Chapter 4

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Nevaeh POV

We made it outside, and Aragorn let me go. I instantly sank to the ground sobbing. "Why did he have to die?" I whimpered. Aragorn gently starting rubbing my back. "Shh its alright. Its alright." He said softly. I turned to him and buried my face in his chest. He tensed up, surprised at first, then relaxed and put his arms around me and gently stroked my hair. "Its alright. Its alright." He kept whispering into my ears as I cried. Eventually I fell asleep, still clutching handfuls of his tunic. Next thing I know, he was waking me up by gently shaking me. "Hey, it's time to get up, we need to move and find a safe place to sleep." I looked at him quietly. "where are we going?" "Lothlorien. To see Lady Galadriel and replenish our supplies." I half heartedly smiled. I had always wanted to meet the famous elleth Lady Galadriel.

We were walking thru some rather dense woods. "Be on your guard, halflings." Gimli said. "I've heard tell of a witch living in these woods." We all stopped as soon as we heard bow strings being tightened, trained at our heads. "The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in our sleep." A blonde elf said. Aragorn smiled "Haldir!" He exclaimed Haldir nodded and looked at Frodo. "You bring Great Evil here." Aragorn nodded and then he and Haldir went off to talk in private. I assumed that Aragorn was trying to convince the elf that we posed no immediate threat. I watched them talk for a while, then Haldir nodded and looked at us all. "Welcome to Lothlorien. My lady resquests your presence." My heart leapt a little. I would finally get to see the powerful Lady Galadriel! My gaze went all over the forest we were walking in. One of our escorts turned to me. "You bear the ears of an elf, yet you look like a human. How is this?" Boromir sneered. "Shes a half breed." The escort looked at me with utter hate. He turned to the escort beside him and whispered something to him. The other escort looked at me with the same hate in his eyes. Aragorn didn't notice the exchange because he was in front conversing with Haldir.

We finally reached Lorien. It was magnificent! The trees were lit up with beautiful light! We were led to what looked like a royal hall. The Lady Galadriel walked down some stairs towards us. There was a man with her, escorting her. I assumed him to be her husband. "10 travelers set out, yet 9 are before us. Tell me, where is Gandalf?" The man asked. None of us had the heart to tell him. Lady Galadriel looked at us all. "He has fallen into shadow." She said, eyes wide. Legolas nodded. "A Balrog of Morgoth." She looked slightly surprised. She looked at me. I heard her voice in my head. "Tell me little one, do you love Aragorn?" I looked at her and nodded. She smiled. "Keep up your courage and hope little one, he will see the light soon." Her voice said. I nodded. She turned to Boromir, who was within seconds tearing up.

Aragorn POV

The Lady Galadriel turned to me. I heard her voice in my head. "Aragorn, dear Aragorn. Do not turn away those that would give their lives for you." I was confused. "Do not turn her away." Galadriels voice said in my head. Was she talking about Nevaeh?

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