Ch.13: Misunderstanding

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(Tangled Up by: Caro Emerald)

Vanoss POV

"Really! Your gonna tell us something!" Missy said with joy

Nogla and marcel were quietly coming up to us as I got my hands away from this unloyal little bitch. I cleaned my hands on my jeans and just smirked.

"Yeah I will." I said

They got excited and waited.

"Y/N had every right to dump milk on your asses and stop giving a fuck about you guys." I said

Nogla and marcel shoved missy and charlene to the floor while I shoved shetia.

"Way to go evan!" Nogla cheered

"Yeah! Great job!" Marcel said

I smiled at them and then looked at the girls.

"I don't betray my friends especially ones I care about. So come to me asking for information again and I'll make sure shoving won't be the only thing that hurts your pathetic plastic asses." I said

They got up and ran away.

"That'll show em." Nogla said

"Imma go wash and put 30 pounds of germ-x on my hands now." I said

They laughed and followed me so I can clean my hands.

Time skip

We can't find the others we so went to class. Once I got to class tyler looked hella angry as brock and ohm talked. I went to them and tyler glared at me. I took my seat and looked at him confused.

"Are you alright?" I asked

"Oh yeah, I'm fine!" He replied," just curious, how does it feel to betray someone?"

"What?" I asked

"Don't play dumb, Y/N and me heard your conversation with shetia, missy and charlene! She even saw whatever you guys were doing and her face was just flushed with betrayal."

Ohm and brock were suddenly looking at me shocked.

"You didn't hear what I said after? Nogla and marcel can back me up, they were there!" I said," I didn't betray her!"

"Well then we'll have to see visual or wittiness proof of it then. But till then Y/N is hella angry at you." Tyler said, more calm

I explained what happened and what me, nogla and marcel did. Tyler believed me once some random girl came and told us that the three sluts were gonna get revenge on me for what I did.

"Well that was just solid evidence right there." Tyler said," sorry, but Y/N looked really hurt with what she saw and heard."

I sighed and frowned.

"Fuck, I should've just beat the shit out them instead." I complained

They chuckled and brock shook his head.

"We'll back you up, but she is a nut remember." Brock said

"Its gonna be hard to crack her." Ohm added

"Yeah I know but if I have too I'll tie up the girls and make them tell her the truth." I said

They laughed and I smiled. We then started talking and everything was normal. Thats till Mr Nicklenid suddenly called my name.

'I don't even have him right now??'

I turned around and saw him at the door.

"Evan fong I need to speak with you." He said

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