Chapter 5

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Nevaeh POV

I was walking down a pathway in Lorien. It was about Midnight, and I started to get the feeling that I was being watched. As I turned around, a hand went to my throat and held me against a tree, gasping for breathe and clawing at the person that had my life in their hands. "Listen and listen well half breed" the unmistakable voice of Boromir filled the air. "You are an immense burden to us all. You know he only merely tolerates you don't you? When ever you walk away he scowles. You bother him half breed. Do you know that?" Tears were now spilling down my cheeks as I tried to comprehend what was going on. I knew he was talking about Aragorn, but he was lying!!!... Right? "You... Your.... Lying..." I choked out. Boromir laughed wickedly. "Oh no I'm not. It will be good for you to die knowing no one loves you." "I love her." A voice spoke out. Aragorn. I felt my heart leap. Had he really just said that? "I love her Boromir, and don't you ever think otherwise. Do you think it was her choice to be a half breed? No, it was not. Still she fought for her place in the world, but it was the people like you that forced her away. People just like you. Let her go before I make you." Aragorn finished. Boromir slowly let go of me and ran. I could keep myslef on my feet. I braced my self for impact on the hard ground, but what I hit was soft. I opened my eyes and starting coughing. I looked up at what I had landed on and I gasped to see Aragorn. He smiled down at me. "Hey... You alright?" He asked softly. I nodded slowly. "Did you....." I choked. He smiled. He gently moved my hair out of my face. "Yes. Yes I did." He said with a smile as his face grew closer to mine. "But what about Arwen?" I asked as his face got closer. "She will understand." And with that he closed the distance between us. His lips were soft, and the kiss felt like lightning had struck me to my core. I kissed back instantly. When he finally pulled back I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, his arms around my waist. "I don't know what took me so long, I mean you were always there, as was my love for you. It wasn't until I spoke with Lady Galadriel that I realized I loved you, I always had. I love you Nevaeh. With all my heart." He said softly. I smiled up at him. "I love you too Aragorn." And I kissed him again. We stayed in each others arms for a long time. I was eventually lulled to sleep by him humming softly.

Aragorn POV

I looked down at the sleeping beauty in my arms. Why hadn't I realized sooner? I had always loved her. Our love was always there, I was just too thickheaded to see it. I hope Arwen will understand. I slowly stood up, holding Nevaeh bridle style. She sighed an snuggled her face into my chest and grabbed handfuls of my tunic. I smiled and chuckled. I started walking back toward her room when I passed Legolas in a hallway. He looked at Nevaeh sleeping in my arms, then to me, and smiled. "I am glad, my friend. You two will be very happy together." I smiled softly and looked down at her. "All this time with her and I never knew how much I loved her." Legolas gave me a knowing smile. "You are with her now. The past is the past Aragorn." "Thank you." Legolas nodded and continued down the hallway. I kept going down the hallway until I got to her room. I kicked the door open and closed it behind me. I walked over to her bed and laid her down. I pulled the covers around her and turned away. A hand reached out and grabbed the cuff of my shirt. "Stay." It almost whimpered. I looked down at her green eyes peering up at me hopefully. I smiled and pulled the covers back and gently pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around hee waist. I nosed into her neck and she giggled softly. "This feels like it was meant to be." She whispered. "Yes my love, it does."

*** So!! Their finally together!!!!***

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