Chapter 10

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Aragorn POV

Nevaeh stumbled into a table. She looked at me, her eyes full of fear. She whispered my name. I ran towards her as she started to fall. I wrapped my arms around her right before she hit the ground. Her head hit my chest. She was limp, and that scared me. "Gandalf!" I yelled. Gandalf strode over. "She merely passed out from exhaustion, Aragorn. Nothing serious. She wake up soon. You should get her to a bed. Theoden?" Theoden looked over. "Of course. Eowyn, show Lord Aragorn a guest room for the woman." Eowyn (turns out she was the woman in white) strode over. She led me away while Grima was thrown out and Theoden almost killed him, but Legolas stopped him. I gently held Nevaeh in my arms. Eowyn glanced at me. "So you are Isildurs heir?" I nodded. "You look like a King." She said softly. I smiled. "Thank you." She led me to a bedroom. "Will you be needing anything else?" She asked. I shook my head. "Where is Theodred, Theodens son?" I asked. She teared up. "Theodred died last night of battle wounds." I was shocked. "I am sorry." She smiled sadly and left. I turned my attenrion to Nevaeh. I laid her gently on the bed and undid the laces of her leather vest. I took her vest off and her overshirt so she was just in her tunic and leggings. I gently pulled the covers around her and kissed her on the forehead. I walked over to the window and sat on the ledge and pulled out my pipe. I sat there for quite a while. Nevaeh stirred and moaned. I looked over to her. Her eyes fluttered open. She looked about the room and sat up slowly. The sun had long since set, and the room was illumined by candles. "I told you to take it easy little one." I stated. She looked over to me and smiled. "How could I resist a fight?" I laughed. "Thats my girl." She looked about. "Where am I?" I walked over to her and sat down at the edge of the bed. "In one of Theodens many guest room I think."

Time skip to the council

And army was coming. Theorem has decided to take the people of Edoras to Helms Deep, the biggest fortress in Rohan. He was leading his people to a massacre. Gandalf and I both knew it.

That night I walked back to Nevaeh and I's room. She was waiting on the bed, still slightly mad that I ahdnt let her come to the council. "And???" She asked impatiently. I sighed and started to take off my leather vest. "We leave for Helms Deep in the morning." She gasped. "Helms Deep?? You have to be kidding. Hes leading his people to a massacre!" I looked at her. "I know." She ran toward me and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and looked down at her. "We might die..." She whispered. I nodded. "Then let's make the most of tonight." I said softly. She smiled and crashed her lips against mine. I kissed back and we fell backwards onto the bed.

Time skip to morning

I looked down at the sleeping beauty beside me. Her hair fanned out underneath her like a halo. She looked like a goddess. I heard a knock on my door. I quickly pulled on my breaches and tunic and opened the door a little ways. A guard was there. "My Lord Aragorn. King Theoden sent me to tell you that we leave for Helms Deep within the hour." I nodded. "Thank you." The guard nodded and left. I closed the door and walked over to the bed. I gently shook Nevaehs shoulder "Hey... Little one. Time to wake up." She moaned. "Noooo." I smiled. "Come on Nevaeh its time to get up." She groaned and pushed her face into her pillow. She looked adorable. "Make me." I smiled. "As you wish my lady." And my hands flew to her sides and started tickling her. She shrieked and threw a pillow at me and sat up, quickly wrapping the sheet around her naked body. I smiled. "I will leave you to get dressed my lady." She laughed. "Thank you my lord." I left with a chuckle.

We packed up and the city emptied. We walked for some time, until I noticed Legolas looking around. "What is it?" I asked. He looked at me. "Trouble." Was all he said before he took off running. I heard the cry of an Orc, and the howl of a dying Warg. I ran towards the sound to see Legolas pulling one of his short swords out of a dead Orc. "Warg Scouts!" He shouted. My eyes widened and I ran towards the villagers. "What is it?!" Theoden yelled, alarmed. "Wargs! We're under attack!!" I yelled as I jumped onto my horse. Nevaeh rode up beside me and pulled out her bow. "Lets do this." She said, determined. Theoden summoned his Rohirrim and we rode to meet the Warg pack. "I love you." I said to Nevaeh. She looked at me just as we were about to hit the Warg pack. "I love you too." And we attacked. I killed Warg after Warg. After a time I lost sight of Nevaeh. "Shes a strong warrior." I told myself as I jammed my sword into a Wargs mouth. "She'll be alright." I noticed Gimli was stuck under a Warg, with another about to chew his head off. I grabbed a spear and jammed it into the Warg. I jumped onto a passing Warg and killed the Orc riding it. I fell off the side of the Warg and my arm got caught on the saddle. The Warg dragged me closer and closer to a cliff edge. I tried to free myself but it was too late. We both fell over the side. The last thing I saw was the red flash of Nevaehs hair, then darkness.

Nevaeh POV

The Orcs and Wargs were dead. I walked around the battle field looking for Aragorn. "Aragorn!!" I heard Legolas cry. Where is he?? I ran over to Legolas. "Have you seen him?" She shook his head. We heard an Orc laughing and we went over to it. "Where is he? Tell us and I will ease your passing." Gimli said. The Orc chuckled up blood. "He's... Dead!!" Legolas grabbed it. "You lie!" The Orc held up his hand and died. Legolas picked an object out of the Orcs hand and my heart stopped. It was a necklace I gave Aragorn years ago. It was a crescent moon on a silver chain. He couldn't be dead. Tears spilled out of my eyes. "No....No!" I whimpered. Legolas walked over to me. He gently wrapped his arms around me and I sobbed into his chest. "I loved him... And now he's gone!" I sobbed.

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