Chapter 18

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2 months later

Nevaeh POV

The baby was due any day now. Everytime it kicked Aragorn would get all scared and ask it it was coming. It was adorable, seeing such a great king so afraid. But I too, was afraid. I was scared to death of the day that I knew would be coming. I was scared that it would hurt a lot. I was laying in bed with Aragorn, who was fast asleep on the other side of the bed. Tears welled up in my eyes and spilled onto my cheeks quietly, but not quietly enough. As a quiet sob left my lips Aragorn jolted awake and grabbed his dagger and looked around the room wildly. He quickly spotted me, curled into a ball, crying softly. He quickly scooted across the bed and pulled me into his arms. I stopped trying to hold back the sobs and let them come out. He gently petted my hair and cradled me. "Hey..Hey..I'm right here Nevaeh. I'm right here. What's wrong?"

"I-I'm scared Aragorn. Scared of what will happen when the baby comes." I slowly looked up at him with tear filled eyes. "It'll be ok Nevaeh. I'll be there for you." I slowly smiled at looked up at him. "Promise?'" He smiled and slowly kissed me. "Promise. Now lay back down you need your rest." I smiled and laid down with my back to his bare chest. He gently wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest and tangled his legs with mine. I smiled as he snuggled his nose into my neck. I giggled softly when I heard his cute puppy dog snore, signaling that he was asleep. I snuggled farther into his chest and his arms tightened around me, and I soon fell asleep.

Aragorn POV

I smiled as I looked down at a peacefully sleeping Nevaeh. I smiled as I kissed her neck and she hummed contentidly in her sleep. I kept kissing her neck until her eyes slowly cracked open. "Hey," I said quietly, as her eyes focused on me. "Mmmm why cant you wake me up like that every morning?" I chuckled and got out of bed, or at least tried. a hand grabbed my wrist and tugged me back down. I laughed as I fell onto the bed next to her. "Well aren't you in a good mood this morning!" Nevaeh giggled and pressed her nose into my neck and kissed it. I hummed contentidly but that hum turned into a moan as she sucked on my collarbone. I gently put my hand on her cheek and looked down at her. "Nevaeh. Soon, I promise." She whined and hugged me tightly. "Fine. Go do your kingly duties, my lord." I smiled and kissed her before I left to get dressed. 

I inwardly groaned as Faramir told me of the rebuilding process in Osgiliath. Apparently, many of the builders quit. Wonderful. My eyes widened when I saw a midwife run into the throne room. "Forgive me my lord, but the Queen has gone into labor!" My addrenaline levels skyrocketed in an instant and I was brought back to reality as Faramir drug me out of my throne. "Aragorn, GO! Be with her!" I clasped him on the shoulder and ran after the midwife. 

This was really happening. Nevaeh was about to have our child. 

Valar, don't let me faint.

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