Ch.12: Good Day?

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(Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by: Green Day- lets get some green day up in here!!! Ayeeee!! Lol enjoy!)

Anyways, as we were now nearing school santina ran off to catch her bus. We got to our school and started making our way to the back.

"Ya know, I haven't seen you eat?" Smitty said," like at all."

My eyes widened a little and I put my thumbs in my front pockets, putting my four other fingers in a fist.

"You guys aren't exactly around when I do eat." I lied

"Liar." Danny mumbled

"Shhh!" I shushed

"Y/N look at us." Brian said

I turned around and walked backwards.

"What?" I asked

They looked at each other for a moment and nodded. They looked back at me and I sighed.

"You starve yourself don't you?" Marcel asked


"What happened to always telling the truth." Vanoss asked

"I tell the truth, I just don't tell the truth when it's for stuff about me." I replied

"She told me she doesn't eat so this isn't a shock to me but still concerns me." Brock said

"Since when did you know her?" Tyler asked

"About three days ago." Brock said," but I don't know her, I just know small stuff about her."

"Yep!" I replied

Then I bumped into someone and the guys eyes widened. I sighed and had an idea of who it was.

"So am I still failing your class, sir?" I asked as I turned around to see my first period teacher

His name is Johnston Nicklenid, Mr Nicklenid. But I just say sir or teacher cause fuck it.

"You have been absent for three days." He said stern," where have you been?"

"Well ya see, my dad disowned me and kicked me out of the house. Then I went and looked for my own place, got one thanks to my friends here, then my dad later put a gun to my head but pushed me in front of a car but I was saved by my buddy luke." I said," and one of the days I was here but I didn't give a fuck."

His eyes held fear and shock.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a tree to sit in." I said

I walked off and heard the guys follow. We got to the back but then the bell rang.

"Noo! Fuck class! Im going to the tree." I said

"We'll wait for you." Lui said

"Sure." I replied

I ran off to my tree and just jumped up and did a pull up. I sat on the branch and sighed.

"Best tree ever." I said to myself

I sat for awhile then jumped down. I went to the school and saw the boys still there, waiting for me....not leaving me behind. I smiled and ran off to them.

"Yeah alright, Im done." I said

We left inside and they started separating to go to different classes. I was left with ohm, nogla and lui. They are with me in first period.

"So why don't you eat?" Nogla asked

"I just lost interest. I had slowly just stopped eating and stopped giving a fuck about my body. But I drank water at least to keep myself sane." I replied

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