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Barron's POV
I wake up in the morning to the sound of Elise opening the door 'quietly'. She walks in with what looks like a simple breakfast of coffee and a scone. She sits down at the edge of Ethans bed and where he is already awake on his phone. They still think I'm asleep, and rightfully so because my eyes are closed when I start to hear what sounds like very loud kissing I can't help it, I have to say something.

"Will you to shut up?" I say angrily as I throw a pillow. And turn to the other side of my bed

"I was just leaving. But your one to talk" Elise says as she stands up 

"What are you talking about?" I ask 

"You're all over page six Care Bear." 

"I thought you were just leaving?" She kisses Ethan goodbye and leaves while giving me the evil eye. 

"You don't have to act so rudely to her."

"Ethan, what I'm about to say comes from a place of friendship. But you can't play with her, she's a human being. No matter how much I dislike her. You can't use her as a rebound to get over Audrey. You either need to commit which let's face it you're not ready to do or break whatever that is off." 

"Food for thought. But have you ever considered this is my way of getting over her? That maybe she makes me feel better?" 

"We both know how unfair that is"

"Oh don't play that good guy facade with me when we both know what's going on with you and Brooke."

"There is nothing going on between us!"

"Oh come on, anyone with half a brain knows you're screwing."

"You don't have half a brain!"

"Okay, so you wouldn't mind if I say that she's not hard on the eyes, that she's a good conversationalist-" 

"Put me out of my misery," I say as I cut him off. If I'm being honest what he said kinda bothered me, but I have no idea why. It's not like I see her in that way. I don't know maybe we have just become such good friends that I feel semi-protective of her.

"See the Care Bear is catching feelings" 

"Oh shut up." 

"How about this I won't grill you on your love life if you will extend me the same courtesy"

"On one condition."


"Elise can't come over all the time, I have witnessed enough of you for a lifetime"

"Fine. But when she does come over, you have to go to the girl's room."

"Really?" I say begrudgingly 

"Quality over quantity" Ethan replies

"Well I have to go get ready but you are gonna get this room all to yourself when I leave"

"Where are you going"

"I have to go do some damage control in DC."

"So you're in trouble"

"I have to get ready and you need to get a life." As I went into the bathroom I saw him roll his eyes. When I come out I Ethans gone. I grab my stuff and decide to head to class alone.

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