Chapter 1

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Nevaeh POV

I laughed as I bested Aragorn in a duel... Again... "Ah well that was fun!" I laughed as I sheathed my sword. He smiled. "You never cease to amaze me Nevaeh. You keep improving!" I smiled. "I had a great teacher." I said softly and he smiled. God I loved his smile. My mind drifted to when I first met Aragorn.


I was 17 and my family was out for a picnic. That was when the rouge band of Orcs attacked. I quickly climbed a nearby tree but my family wasn't so lucky. They were killed within seconds. That was when Aragorn and his men burst thru the trees. They killed the Orcs. That was when Aragorn saw me, a small girl, in the tree. He smiled at me and held his hand out. "Do not fear little one, I won't harm you." I came out of the tree and timidly took his hand. He brought me back to his camp and taught me how to fight.

--End memory--

That was how, 62 years later, I ended up here, in the middle of nowhere, with Aragorn. I had been in love with him since day one, and three years ago Aragorn's had found out. He said it couldn't be, that his heart belonged to another, an elf. That day he broke my heart, but I never stopped loving him. "Really? Your 79 years old and you still daydream!" I glared at him playfully. "Where are we going again?" I asked as I sat down next to him by our fire and picked up some roast rabbit. He leaned back into a tree. "Bree, to the Prancing Pony. Gandalf said there would be adventure there." "How far away are we?" He shrugged. "About half a days ride from here. You should rest. I will keep watch tonight." I nodded and laid down next to him.

Aragorn POV

I watched Nevaeh as her breathing got slower and even. I smiled and gently laid my cloak on top of her. She smiled in hee sleep and curled into my side. I was surprised, but I did not pish her away. I was all she had. My mind strayed to the day she told me she loved me. It had ripped my heart out to turn her away. I knew she never stopped loving me. She had hope. I hoped for her sake that someday she would find someone to love her the way I couldn't.

--time skip to the Prancing Pony--

Nevaeh POV

Aragorn and I sat in a dark secluded corner of the pub. He was smoking while I was whittling away at a piece of wood. Just then he nudged me. I looked up and saw 4 hobbits walk in. They went to the Innkeepers desk and asked for Gandalf. I looked at Aragorn. He looked at me. We both turned back to the hobbits, who now made their way to a table not far from us. I leaned over to whisper in Aragorn's ear. "This must be the adventure Gandalf spoke of." He nodded. One of the Hobbits, Frodo, turned to us. He stared at us for a second, then asked the Innkeeper who we were. The Innkeeper turned to us and told Frodo that our names were Strider and Red, and that we were Rangers. Frodo looked at us, and then made his way toward us. Then a brawl broke out and he got pushed. He fell and then dissapeared. Aragorn and I jumped up when we saw hobbit footprints but no hobbit make its way to a table. We were there almost instantly. Then Frodo reappeared. He looked at us terrified. "It is said that hobbits are light on their feet, but to dissapear completely, now that is some feat!" Aragorn said as he hauled the hobbit to his feet. We led him to our room. "Tell me, what is your name?" Aragorn asked as he put our the candles. Frodo looked scared. "Underhill." He said. Then the other 3 hobbits burst thru the doors. "Let him go!!" The pudgy one, Sam, yelled. The other two, Pippin and Merry, nodded in agreement. Aragorn raised an eyebrow at them. "We must leave." He said. I looked at him. "Get them to the inn across the street. I will follow you shortly." I nodded and ushered the hobbits out. When we got into the new room across the street, I got the beds ready for the hobbits. "Here you go, now get some rest, you are safe here." They did as I asked and within minutes they fell asleep. Aragorn came in a few minutes later. "Whats going on?" I whispered as we both sat in the window and he pulled out his pipe. "I'm not sure yet." He said softly. We sat together in the window in silence for some time. That was when I saw movement in the room we were in before across the street. I poked Aragorn with my foot and jerked my head in the direction of the room. He looked over and we watched as 9 shadows surrounded the beds the hobbits would have been sleeping in. The shadows raised their swords, and brought them down on the beds. Aragorn had set up pillows to look like hobbits were in the beds, and the shadows shrieked when they realized they had been duped. The hobbits were awake now, and watching out the window with us as the shadows got on their horses and rode away. "What are they?" Frodo asked. "They are the Nazgul, Ring Wraiths, they serve Sauron and search for the ring endlessly." Aragorn said.

--Time skip to Weathertop--

Aragorn looked around. "We will stay here for the night. Red, stay with them. I'm going to go look around." I nodded and sat down. I watched the hobbits sit together. After a while, Frodo walked away to a pile of rocks. I closed my eyes. Next thing I know Frodo was yelling at Sam, Merry and Pippin for starting a fire. Wait... A fire??? Oh no. I jumped up and ran to the edge. The Wraiths were here. This is bad, I thought, where is Aragorn?! "Come quickly, to the top!" I cried to the hobbits and ushered them to the top. We stood there, me with my sword drawn and the hobbits with their little swords drawn as well. The Wraiths came thru the doorway, swords drawn. I fought them as best I could, then I heard Frodo cry out in pain. One of the Wraiths had stabbed him. That was when Aragorn came crashing thru, sword in one hand, a torch in the other. We both fought them, and for the moment they were defeated. I ran over to Frodo, who was wheezing. "Red, we need Athelas. It will slow the poisen till we get to Rivendell." My heart sank. Rivendell, where the woman Aragorn loved lived. But I still sprang into action. We soon found the Athelas, but it did little to help poor Frodo. That was when I saw her. A beautiful elf woman coming beside me with Aragorn on her heels. She got on her horse and took Frodo with her to Rivendell because her horse was fast and he needed help, fast. I pulled Aragorn to the side after the elf left. "Who was that?" He smiled. "Arwen." My heart sank again. That was the elf he was in love with? I have no chance. We packed up our camp and the 3 hobbits and us left. We aokn came to Rivendell, where Gandalf was waiting. The hobbits instantly ran to him, hugging him. Aragorn and I followed after them, up to Gandalf. "Gandalf, you weren't kidding when you said adventure! Is Frodo alright?" I said. Gandalf nodded. "Lady Arwen got him here in time. These maids will show you to your room, Nevaeh." I followed the maids. They brought me to a large chamber. There were dresses in the wardrobe, and I picked one. It was light blue, with gold around the edges. It had a tight bodice and a flowing skirt. I smiled when I looked in the mirror with it on. I looked beautiful. I walked down to where the maids said dinner would be. Arwen was already there, wearing a royal purple dress. Aragorn was beside her, wearing a grey tunic and black trousers. He looked breathtakingly handsome. He looked at me and he got out of his chair to hold mine out. As I sat in my chair he leaned over and whispered in my ear. "You look amazing." I blushed. After dinner I walked back to my chambers. On the way I saw Aragorn and Arwen at a bridge, kissing. I felt a spark of jealousy. I wanted to be the one he was kissing! But no... It could not be. They were so happy together.

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