Ch.30: Hmm....You??

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(I'm Gonna Show You Crazy by: Bebe Rexha- Im so sorry! I got a little behind and then there was a horrible storm that fucked with the WiFi an I couldn't write shit so everything was set back by two days!! But now everythings fine and we get to continue this story! Yay! Lol enjoy!!)

"Im sorry, can you run that by me one more time?" I asked

"The adoption association said in order for you to stay adopted and under my care we had to establish a place to live together as a family. They suggested me to move in with you two so as to keep my right in having you both, I moved in." Mr Nicklenid- what do I call him? Said

" is living with" I asked

"We have like three empty rooms in that house, losing one ain't so bad." Danny said

"I forgot about that." I said," what the fuck do I call you then?!"

"Language." He said," and well like any other child, dad."

"Thats funny." I said a bit sarcastic

"Yeah, someday you'll understand." Craig said

"Just not today." Ohm said

"Then whatever you feel comfortable with." He said

"Can i call you iron man?" I asked," cause ya last name and your a male?"

"Sure, why not." Iron man said

I smiled and then the doc came in.

"Y/N you're being discharged early." He said

"Aye!" I cheered

A nurse brought in some clothes that I've never worn myself. They guys all left and the nurse stayed behind an closed the door.

"Alright try getting up." She said

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and my bare feet touched the cold floor. It sent a shiver through my body and I shookth.

"Cold floor!" I shivered

She chuckled and then I got over it as best as I could. I got up and she helped me as I wobbled a little. She helped me walk a few steps and then I was alright to walk and move on my own. She passed me the clothes next and then left.

I changed into them and it was a baby blue tank top, jeans, and clean socks an shoes.

"You know this is lost an found shit when they look this good." I said impressed

As I had finished I went to the door. I opened it and left then saw tyler and brian. They saw me and came to me. But hospitals are fUcKiNg CoLd, LiKe BrO tHiS aInT aNtArCtIcA?!

"How ya feeling?" Tyler asked

"Cold." I chuckled

"Its pretty decent outside, wanna ditch?" Brian asked

"Yes." I said

We walked off and went into an elevator. Tyler pressed a button and the doors closed. Then someone said to hold the door and I smiled.

"I got this!" I said

I went to the doors and put my hands on the edges, making me feel like if I'm strong enough to hold these doors open. The guy came in as I stepped back and he caught his breath.

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