eyes, "I'd like to see what seat you saved us."
"Ok, whatever! Enjoy your VIP seat with whomever you want! This is America after all. , Barron's America..." she pauses and sighs dreamily almost as if the one man she has is not enough. Let me mention that Ethan is the one and only man she is ever going to steal. Nobody deserves to get something they want or have stolen right in front of them. Not twice at least... It was like I held a balloon, a balloon that was tied to my wrist, guaranteed to be with me for as long as I held the string. But suddenly the balloon untied itself and before I could grasp it again, it floated off to another girl. A girl that eventually would pop the balloon, on purpose as an act of revenge. That girl is Elise, a girl that would never change her reputation in my eyes. I knew Elise for about a year, in freshman year she dumped her Starbucks on Lily Greudsons hair. It was a fucking Double whipped crunch frappe. A frappe! I never knew how sticky and sugary the drink could be until I tried to help Lily wash her hair out. After, Elise told her Lily she was lucky that she wasn't in a hot coffee mood. I imagined she would get second degree burns if the coffee was hot! It's not like my opinion matters anyway, I really don't care what Elise thinks of me.
"Let's go" Charlie calls out from the front row. I push myself through the densely packed crowd and find the spot that Charlie motions me to sit in. Obviously I oblige I mean who wouldn't take a front row seat at the met! Who wants to sit in the nosebleeds? Not me at least, and yes, I am comparing this situation to the Met. As Becca says, "you never know perfection until you see it."
"Ok, Charles, I have to admit this was something to make my day! I can't wait to see these girls be judged by Becca and Elise! This is better than the real housewives of Beverly Hills, And I've met Erika Jayne, she's the bitchy one.

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