Chapter 11

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Nevaeh POV

We were in Helms Deep. I hadn't said a word since the battle with the Wargs. I sat on in the window of my room, watching the battle preparations. I heard someone enter my room, and by the soft footsteps I knew who it was. "Nevaeh, you know he loved you. He wouldn't want you to be like this." Legolas said softly. A tear made its way down my cheek. "Hey... Please talk to me. Please." Legolas almost whimpered. I turned to him. "Hes... Gone!" I croaked and buried my face in Legolas' chest. He wrapped his arms around me. "I know. I know. Shh." I sobbed into his chest for a while. "I must go." Legolas whispered. He left and after a while I heard Gimli. "Where is he?! I'm going to kill him!! You are the uncannyest, luckiest person I ever knew! Bless you laddie!!" My eyes widened. I flew out of my room and down the stairs. I came into the main Hall to see Legolas giving a person something. My necklace. Legolas moved to the side. I heart soared when I saw the person. Our eyes met. "Did you miss me little one?" The person asked. "ARAGORN!!!!!" I shrieked as I bolted towards him. He laughed and opened his arms as I launched myself at him. My arms went around his neck and my legs around his waist. I buried my face into his neck and sobbed. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his nose into my shoulder. "Hey.. Hey.. Its alright. I'm right here. I'm not leaving." He whispered as he rubbed circles in my back. I whimpered and looked at him and he leaned in. His lips met mine softly and passionately. "Ahem." I broke away to look at Gimli. "What?" "...nothing...." I turned back to Aragorn. "I thought you were dead." He smiled. "It'll take more than a Warg and a river to kill me. Where is the king?" I detached myself from him. "In the main hall."

"10,000?!" Theoden exclaimed. All of Isenguard had emptied. "Prepare for battle! Get the women into the caves."

We stood on the wall watching as the Uruk-Hai came closer. "Aragorn?" I whispered. He looked at me. "Yes?" "I'm scared." He smiled softly. "It will be alright. Just stay by me.. And.. If we survive this... Will you stay by me forever?" I gasped. "What are you saying?" He smiled and took my hand in his. "When this is all over, will you marry me?" Tears spilled down my cheeks. "Yes!!" I threw my arms around him and he kissed me. I pulled away and smiled at him. "Lets do this." He laughed

The Uruk-Hai approached and stopped. They started pounding their spears onthr ground. It was terrifying. The Lothlorien Elves readied their bows as well as the men. I drew an arrow. I heard Legolas say in elvish that their armor was weak at the shoulders and neck. An old man let his arrow go prematurely and hit an Uruk-Hai. "Hold!" Aragorn yelled. The Uruk-Hai fell forward and died. I felt a surge of adrenaline. The army charged. "Ithilio ifilin!" Aragorn yelled. We released our arrows and took down a lot of Uruk-Hai. "Ladders!" I yelled. "Thats more like it!" Gimli cried. I pulled out my sword. "Ready?" I asked, Turning to Aragorn. He smiled and pulled out his sword. The Uruk-Hai climbed their ladders and we attacked. "Haha! Two already!" Gimli shouted. "I'm on 17!" Legolas responded. "What?! I'll have nonpointy ears outscoring me!" I laughed as I jammed my sword into an Uruk-Hai. "Really. Those two bicker like children!" Aragorn, beside me, laughed. "Of course they do!" His eyed widened as he saw an Uruk-Hai with a torch running towards the culvert. "Legolas!! Bring him down!!" Legolas fired several arrows at it, but it kept running. It jumped into the culvert and a huge explosion followed. I was Aragorn and I were thrown off the wall and I hit my head, I was unconcious. The next thing I knew, Aragorn was shaking me, shouting for me to wake up I groggily sat up and took in my surroundings. Something wet was running down my face and I reached up and touched it. I brought my hand away and stared in horror at the blood covering my hand. Aragorn put his arm around me and helped me up. The Uruk-Hai were storming through the newly made hole in the wall. Aragorn picked up my sword and handed it to me. "Ready for another bout?" I smiled and took my sword from him. "Always am." He smiled and the elves behind us joined us in our charge.

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