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Brooke POV
I walk out of my AP GOV class and suddenly realize that Audrey and Barron weren't there. It's the only class other than gym we all have together so it's kinda weird they both weren't there. I walk back into the classroom so I can ask for their homework and tell the teacher that Barron and I won't be here tomorrow. After that I start walking to my room, carrying way too much stuff and I even had to ask one of the agents to open the door for me. When I walk in all I initially see is them sleeping. I don't think too much of it, maybe they just had a long day and need a little me time. So I set my stuff on the counter, I am just fine until I see two empty bottles. And I mentally facepalm myself for letting these two out on their own, I mean it's a recipe for disaster! Just as I am about to go change and agent comes in to say that we have twenty minutes to get ready for the helicopter. I say thank you and as soon as he steps outside I walk over to we're Barrons sleeping and shake him awake.
"What do you want" he says groggily without even opening his eyes.
Ok, what do I do, what do I do. I start pacing around the room until I figure out my only option. I take out my phone and call Ethan. The automated voice message plays. No! He can't do this to me, I call again.
"What do you want?" He responds
"No it's not what I want, it's what Audrey needs"
"What do you mean?"
"Just come over to our place and you'll see"
And just like that he hangs up, hopefully because he's on his way here. I quickly type hangover cures into google and find a lot of things I hope to never read about again. The article says sleep is one of the best cures to a hangover. But in this situation that's not going to help since we don't have time. I scroll down and see that ginger with water helps the body stay hydrated and awake. Ok, I can try to find something in the school kitchen. But Looks like my best option is raw eggs. The door flies open and I jump back.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Ethan says as he walks in.
"We have a situation..." while pointing to the couch
"Drugs or Drinks? Which is it because by saying the word situation it could mean either."
"I don't know! Looks like drinks, do you see the empty whiskey and wine? Barron has to leave with me in 15 min, you're in charge of Audrey."
"I'll run to the kitchen and grab some eggs while you stay here and babysit."
"Why do I have to babysit?"
"Ethan, be honest with yourself. You're probably one of the factors this depression party started."
He doesn't argue back at this statement.
"Oh and where's the kitchen? I need to grab some stuff for our hangover concoction."
"Go Downstairs And when you get to the library instead of going straight, turn left. The kitchen is there."
I close the door and put on my fake smile for the guards so they know everything is alright. And I continue down the so said way to the kitchen. A poster catches my eye as I get out of the dormitory area. Homecoming Dinner and Dance. I've definitely got to talk to Audrey about this dance, sounds like bonding to me. Let me think, which way did Ethan say again? Turn left? I head downstairs to the library but find no hallway to turn at, am I at the wrong place?
"You need help?" A voice behind me says
I turn around to see a boy with curly black hair and a tall stature. Around Ethan and Barrons height.
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I've seen a worried face or two around here. My name is Charlie"
He says as he reaches his hand out for a shake.
"And I'm Brooke. I don't have a lot of time to waste so could you direct me to the kitchen?"
"Follow me madam"
And just like that he wisps me away. And before I know it I'm standing at the service enterence to the kitchen.
"Brenda is a bit nosy so just make sure to think before you speak. You want to be her friend, she can get you anything you need"
"Wait, how can you tell I'm new..."
"You know Ethan? I'm his lacrosse buddy. I'll be seeing you around"
"Ok, well thanks for the tour, it's been nice meeting you Charlie."
"I can say the same for you"
And just like that I was left to face Brenda the lunch lady and convince her to give me the most random ingredients. I walk into the entrance to be startled by a quite rotund woman. She looks around 50 and has a apron on her waist and chef's hat on her brown hair.
"Hello Darling, what are you doing here?
"You must be Brenda?"
"Yes, in the flesh. Now back to the question, why are you here?
"I need some ingredients for a cake I'm baking... some eggs, ginger, and some aspirin. I just had gym today and boy, I got some aches."
She then grabs the ingredients and heads back to door where I'm standing. I grab them greedily so I can leave before she changes her mind.
"Oh, and coffee helps too"
"For what?"
"I've been here long enough to know what eggs and ginger are for. I don't tend to ask questions but only try to help. Just a tip, coffee really helps.
And I close the kitchen door to head back up to my personal hell. I walk into my room and see Ethan holding Audrey up so that she doesn't vomit while Barron is still lying on the couch. I run up to him.
"Sit up" I say
"No" he responds grougly
"Barron.." I say calmly
"I don't think you heard me. I said that I don't want to! Need I remind you who I am!-'' he yells the last part and that's it I lose my patience.
"You're Barron Trump your father is the leader of the free world right?! Is that what you were gonna say? That's who you are? That's your big Hail Mary, the last wall of defense you pull out to make me stop in my tracks. Yeah your dad is the President of the United States but all I see is an angry drunk." I say as I storm out of the room with Ethan trialing close behind me. I am walking pretty quickly and dodging everyone until Ethan grabs my wrist and pulls me into an empty hallway. Holding my shoulders so I couldn't get away
"You have to go back, they need us." Ethan says
"I don't care! I have known them for two days!? There problems are not my problems."
"Don't "Brooke" me. He's so spoiled so obnoxious-"
"They both are we both are. But that's my entire life in there. My achilles' heel, my fatal flaw and I will always be there for her at the drop of a hat because I'm a gladiator in a suit. I slay dragons. I fight the good fight and then I wake up polish my sword lick my wounds and do it all again. That's what you do when you're a gladiator in a suit. Do you want to be a gladiator in a suit? Because trust me Brooke they are as amazing as they say they are." He responds
"..." I stay silent completing this
"But most of all we do it because a when push comes to shove they would do it for us." I look at him and his brown eyes say more than a thousand words
"I'm doing this because I'm a gladiator."

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