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The first day is relatively normal. I got the usual "oh my god you seem so nice, sit with me" and "let's get to know each other" so naturally I am so glad when lunch rolls around. 

 I'm so tired of hanging out with all these superficial people. I want to go back to my room, but I know that's not the way you meet people. So I swallow my pride and go to the cafetière. I walk in and it's loud but ultimately nice with circle tables and decent food. I look for Audrey in the crowd and sit next to her since I don't really know anyone else. We chat for a bit when the HEA girls sit down (we nicknamed Elise's minions that).

"Hello, girls Brooke it's so nice to see you." Elise say

"Yeah lovely to see you too." I fake a smile

"So we don't do this often but we really like you-" Haley says before she's cut off by Anabel
"We want to invite you to sit at our table!"

"Oh well that's great but I'm fine here" I try to say as nicely as possible 

"You don't have to make a decision right away" Elise cuts in 

"Didn't she already make one" Audrey makes clear

"Oh shush. No one was even talking to you" Haley adds.

 I can tell Audrey wants to leave. So I don't stop her, I mean if it were me I would be suppressing the urge to punch her. Anyway now I'm left with the HEA girls all by myself. So I might as well use this opportunity to get some info out of them. 

"So how long have you and Ethan been dating?" I already knew the answer to this question: they aren't, what happened this morning is more like a booty call.

"Well we first started to think about each other romantically about a month ago, but nothing is official." Well, it's not exactly a lie, more like fragments of the truth. 

"Well I'm in the market, and I think Barron is super cute." Annabel says dreamily

"Yeah, he's everything. Tall, handsome, and those eyes. I could look at him all day!" Haley says in the same tone

"You two are delusional if you the Care Bear likes any of you." Elise mocks. I realize I haven't said something in awhile so I add

"He probably isn't even in the market. If he was he would get a supermodel or something" 

"Like you perhaps," Haley said sarcastically 

"Obviously not!" I defend 

"I mean it's not out of the realm of possibility," Elise says

"Do you really think I would ever go for such a cliche" they all laugh at that?

 But I am ready to get away and thankfully the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. We say our goodbyes and continue on with the rest of our day, mine is rather dull. After what seems like forever school is finally over. Audrey and I have AP gov together at the end of the day so we decide to walk home together. 

"So how was your first day." Audrey asks

"Mediocre" I reply 

"Look I'm sorry I left you with them, it's just I can't stand that waste of space" this was the perfect time to ask

"Can I ask why.?" She sighs 

"I guess you'll find out soon enough anyway, during the beginning of the year I and Ethan started to date, I know crazy, we did everything together and our relationship escalated quickly and within just a few months of dating, he said he loved me. Like an idiot I thought he meant it, I said it back and everything was great for a few weeks. Until I caught Elise bragging to her friends about how she finally kissed Ethan. I confronted him about it and he said he was drunk it was one meaningless kiss, that it would never happen again. But how could I begin to trust him again and there is always a possibility that he is lying."

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